Will they break again the Arena?

I am a big fan of this change, because I like that everyone is limited to drafting a single Legendary with no possibility of drafting up to 5 Legendary cards as could happen in the past.

Choosing a Legendary on pick 1 allows players to risk drafting strategies that require getting synergy to make the pick a good choice, with a decent chance of pulling it off.

So far, most of the changes the Arena devs have been making over the last six months have been pretty good. I expect them to continue to make improvements to Arena, and I hope they do not let me down.

Some players are advocating for the return of buckets over curated pools, which might be a good suggestion. If they continue with curated pools, then they do need remove some of the more broken cards in the format, like what they just did with Murloc Growfin.

I really enjoyed the last dual-class Arena season, and I am enjoying the current one. I am in no hurry to return to single class Arena, but players should voice their preferences to help give the devs feedback, especially if players like the dual-class format, since most posts are likely to come from players that have a strong dislike the current dual-class format.

One suggestion: I would like an easy way to copy and post Arena deck-lists for easy discussion. I think a way of sharing or replaying draft pick choices for others to watch would be great option as well.