So… no refunds? No disenchants? No nothing… just a whole bunch of corporate dudes encouraging sexual harassment in the workplace and then popping in to find that the VERY little to no testing they did didn’t work out and now they’re butthurt? “These cards didn’t perform like you wanted them to?” “People are using them in an unintended way?” That just shows how thoughtless you are, how little time you put into this, and how happy you to suck every last penny out of your play base.
Damn… Blizzard really be wildin’. How about stop charging us 50 bucks for a new game mode we haven’t even seen actual gameplay for… and like… idk… develop your game… just a thought… could be cool. Might help distract you from all workplace and sexual harassment you’re gettin’ off to.
i dont understand the logic. What has the standard set rotation got to do with wild, such that unbanning a card in wild depends on whether it’s playable in standard?
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the beast build you know its still broken, yes. but now you can’t starting that build from turn2 and being strong enough to just snowball until the end: with reborn at 5 and frog/parrot smaller, you’ve way less probability to start with beasts-focused comp and ending the game with that, you’ve probably have to do a normal game and then, maybe, switching to beasts in the late game. now beasts lobby will be less dominated by beasts, i’m pretty sure of that.
about the heroes, instead, you’re totally and completely right.
…so, shudderwock was “kinda strong sometimes in the hands of high mmr player” from “just bad for everyone”? to me it was completely fine before. he was decent, like you said, in the hands of capable players but only in murloc+beasts lobbies and only if in those lobbies, with that hero, in those hands, you also find the two token minions.
Can confirm every Beast Lobby is still 6/8 player playing Beasts @6000 MMR+ and Beasts are still dominating every game. Blizzard didn’t just nerf Doomsayer to Tavern 4, they made it basically non-existant. We have tested 50+ games just sitting on Tavern 4 Demon Lobby and the card appears to be insanely rare now or not in the pool at all. Murlocs is still dependant on getting SI poison minion to even be playable (not competitive), and Pirates, Elementals, Quillboar are still unplayable
Are you guys serious about “fixing” the issue with being unable to challenge a friend? I’ve been trying to join my buddy but after 5 resets it’s still unplayable. When will your game even work??
Considering we still have the Disconnection Bug, the extra gold bug, and many others after over a year of patchs and bug reporting you should probably realize that Blizzard only cares about pushing out new content to make money. It doesn’t matter how buggy, broken, or unplayable the game is as long as people spend that money on microtransactions
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Another ban in wild, gj.
These recent changes againt warlock simply shows how incompetence cards are designed…
Darkglare, flesh giant and now the quest. Quest is the single reason these other cards are modified. What’s left for warlock now? Practically everyone is supre fast now except warlock: think about the ignite mage, quest hunter, overload shaman, spectral pillager rogue…
Omg look at all the brand new accounts posting do we have a psycho in our midst?
In all honesty, with all the changes to Battlegrounds, I still do not understand why Khadgar is still in the minion pool.
Ugh. Warlock Questplayer here, trying to play my favorite class despite the continued hate from Blizz. Last patch they nuke Stealer of Souls. Okay, that was an unexpected smack to the face (it’s not like the warlock win % was anything to write home about). It’s hard enough trying to survive against the aggro shaman/mage (not to mention those ridiculously easy Warrior quest completers), but now that I have to take 4 more damage with not a lot of healing options to keep the quest viable makes me wish bad things upon the devs and spout more colorful metaphors than ever. @$!@&#*@!!!
Wild was supposed to allow you to play all your collection including standard. Banning cards in wild rather than fixing (or adequately play testing) them goes against that tenet.
It also raises the question of if the card is that broken in wild than how are they going to actually fix it when it only exists in wild and if they have a plan why not do it now?
How was the stealer of souls nerf/ban unexpected. Everyone knew it would end this way the moment the card was revealed.
As in any card game with a lot of history, game breaking combos will always appear easier and easier when enough cards are available. The inevitable future of wild is a place where you can play any deck, and if you feel like winning you can just choose the most broken thing at the moment. If you want to actually play fun decks just insta concede the moment you recognize a meta deck.
Unfortunately that is the future of wild. It will be harder and harder for the devs to foresee How much new cards will break the game. Banns are also an inevitable future.
I agree with you. What they are doing makes no sense.
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I had extra copies of Irebound Brute, Stormwind Freebooter, & Stonemaul Anchorman, but only the Irebound Brute has the text '“This card was recently modified, so its Disenchant value has been adjusted”; the latter two cards apparently can only be dusted for +5, as opposed to +40. I guess if Blizzard buffs a card, you are not allowed to Disenchant for full dust value, despite the fact that the card was “recently modified”…?
Yeah. Blizz doesn’t issue dust refunds if they buff the card.
Poison murloc, mechs, dragons, elementals, demons, and beasts all have viable end game builds atm. And with these huge nerfs to beasts it won’t be a rush to who gets the first frogger now
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making a new account to try to trick people into believing they wont get refunds for nerfed cards… you have waaay too much free time
Have you ever played BG? The single strongest card was doomsayer and this patch essentially kills it. If you had the right board it would mean 2-3 gold extra a turn at the least.
Also one of the most used builds was frogger beast which now is way weaker (probably not unplayable) but you would not go galactic on turn 6 or something.
For the heroes some are stronger some are weaker but really you have not one strongest or weakest so the balance is ok in my mind and it’s also about fun and options.
Also Here viable endgame builds (played by me or against me before this patch):
Big demons
Poison big Murlocs
Frogger Beasts
Goldrin Beasts (rare)
Big Elementals (usually enabled with the 4 star elemental)
Meckarel Mayhem
Divine shield build (with the 4 star mech)
Maly Dragons
Whelp Dragons (golden smuggler+ 2 razorgore + the buff dragon on 4 and the one on 3)
Quillboars (rare)
So the only thing I’m missing is menagerie so I would love a buff for that
How was the Hunter quest left in Wild while Demon Seed was removed? In Wild, the quest might as well read:
- Make the hero power target minions on turn one
- Make the hero power free on turn two
- Make the hero power do three damage on turn three
- Make the spells refresh the hero power on turn 5
- Lethal by turn seven
Every single game I’ve played against the hunter quest in Wild has gone like that. Demon Seed was annoying, too, but no more so than this.