30.0 Patch Notes

30.0 Patch Notes

Next stop: Paradise!

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May want to reconsider the wording used for Temporary. Currently, Temporary cards disappearing do not count as being ‘Discarded’.


The marin event says it grants 6 perils in paradise packs, but clearly shows 6 whizbangs workshop packs in the picture.


Do you have any intent of updating the Deck Builder so that Tourist cards function correctly? As of now there’s no way to pre-build any decks with Tourists in them.


why are there no patch notes for achievements that have yet to be fixed and have been broken for a long long time like “lootbox!” and “friendly fire”? will these ever be fixed?


I have a question does the rewards track refresh when this patch launches or when the new expansion go live ?

Are we getting the new board?

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because the patch isnt live yet the game will be patched tommorow

There are more bugs in this game than players. :rofl:

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refresh after new expansion is out

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There are other deckbuilders on other websites which are already working with the Tourist mechanics, just telling you. :wink:

a) That doesn’t excuse the developers for having a non-functioning deck builder

b) Every unofficial deck builder I’ve tried has had some kind of major flaw, from Hearthpwn’s having Tourist-enabled cards show up but not being able to actually add them to the deck, to Hearthstone Top Decks not even having a card text search option. There is no truly working alternative right now, and rather than hope some other site fixes theirs, it’d be pretty prudent of Blizzard to fix their own.


Dual Class arena is as fun-robbing as always. You can hardly pick any really interesting combos because most things just don’t fit together. Decks looks like garage sales.

Well, I guess I will just take a break from Arena this week.

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Anyone else can’t acess game after patch?

The patch is broken. The store is not working, the arena is not working. Fix it as promised.


Hello. After updating with the 30.0 Patch the options in the menu of the board don’t seem to be working anymore (disabled). Hover effect works but not the clicks. When I hover over the brawl button it says “This hasn’t finished loading yet. Please try again”. And it doesn’t end loading. Also the shop and the quest buttons in the bottom left corner don’t appear as well. Pls, advice on whether the described above problem is known and is being worked on. Thanks


great patch, the game is totally unplayable now :slightly_smiling_face:


Did you try to “Scan & Repair”? In the BattleNet client there is a cogwheel next to the blue Play button. There you will find that option.

Yes, I did. Unfourtanetly it didn’t bring any results. As far as I’m concerned, this problem occured only for accounts in Russia and Belarus. My has been registered in Belarus as well, however before the update everything was fine, except for the “Shop issue” announced couple weeks earlier, which the curent 30.0 patch supposed to fix as well, but it hasn’t either. So hope there will be some hotfix or something to it, as at the moment the game is unplayable anymore at that point.


Bug report topic: Game not working in russia

For developers: Log files attached.