21.3 Patch Notes

Hey dude,
Very sorry about your 50$.
Why dont you come over to play Legends of Runeterra?
I’ve been playing for 2 weeks now and already unlocked many cards w/o spending a dime.
Also, you can get up to 2 legendary aweek just by playing the game (pve or pvp modes).
Also, its just great!
I’ve written a larger post about it here :

I’ll slow it down for you. It was always played on turn 2 because it was always in hand. Now it is 3 mana and it is still always in hand. I hope this is clear because I really can’t dumb it down any further.

Same here bro, whenever i saw a mage who played the quest card at turn one i immediately conceded. Ridiculous. Uninstalled right after patching.

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Seems to me the only reason to nerf Illucia this way is to prevent priest from swiping the opponent’s quest reward. A lot of salt-laden tearful messages must have been sent to Blizzard’s devs by people who rage quit after an Illucia to stolen quest reward play by the priest. People forget that Illucia also carried a lot of risk as the opponent could also use the priest’s cards against then that turn. Considering I hardly even run into priests in standard this nerf seems unwarranted


I hate what you did to illucia. Just because some are loosing 1 turn early in game. I used her frequently from turn 10 on, to disrupt enemies hand or to steal his last reward. You did completely changed her effort. To copy enemies hand is by far not the same. You ruined a good gamechanger for priests. It is a shame!
Finally found a way to handle this mage and sorcerer quests, now no chance again. Thx for nuthing.

doesn’t seem to justify the nerf. All heroes are hard to stop when the stars are aligned for a skilled player.

hello, could anyone help me? and provide a list of blocked cards in freak. Unfortunately, information pops up every now and then that I cannot play in a duel because there is a blocked card in my deck, I have no idea which one it is anymore

Wrong patch. The current patch is pinned, for once.