30.2.3 Patch Notes

Patch 30.2.3 is a server-side patch launching today with the following updates:

Battlegrounds Updates

Hero Pool Changes

  • Jandice Barov is no longer banned in Naga lobbies (but she’s still banned in Elemental lobbies).

  • Mr. Bigglesworth is now banned in Duos.

Armor Changes

The following heroes have had their Armor reduced to these new totals:

  • N’Zoth - High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 7

  • The Great Akazamzarak - High Rank: 7, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 5

The following heroes have had their Armor increased to these new totals:

  • Guff Runetotem - High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 15

Trinket Pool Changes

Some specific typed Trinkets will no longer be offered as pivot options when you’re not in that type. Additionally, the following Trinkets have been removed from the Trinket Pool:

  • Lesser Feral Talisman

  • Lesser and Greater Kodo Leather Pouch

  • Lesser and Greater Ceremonial Sword

  • Lesser and Greater Valorous Medallion

  • Greater Dalaran Cheese Wheel

  • Demonblood Gourd

  • Horde Keychain

Dev Comment: Greater Dalaran Cheese Wheel has been removed because it was too strong. The other Trinkets listed above have been removed (either entirely or as pivot options) because they had very low pick rates, indicating that they were not enticing to players. We think Trinket selections will be more interesting across the board with these changes.

Trinket Cost Adjustments

Lesser Trinket Updates:

Lava Lamp

  • Old: 4

  • New: 5

Dalaran Cheese Wheel

  • Old: 5

  • New: 6

Goldenizer Supply

  • Old: 0

  • New: 1

Shaker Portrait

  • Old: 6

  • New: 7

Nerglish Phrasebook

  • Old: 1

  • New: 2

Colorful Compass

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Alliance Keychain

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Fishy Sticker

  • Old: 1

  • New: 0

Souvenir Stand

  • Old: 2

  • New: 1

Blingtron’s Sunglasses

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Artisanal Urn

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Comfy Coffin

  • Old: 5

  • New: 4

Smuggler Portrait

  • Old: 1

  • New: 0

Booty Bay Brew

  • Old: 3

  • New: 1

Rusty Trident

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Greater Trinket Updates:

Nerglish Phrasebook

  • Old: 2

  • New: 4

Darnassus Pie

  • Old: 5

  • New: 7

Boom Controller

  • Old: 5

  • New: 6

Great Boar Sticker

  • Old: 6

  • New: 7

Karazhan Chess Set

  • Old: 7

  • New: 8

Twin Sky Lanterns

  • Old: 4

  • New: 5

Rivendare Portrait

  • Old: 3

  • New: 5

Artisanal Urn

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Reinforced Shield

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Enforcer Portrait

  • Old: 1

  • New: 0

Bronze Timepiece

  • Old: 4

  • New: 2

Balladist Portrait

  • Old: 1

  • New: 0

Colorful Compass

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Devourer Sticker

  • Old: 2

  • New: 1

Mug of the Sire

  • Old: 1

  • New: 0

Charging Staff

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Fancy Spellbook

  • Old: 3

  • New: 1

Glowscale Portrait

  • Old: 3

  • New: 2

Arena Updates

Card offering rates have been adjusted. Toysnatching Geist and Murloc Growfin have been removed from the draft pool, along with several lower-power Legendary cards and Core Set cards. Harkener of Dread, Snoozin’ Zookeeper, Tide Pools, and Corpsicle have had their offering rates reduced. Dozing Dragon, Red Card, Coilskar Commander, and Spirit of the Team have had their offering rates increased.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [General] Fixed a bug that was blocking progression for some Apprentice players.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the Bob-blehead Trinket didn’t work with various spells or hero powers.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Varden Dawngrasp’s hero power didn’t work with the Innkeeper’s Stein Trinket.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Catacomb Crasher’s effect didn’t work with Y’Shaarj’s hero power.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Rock Master Voone’s hero power didn’t work with the Triple Reward created by Free Travel Winner.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Golden Corrupted Myrmidon only tripled its Attack and not its Health.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Quilligraphy Set only gave only Health buffs to Blood Gems.


how about you fix the site where in the statistics page, you can’t see the 2nd or 3rd games you played in both solos or duos

Huh, this is the first time a hero is banned in duos because its to bad instead of being to good or broken, well good riddance mr.bigglesworth, F

Still not going to fix the bug on OSX where the client refuses to start unless the window doesn’t have focus on older versions of the OS? This is an easy fix in unity people and it has been here for years now.

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Where is the patch? That is Joke?

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How about fixing not being able to see Denathrius’s quest progression on mobile? Or teammate’s gold count. Let’s have just one patch this year about fixing the function of the game rather than barely adjusting balance changes.

Cool achievements courtesy of the patch.

Legacy of Kabal - 16 Kazakusan Treasures - 2027 / 08 / 10
For the achievements - 15000 Battlecry cards - 2027 / 08 / 10
Tanks! You’re welcome - Play 10000 Taunts - 2026 / 03 / 11
Finley Thesis - Discover 10000 cards - 2026 / 08 / 29

Theres a bunch more but im too lazy to write them.
Future achievements unlocked.
Always appreciated the profesionalism from Blizzard.

Later edit : Are you ever going to fix the View your Buddys gold in Duos Function ? the code has been busted up since Season 8 came and it takes literally 5 mins for your programmers / devs to fix it. You are losing $ on BGs Pass due to it. :wink:

The game is still laggy on my new high end desktop computer. Buying and selling minions used to be fast. Now it stutters like crazy. The battle animations are awful and take way too long. We don’t care about seeing crazy animations. We don’t care about the graphics so much that we want it to interfere with gameplay.

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I swear every time I read one of these they end up nerfing the heroes I played in battlegrounds the week before the update

How soon can it be updated? My Hearthstone progress has been stuck for a long time!

sounds like you’re picking the right heroes, then :stuck_out_tongue:

@gnomesayin - any ETA on a fix for the duos “can’t see teammate’s gold” bug? Really unfortunate for that to hit right when trinkets were added and to stick around so long, and it makes some cards and comps extremely frustrating to play (the buff-when-passed murloc is a great way to lose games when you can’t see if your ally has a gold to pass it back. Coordinating turns is hard enough with no chat (not gonna bother asking for an ETA on that lul), having one of the most crucial details about their game state, one that we have no good way to even try to emote information about instead, completely hidden… Starting to rob my desire to play duos. Bugs that prevent coordination and team-based strategizing in the team-based mode should be a high priority fix IMO.

Also FWIW I remember very few of the trinket names without art or ideally card text to remind me which is which, not sure how many people that’s true for but I would have to go line-by-line looking stuff up on HSReplay or one of the fan wikis to figure out what those changes actually mean. Getting the full Constructed treatment where anything changing has its old and new forms shown side by side - or just including the card text (or first line or w/e of it) alongside the name and old vs new cost would be helpful, at least to me.

Oh and while I’m aspirationally imagining I have your ear - please please please for the love of Yogg can we have a better/more distinct way to send a card to our teammate? The number of games I’ve lost because I played a card instead of sending it, or vice versa… is significantly more than 0, where it belongs. I think it’s taken the top spot away from “losing because I forgot how ungodly slow a specific animation sequence is and couldn’t make a crucial end of turn play” for ways to lose that make me stop playing altogether a lot of the time. Suuuuuper frustrating. I’ve gotten better at identifying the correct green glowy animation you want to see for a card transfer, but not good enough to make this a non-issue and the distinction (both in terms of exactly where you release the dragged-and-dropped card and the visual feedback telling you if you’re doing it right) is far too subtle and easily missed when racing through a modern BG Duos turn where every build becomes an APM build by late mid to early lategame

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And where is Big Spell Mage nerf?