20.2.2 Patch Notes

Meanwhile, Tavish Stormpike, serena bloodfeather, scabbs cutterbutter, brukan, overlord saurfang, and the other legendaries card, previously we see no play of them.

And now, after this balance change, we will see no play of them…

Ah I forgot, Hearthstone developers don’t read forum. They read twitter.


Doubtful that the shaman will see play with these buffs.
None of these cards are in the Battle-Ready Deck. Its the most competitive deck and yet falls short.
Not sure if you want to put Tidal Surge in your deck. Seems like its still not good enough. And you already have two strong 3-mana spells. Maybe it would be better to give Lifesteal to Rockbiter Weapon?

No Tickatus nerf. And I was so looking forward for the dust refund. Oh well.


Shaman needs more love !

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!!! hahahahahahahahahaahahahahaaahahahaaha


Haha that was fun, almost got me. Now where are the actual nerfs?


Sadly, that may be true. We don’t see any interaction on the forum at all.


Before this N’zoth was a perfectly good card; had zero need for changes. This poorly thought out attempted buff has ruined him as the only good Clown corrupter, and has a knock-on effect of nerfing Y’shaarj too as N’zoth was his best enabler. If you intended to push a Broom + N’zoth combo why didn’t you just have N’zoth give rush by himself?

The N’zoth + Y’shaarj combo deck was my favourite in standard; you can do it with any class (though with greatly varying results). Please cancel the change.

If you won’t cancel the change, please refund me the 9600 dust I spent crafting them.


yes we are all beta testers :rofl:


Hmm let’s see, what is the counter to paladin? Oh that’s right they don’t have one. Such a fun game…I’m sure these buffs/nerfs will effect nothing.

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100% this! As far as I’m concerned this is a Huuuuuge nerf. :frowning:


Really disappointed that there’s nothing for Duels. Rally the Troops has been dominating the game mode, and murloc shaman has been best at abusing this.

Will you be addressing arena in a future update?
Still waiting for: golden core card bug fix, leaderboards (last update over two months ago)
Still hoping for: more arena-specific balance changes, tournaments

That just means the spell it was changed to had no effect or targets. Get over it.

I feel like if certain archetypes didn’t get buffs then they will see cards that help them in the upcoming mini set or just another full expansion later this year. At least that is my hope.

It was just the least played old god by a big %

nice shieldmaiden buff. gamebreaking.


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Apparently I posted on another thread with the same title, so I’ll post my reply here:

  • RSW to 5 mana is basically a no-nerf, considering that incanter’s flow apparently is hardcoded to be played on turns 2-3 at best.
  • Tickatus or jaraxxus still not receiving any nerfs, who would’ve guessed it?
  • Xanesh received a decent buff but doesn’t change the fact it curves poorly for priests, especially with hysteria now costing 4 mana and now actively denying priests kazakus for good.
  • The only decent nerf was crabrider. I still think it should’ve kept the windfury tag but lowered itshealth to 3. Making the windfury a battle cry effect only will effectively kill the card.

As for the rest of the nerfs and buffs, they are okayish I guess?

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They don’t interact here because they cannot ignore actual questions relevant to the balance of the game so they use twatter because its mostly brown nosing drivel.


Crabrider nerf was awful. Should’ve just made it 3 health instead for easy removal and keep the parmanent windfury.

And no paladin specific nerfs to conviction/northwatch commander/hammer of the naaru? You can’t be serious, blizz.