Daily quest not progressing via Mercenaries

The daily quest ‘Play 12 Frost or Holy spells’ is not recording progress when done via Mercenaries. Possibly intended? Mercenaries used to work for these quests. Closing and re-opening the client did not resolve this, so it is not a visual-only bug.


I can confirm this. The question now is, is this an additional bug (visual-only bug) or an intentional change? In any case, there was no mention of this in the patch notes.


30.2 Known Issues 20 chars

This particular bug (known issue) is known (to me). But …

doesn’t work here.

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Oh, really? I was replying to:

I was gonna say something like, sorry to hear that… But, come to think of it, I think I received a daily quest of this kind, gotta test it and see if I can confirm the bug’s presence.

Alright, for whatever it’s worth, I can confirm that the bug/change (?) exists.

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Sorry for the confusion. My comment that there was nothing to be found in the patch notes referred to a possibly intentional change so that the quest can no longer be completed in mercenary mode.

EDIT: It almost sounds like you equated patch notes with known issues?

:grinning: Oh, by the way (this remark didn’t make it to the previous posts), I’ve long lost count of the changes (mostly related to Mercs — that’s what I used to be tracking) they neglected to mention in patch notes or elsewhere, unlike the community, including even this poster on some occasions, who have unofficially documented many of them quite thoroughly (for example: Hearthstone Mercenaries Bug Compilation - 25.4 or my numerous comments on patch notes), — so ‘no surprise here’. :grinning:

Not equated — associated. Patches tend to go hand in hand with their respective notes (as said, often very incomplete) and ‘known issues’. As said, it’s not uncommon that the notes are silent (or even misleading) on some changes, but, in this case, the ‘known issues’ contained a possibly related bug, which I quickly linked for reference.

Anyway, in this light it’s hard — or even harder — to say whether the change was ‘intended’ or merely a side effect of another bug complex. :grinning: Moreveover, it’s often been hard to tell whether they know what they’ve been doing or intended to do themselves :grinning: , judging by their inconsistent, inconsequential course of action (sometimes there is an apparent design pattern, albeit uncodumented, but not always), so I’ve refrained from conclusions here and settled for confirming the bug in question.

No problem. In fact, your post was quite clear, it was my initial reply that was really hasty.

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Looks like the visual bug with quest progression has been fixed, as I just played a regular game of Hearthstone and completed one quest while progressing three others…but Mercenaries mode still doesn’t progress quests at all.


Daily and weekly quests not progressing across the board. Please fix this ASAP Blizzard.

Update: Cast 12 spell quests still not progressing, but ‘Win 2 games’ does count finishing bounties.

Update 2: Play 12 Dragons is also not progressed via Mercenaries, which is not how it used to work.
Can we get an official response as to whether these changes are intended?


Yep — regarding spells of various schools, cost or in general. Destroying minions doesn’t seem to get credited anymore either, however, playing minions — just minions in general, not of a specific type (I think I could confirm your report about this, but I’m not sure and could be wrong) — apparently does for those mercs abilities that are more ‘minions’ than ‘abilities’ (see the quoted bug below), e.g. Beastly Beauty, Bladehand Berserker etc — you could also recognise these by a distinct frame.

:grinning: Probably not. Regarging the first part of your question, that is — I’m quite positive about that, and as for the second — hard to say. They have intentionally ‘nerfed’ XP farming in Mercs, from what I recall, so they might have also closed this opportunity to do some quests in an otherwise forgotten mode — or it was another side effect.