19.2.1 Patch Notes


they did


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If Edwin is my only missing classic legendary due to disenchant. Will he drop as my next legendary? I have earlier experienced some newly disenchanted card would not drop in future card pack openings.

I would say you don’t get it again. I sharded a common in Outland and got a 100 gold pack. It didn’t drop.

I wouldn’t dig for legendary in classic in packs though. You would be better off using dust and completing the premades with other cards you actually own already.

This is like just EvE Online. It doesn’t keep it’s new players. A cruiser is fine at 7-10m isk. But then the battlecruiser is around 70m isk. There is no way a new player makes that amount of money with a cruiser and even if he gets it somewhere, it doesn’t feel right.

Bit of background to look into?

Glad we don’t have to deal with another year of evolve shamens. A suggestion is to code out the patch for mobile/mac users before pushing out and announcing the nerfed patch so we can actually play on our preferred platforms when patches hit.

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even if nothing was done most of shamans current evolve targets will rotate this spring, so there would 100% not be one year of evolve

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Instead of making shaman worse you could nerf secret mage already . >_<

secret mage is tier 4 in standard, and balancing is done based on standard because the purpose of wild is to be a place where everyone can play their old decks and cards that has rotated from standard

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It’s a very unnecessary nerf for rogue: all decks and modes have been affected. This include duels where an early big Edwin is necessary to survive early aggression. In standard my chances of getting Eddy in mulligan are around 25% and to make it big even smaller. I would recommend stop listening to click baiting streamers and look at your data. Also, when nerfing cards please take into account duels since you have introduced this mode and it’s now only playable by 3 classes and the rest is tier 3 at best.

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their data said that edwin was at an all time high in performence (if you had actually read the patch notes)

Do people even play that anymore?

And you know there won’t be any evolve targets in the next expansion … how?

Care to tell me in detail how Pure Paladin is tier 4? I murder evolve shamans, and any form of aggro into the ground. All I meet in high legend is those two.

check hsreplay for top 1000, before the nerfs it was listed as tier 4.

Not unproving my point that being legend with “aggro” isn’t a skill. It’s just “who can widdle down 30 without a brain”.

If you don’t play the game, why would you change it? Looking at some pie chart i suppose? Decisions about who wins and how. You know, there’s a volume about this. They call it “deck matchmaking”. That or “the game is rigged”.

Might want to read it?

Oh and… L2P.

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These nerfs are laughable. No one plays Vancleef anymore and he easily remove and Boggspine Knuckles were only use to evolves the shaman’s minions for not raw damage.

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If you disenchanted him before 26 March 2020: yes.

If you disenchanted him after: unlikely, it’s a random chance for it to be any Classic legendary.

You don’t get a card you already have until you have all of them by rarity.

That being said, if you shard a card, you don’t get it again. I tested it.

duplicate protection makes it so you wont pull any duplicates (including disenchanted cards) until you have at some point owned all copies of that rarity from the specific set. at that point the game considers you have owned all cards of that rarity regardless if you have disenchanted the card or not and all future cards of that rarity from that set will be random.

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They mentioned Edwin was their only missing Classic legendary, therefore, if they owned all Classic legendaries after the duplicate changes on 26 March and then disenchanted Edwin, the chance to open him again is unlikely and random.

If you own all rares of Ashes of Outland and for example disenchanted the copies of Skull of Gul’dan when it got nerfed, then, yes you can open them in a pack again. But you are likely to open many duplicates before filling out x2 again.