30.2 Known Issues

the yogg-tastic pastry trinkit is bugged. the curse of flesh doesnt actually give any stats to a different minion, and getting raise the stakes doesnt actually golden the target.

“In the Mercenaries mode, I’m having an issue where I can’t settle mercenary coins in real-time while farming them, and it’s having a huge impact on my game. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Also, there’s a bug with Rexxar where the hunter’s rifle is not triggering correctly. I really, really, really, really, really enjoy this mode; I’ve invested a lot of time and money into it. Although you’re not updating the mode anymore, I hope you can still provide regular maintenance and at least fix some of the bugs.”

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Lava Lurker isn’t keeping spellcraft enchantments from Volcanic Visitor’s spellcraft.

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Game is in an unending loop.
Second team left at 2health and doesn’t seem to lose the game after reaching 0.

Quests still not advancing, day 4.

Mercenaries spells no longer count for completing quests. Loging out and back doesn’t solve it, so it’s not the same progression bug.

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Bug or (new) „feature“?

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Really hoping it’s a bug. Those quests are going to suck outside of mercenaries.

More on topic, I did once see achievements pop at the bottom of the screen. However, they weren’t lit up after going to the achievements tab of the journal until… you guessed it… exiting and reentering Hearthstone.

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My tasks and my gold are not being counted!!!
I noticed that my tasks are not being counted until I turn off the game and open it again. That worked for my gold and the battegrounds/ranked tasks but i just casted 12 fel spells on the mercenaries mode and didn’t worked this time. Either way, I need that fixed.

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There is a bug in the achievements tab for one Perils in Paradise achievement, specifically Demon Hunter. Normally, it’s supposed to show “Who’s in Charge?,” but it incorrectly displays the “Am I a Naga, or Am I a Puppet?” achievement from Whizbang’s Workshop.

It blows my mind how you can shut down arena to fix a problem with discovering cards only to open it back up with the problem not even fixed. So here we are days later still only being able to discover the same 3 cards and for certain classes only 1 card will show up for your options. No womder you guys got rid of the only good mode duels… it had a free mode and how do you screw people out of their money with something thats free. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for opening it back up and making people pay for this junk. Why even open it back up?

Даже после перезахода в игру, показывает, что квест сделан, но награды нет.

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In battlegrounds duos there is a MASSIVE BUG where if you buy “Persistent Poet” (only supposed to work on DRAGONS) and “Sky Pirate Flagbearer” The pirates keep the Start of Combat PERMANENTLY and summon over 100 Pirates at end game. PLEASE FIX ASAP PLEASE FIX ASAP!!!

I have the same problem ,too.
How to solve it ?

If you play Infinite Toki and pick up the Bob-blehead trinket, if you use Toki’s ability, you still get tier 1 and tier 2 minions.

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When are you guys finally fix the issue with the damn “empty” exclamation points in the shop?
Every damn time, I click on the Battlegrounds shop it shows me an exclamation point as if there was something new there. But when I open it, it says that there are no new items.
I contacted your customer support multiple times, even explaining that after I got reffered to the forums, noone seems to actually care?
And yes, I do get that your customer service employees can’t really do anything about the issue.
The problem is that after three tickets and multiple reopenings of said tickets I always get the same cookie cutter reply.
“We’re not developers. Go to the forums. Post your issue there and the developers will help you shortly.”
The “shortly” they’re speaking of must mean something different than it does in my understanding since it’s been literal months now.
It can’t be that hard to fix the issue.
EPIC did it with Fortnite from one patch to the next. But apparently charging people 25 dollars for a wriggly character skin is more important than actually looking at your customer’s complaints.
I also work in CS for a German company and let me tell you, would I work like that, I would have been fired years ago.
Not that I can do much about the situation, I’m simply stating that it’s highly frustrating.
Even tweeting to Blizzard CS EU does absolutely nada.

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Every time when you discover a minion with Azeroth Model Globe and try to pass that minion for the first time, the system will definitely judge it as you play that minion. I have tried this for several times you can prevent that only when you are full with minions, the system will notice you that you are full with minions and then you tried to pass it again it will success.

It’s not broken, sorry.
Because of type “All”, which includes Dragons believe it or not, a comp like that is possible.
Thankfully though, it isn’t the easiest to force and there are a good handful of easier comps possible when you begin exploring All options :wink:.

Has the progression tracking bug been fixed? After finally finishing the 75 pirate quest on the American server (which took several restarts to track), I went to do the same on the Asian server. I am getting progress tracked there normally now.

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Progression is still bugged i just started playing and i cant even finish the apprentice track. ive even tried logging out and back and nothing stuck at 11. dosent make a good impression for first time players