Russia and Belarus’ had their shops closed (coin purchases) and arena for about 2-3 weeks. I personally had it for a month if not more.
Now, after the pacthed rolled, which was promised to fix all of the problems, i cant even play the game! everything is not working, and only in Russia, as it seems. I already asked a few of my friends and their game is not working, Russian discords are saying the same thing
Please clarify the reasoning to this situation and whether it would be fixed
Same! My game just looks like it has been closed and every possible icon just does not work. And even when it is not, somehow the standard regime is closed. Shop does not work for about 3 weeks. BGs always have some serious bugs. I do not know how to even play in this game anymore. By the way, i have Belarusian account with all the progress, however i am not in Belarus.
Likewise! Either the standard mode is closed, or all icons are unavailable. The Russian and English voice acting is periodically activated.
I created the theme back in May, then only the store stopped working, now everything is not working at all, I deleted the game.
Я из России, близарды ХУ@#@#@#@СЫ, чмок*
Are these any workarounds for that?
My working hypothesis is the fact the issue has something to do with the latest shop bug-fixes and regional currency which is no longer available.
In case any developers are reading this, here are log files.
The initial error occurred at 23:11 local time.
https:// ru/d/DL1lecfeH7wd8A
The game doesn’t work with my friend, there is no connection or non-clickable icons. Fix the game or give comments when there is a fix.
I don’t have a problem with this.
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Which locale do you have? Which region your account belongs to? What is the currency of your Battle.Net store?
not sure if same problem, but i also had this problem from Europe. Game launched and nothing working, then chose americas region, played some apprentise game and after picked Europe again and it was working.
After the update, the game is worse than before on Russian accounts, not only the store is still closed, but now you can’t play any game modes either, the game is literally unplayable. Do your job well and resolve it as soon as possible, we are tired of this nonsense.
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Delete this crap. Better read books.
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Issue resolved for me, looks like a server-side hotfix was applied.
Logged-in 3 times in a row without any errors.
Update: Show Shop is no longer working, worked before the patch, so my assumption above looks even more correct.
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The issue has been bigger than that, gonna cite this again:
For me personally, the problem started with the patch 29.6.
Eh? Regarding regional currency, that is. Wasn’t it all replaced by rune$tone$ long ago?
As far as I know, if you had Russia selected as your country in the Battle.Net profile, the in-game shop wouldn’t offer you those rune$tone$ (the web shop still would), and that was it.
Speaking of which, it could be another source of problems. Translations/localisations have been notoriously problematic.
Is that even a thing?
AFAIK, you could play on all three regions (AM, EU, AP) with one account.
Or were you referring to the country in the Battle.Net profile, as mentioned above?
Hmm, isn’t it dependent on your IP address or something like it?
Why are you calling some racist pile of… whatever… a ‘bro’? 
Nope, if you ask me, it means you were fortunate to have had your shop working before the patch in the first place. 
Please everyone, do not post off top things. If you don’t have any new information just wait for answers and etc.
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Am I hallucinating or has a post with links to some relevant comments by RidiculousHat just disappeared?
Great job, ‘moderators’! 
In any case, here it is from my tab history:
and further links from that comment.
Mind you, it’s an official source, so I think it could be useful if it is linked here.
Yeah my post is missing i dunno why as it was link to RidiculousHat response on reddit and he is Associate Community Manager for HS
Probably some bot deleted it due to direct links.
I’ve used a 'masked'
one (with ‘preformatted text’) to keep the reference here.
In past I posted direct link to reddit with Hat response about weird unannouced big patch at its still persist, so it still weird to me