30.4 Known Issues

Patch 30.4 is now live for all devices, bringing with it The Traveling Travel Agency mini-set! Zephrys and Dungar are running Azeroth’s premier travel agency, booking vacations all around the world. Unfortunately, all these exotic trips have introduced the following bugs that we’re tracking:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Zephrys has a small chance to only offer one card on the Extravagant Tour.

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Using Carnivorous Cubicle has an issue where it copies base versions of cards (such as Zilliax without its modules and Dark Alley Pack without its size).

  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] The Patch 30.2.3 server updates were not carried over to Patch 30.4 as intended. The team is working on getting these hooked up again correctly.

  • [Resolved] [Progression] Some players in the Apprentice Track may have their progression blocked. This is also expected to be resolved when the Patch 30.2.3 server updates are re-applied.

  • [Resolved] [Shop] Kael’thas Sunstrider and Mal’Ganis Hero Skins have been temporarily pulled from the Shop due to inaccurate product descriptions. Players who purchased them in the short period between the launch of 30.4 and them being removed from the Shop can contact customer service if they no longer want them with the corrected descriptions.

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Carnivorous Cubicle’s effect has an issue where it persists after Cube is removed by Reno, Lone Ranger.

  • [Added 9/16] [Hearthstone] If two secrets picked from Titanforged Traps have the same trigger, they will activate in a random order instead of in the order picked.

  • [Added 9/20] [Collection] Players who claim a new/returning player deck that includes only one copy of a Gift card only have that one in their Collection. The team is aware of this issue and expects to fix it in an upcoming patch.

  • [Added 9/25] [Hearthstone] Some players are reporting that an interaction can cause a hero portrait to become incredibly small and move to the board. Reports indicate that finding the hero portrait and targeting it will reset it to its proper place and size. The team is getting a proper fix into an upcoming hotfix patch.

  • [Added 9/26] [Battlegrounds] Pilgrimp’s Golden version is the wrong Tier after Patch 30.4.3.

  • [Added 9/26] [Battlegrounds] Thundering Abomination (regular and Golden) has a text-only error after Patch 30.4.3–this should not impact gameplay.

  • [Added 9/26] [Collection] Signature Portalmancer Skyla is giving the wrong Dust Refund. The team will resolve this in an upcoming patch, and anybody who gets the wrong amount of dust for disenchanting her will get an adjustment after the fix.

  • [Added 9/27] [Battlegrounds] The team is aware that Leapfrogger’s VFX is slow when applied to Kindly Grandmother.

  • [Added 10/3] [General] The team is aware of an issue where some mobile users are told to go to the store to update when there is no update available. Reports indicate that the workaround to this issue is to just leave the error message up until the issue resolves itself (about 30 seconds).

Check back for more updates throughout the patch.

Battlegrounds Pool Changes

  • Darnassus Pie has been temporarily removed from Trinket pools.

Related Posts
30.4.1 Patch Notes
30.4.3 Patch Notes


Since this update there is a slight lag in the collection menu.

When cards are created or disenchanted then there is a stutter when the displayed card “flows” back into place on the page. It also takes a second for the cards to appear once created.

Also the Battlegrounds collection menu bug is not fixed. For a long time now it shows that there is a new board in my collection but there is none.


Any plans to make new animations for the Kael’thas Sunstrider and Mal’Ganis skins?

I’ve just encountered a bug with the new legendary card Dreamplanner Zephrys. When played I’ve chosen the “get 2 random cards that can potentially spend a lot of mana”. But got just 1 , the legendary Caine Bloodhoof.
So you tell me where’s the other one…
I also have a screenshot. Thx

Battlegrounds Duos is bugged now too. Every game today one team is disconnected from the start of the game-- and it just happened to my teammate and I, where both of us had an infinite hero selection screen before the game. Then, when we closed our games and reconnected it was turn 4 with 7 gold already for the rest of the lobby and we had to concede and lose an extra 50 mmr in order to get out.

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Arcane Alteration makes tier 7s into tier 6s…


When the wolf soul in the desolate land turns into the serpent haired succubus Zola, the copied card cannot be used or played

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There are a number of translation errors in the german version which still need to be fixed.

Death Knight (2 cards)
  • The Headless Horseman/Der kopflose Reiter

Issue: The card text is technically correct but does not rhyme at all in the german version which makes the emphasizing of the last word even weirder.

Legendär · Held · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version:

Der kopflose Reiter: Vernichtet den feindlichen Diener mit dem höchsten Schaden! Mischt meinen Kopf in euer Deck. Ihr müsst ihn zu mir tragen!

Heldenfähigkeit: Verursacht 3 Schaden mit vernichtender Macht, zieht meinen Kopf, damit die Armee erwacht.

Verbesserte Heldenfähigkeit: Verursacht 3 Schaden mit vernichtender Macht, entdeckt einen Untoten und schickt ihn in die Schlacht.

or: Verursacht 3 Schaden mit erdrückender Gewalt! Entdeckt einen Untoten und bringt ihn in eure Gewalt!

Kopf des kopflosen Reiters: Wenn ihr diese Karte zieht, wird dies gewirkt und euer Feind wird vergehen! Verstärkt eure Heldenfähigkeit mit untoten Seelen!

  • Corpsicle/Leich am Stiel

Issue: The card text says that this MINION will return to the hand at the end of the turn but this card is clearly a spell.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · Gefahr im Paradies · Fügt 3 Schaden zu. Verbraucht 3 Leichen, um diesen Diener am Ende Eures Zuges auf Eure Hand zurückkehren zu lassen.

English version: Deal 3 damage. Spend 3 Corpses to return this to your hand at the end of your turn.

Fixed version: Fügt 3 Schaden zu. Verbraucht 3 Leichen, um diesen Zauber am Ende Eures Zuges auf Eure Hand zurückkehren zu lassen.

Demon Hunter
Hunter (2 cards)
  • Furious Fowls/Garstiges Geflügel

Issue: The card text is imprecise and gives of the impression that the summoned birds are only Immune during the duration of the spell while they are attacking and not that they themselves have the Immune attribute permanently.

Selten · Zauber · Gefahr im Paradies · Wählt einen Feind. Ruft 2 Vögel (3/3) herbei, die immun sind, während sie ihn angreifen.

English version: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/2 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.

Fixed version: Wählt einen Feind. Ruft 2 Vögel (3/2) mit ‘Immun beim Angriff’ herbei, die ihn angreifen.

  • King Plush/Plüschkönig

Issue: Inconsistent card name.

Legendär · Diener · Wurbelfitz

English version: King Plush

Fixed version: König Plüsch

Paladin (1 card)
  • X-21 Repairbot/X–21 Reparaturbot

Issue: Sentence structure.

Selten · Diener · TITANEN · Todesröcheln: Lasst Mechs, magnetisch an diese Karte gebunden, auf Eure Hand zurückkehren.

Fixed version:

Todesröcheln: Lasst an diese Karte magnetisierte Mechs auf Eure Hand zurückkehren.


Todesröcheln: Lasst Mechs, die magnetisch an diese Karte gebunden wurden, auf Eure Hand zurückkehren.

Priest (2 cards)
  • Grace of the Highfather/Anmut des Highfathers

Issue: For some reason the name was not fully translated.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · TITANEN · Stellt 8 Leben wieder her. Entdeckt eine Karte, die entsprechend Überheilung kostet.

Fixed version: Anmut des Hochvaters

  • Serenity/Beschaulichkeit

Issue: Translation of the card name can be improved.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · TITANEN · Verleiht allen feindlichen Dienern -2 Angriff. Vernichtet jeden mit 0 Angriff.

Fixed version: Gelassenheit

Rogue (3 cards)
  • Kaja’mite Creation/Kaja’mitekreation

Issue: Error in the card name.

Selten · Diener · TITANEN · Kampfschrei: Entdeckt einen Zauber einer anderen Klasse, der (3) oder weniger kostet.

Fixed version: Kaja’mitkreation

  • Coppertail Snoop/Kupferschwanzschnüffler

Issue: Inconsistent card description.

Gewöhnlich · Diener · TITANEN · Magnetisch. Erhaltet jedes Mal eine Münze auf die Hand, wenn diese Karte angreift.

Fixed version: Magnetisch. Erhaltet jedes Mal eine Münze auf die Hand, wenn dieser Diener angreift.

  • Lab Constructor/Laborkonstrukteur

Issue: The keyword is written wrong.

Episch · Diener · TITANEN · Ruft am Ende Eures Zuges eine Kopie dieses Dieners herbei. Schmeiden: Erhält Magnetisch.

Fixed version: Ruft am Ende Eures Zuges eine Kopie dieses Dieners herbei. Schmieden: Erhält Magnetisch.

Shaman (2 cards)
  • Razzle-Dazzler/Effekthascherin

Issue: The card name makes the Naga in the picture female by using the “-in” ending but the character in the picture is clearly male.

Episch · Diener · Gefahr im Paradies · Kampfschrei: Ruft einen zufälligen Diener herbei, der (5) kostet. Wird für jeden Zaubertyp, den Ihr in diesem Spiel gewirkt habt, wiederholt. ( )

Fixed version: Effekthascher

  • Shudderblock/Schauderblock

Issue: Inconsistent card name.

Legendär · Diener · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version: Grauselblock

Legendär · Diener · Der Hexenwald · Kampfschrei: Wiederholt alle anderen Kampfschreie von Karten, die Ihr in diesem Spiel ausgespielt habt. (Zufällige Zielauswahl)

Warlock (4 cards)
  • Deadline/Vertragsfrist

Issue: Grammar error.

Selten · Zauber · Gefahr im Paradies · Handelbar, temporär. Vernichtet einen Diener.

Fixed version: Handelbar, Temporär. Vernichtet einen Diener.

  • Table Flip/Frustiver Schachzug

Issue: Grammar mistake in the card name.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version: Frustrierter Schachzug

  • Game Master Nemsy/Großmeisterin Nemsy

Issue: Wrong and inconsistent translation of the card name.

Legendär · Diener · Wurbelfitz

English version: Game Master Nemsy

Fixed version: Spielleiterin Nemsy

  • Endgame/Endspiel

Issue: The translation of the card is technically correct but does not quite fit.

Selten · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

English version: Endgame

Fixed version: Endphase

Warrior (2 cards)
  • Trial by Fire/Feuerprobe

Issue: Grammer Error

Episch · Zauber · TITANEN · Ruft 5 Val‘kyr (1/1) mit Eifer herbei. Wenn einer stirbt, verleiht den anderen +1/+1.

Fixed version: Ruft 5 Val‘kyr (1/1) mit Eifer herbei. Wenn eine stirbt, verleiht den anderen +1/+1.

  • Deepminer Brann/Tiefenschürf Brann

Issue: Error in the card name.

Legendär · Diener · Showdown im Ödland · Kampfschrei: Wenn Euer anfängliches Deck keine Karte mehrfach enthalten hat, werden Eure Kampfschreie für den Rest des Spiels zweimal ausgelöst.

Fixed version: Tiefenschürfer Brann

Neutral (4 cards)
  • XB-931 Housekeeper/Reinigungskraft XB-931

Issue: The card text is incomplete.

Gewöhnlich · Diener · Gefahr im Paradies · Erhaltet 3 Rüstung, nachdem Ihr einen Schauplatz verwendet.

English version: After you use a location, gain 3 Armor.

Fixed version: Erhaltet 3 Rüstung, nachdem Ihr einen Schauplatz verwendet habt.

  • Hozen Roughhouser/Raufbold der Ho-zen

Issue: The card text is imprecise and gives of the impression that the minion itself gains the buff and not the friendly pirate.

Gewöhnlich · Diener · Gefahr im Paradies · Jedes Mal, wenn ein anderer befreundeter Pirat angreift, erhält er +1/+1.

English version: Whenever another friendly Pirate attacks, give it +1/+1.

Fixed version: Wenn ein befreundeter Pirat angreift, erhält er jedes Mal +1/+1.

  • Nostalgic Gnome/Nostalgisches Gnomweibchen

Issue: Weird translation of the card name.

Selten · Diener · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version: Nostalgische Gnomin

  • Customs Enforcer/Zollbeamter

Issue: The card text could be interpreted in a way that it is actually the cards of the friendly hero which cost (2) more.

Selten · Diener · Gefahr im Paradies · Karten, die zu Beginn des Spiels nicht im Deck Eures Gegners waren, kosten (2) mehr.

English version: Enemy cards that didn’t start in their deck cost (2) more.

Fixed version: Die Karten des Gegners, die zu Beginn des Spiels nicht im Deck waren, kosten (2) mehr.


What happend to the closed shop bug 6-7 without fixing it but no the biggest problem is you cant get a golden pack . Golden pack is much more important than SOMEONE CAN’T USE THE SHOP AT ALL , but no fixing some skins is much more important right?

Can the team please look into these reports of cards becoming unplayable, despite having the mana to do so? Thanks!


the game does not allow you to play a card available for Mana, the card is usually obtained from the spirit of the prairie, for example, if a card was played thanks to a mirage and if it gave some kind of connected card, then the card does not even light up in green or any other color


Dr Boom board clear 4th fight is bugged and can’t be completed. Demonfire and Defile should cost 0 for this to be able to be completed. Sorcerers Apprentice’s change has made this impossible to complete.

Tamsin hero power does not work with the trinket that sets all minions stat to the highest(attack or hp). The lowest health minion dies from hero power but doesnt give its stats to your other minions. I rage-conceded.

I have the default guldan set to my favorite hero. My deck’s hero is set to guldan. Every. Single. Game. it resets my preferences back to default shuffle

I can confirm this bug. For me, after playing headless horseman and drawing the head using hero power to discover a minion, the game did not let me play any cards. I also noticed it does not let you concede. Only quitting and restarting the game solves it.

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Bug in Boomsday puzzle where the new apprentice makes the last puzzle of 2nd tier mirror impossible. Arcane Intellect with 3 apprentices costing 1 instead of 0. Th puzzle is then impossible, you lack mana.

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Same here. Caused by a most-recent Sorcerer’s Apprentice change.
Image: disk.yandex.ru/i/1hatwKh2FE6l5g

Used to play it in Aug, it was fine.

All the achievements in Core (Wolf) and Core (Hydra) are not progressing.