Bit off topic the pulls.
I do think Blizzard should not match player on the deck they’re playing. This patch, is exactly what it demonstrate. Blizzard “fixing” how people win, because they win too much, and how.
Bit off topic the pulls.
I do think Blizzard should not match player on the deck they’re playing. This patch, is exactly what it demonstrate. Blizzard “fixing” how people win, because they win too much, and how.
The battle grounds are bugged. I just won the first place but it was recorded as 2nd place. One of the players “ Sir finley” was stuck never had a turn. I killed all players and still 2nd place wtf!!!.
Стало совершенно невозможно играть шаманом на алмазе. Верните как было! 1 победа из 10 или около того после нерфа.
what a joke. knuckles at least 9 mana or this nerf is a big joke
I did read that but they didn’t say if it was caused by one specific deck or all decks. If it was caused by the whirlkick deck, they should have nerfed only this card so duels and other decks would be left untouched.
Dumb indeed to not even get this. Edwin has been a problem for YEARS where he singlehanded won matches for Rogues on turn 1-2 regardless of the set… It’s a sign of intelligence to nerf the root, not the branches around it.
Plus what you guys are even crying about being the last legendary playable in classic? There will be an announced classic rework in case you even remember something about Hearthstone’s future and Edwin will be UNNERFED as Alec said…
Seems 18 deckslots was indeed too much for the average joe in the community lol.
Apparently Boogspine nerf hit it pretty good since now they can’t play the 3/3 pirate on the same turn they play the weapon and they swing for less damage.
Seems you’re obviously expecting they nerf all the classes except the one you’re playing instead of being cautious. Lmao. Glad you’re not a HS dev.
Guess the game is not even close to be dead then. I play wild low ranks with fun/meme decks while climbing Standard for legend every single month and I meet plenty of new/returning players using bad decks. Like not even 5 seconds of queue to find new matches.
I’d rather pay attention to what players who are in the top says and know what they are talking about instead of low ranked idiots who keep crying incessantly about decks they lose to instead of adapting and improving themselves.
But hey, HS doomsayers existed since beta. I still laugh everytime I see one! Lol.
really only 1/30th of the problem?
not going even look into Yogg or Libra paladin or aggro decks in general? (I try name 1 aggro deck undermining hearthstone but hard pick one)
Sir, are you saying you’re laughing at me? I’m not sure.
i am actually glad they ignore wild format
They always have showed signs of lesser intelligence by their idiotic decisions
Insisting,pressuring or inviting them to take a look at wild format may backfire on us.
So please…dont.
A lot of us are laughing at you. One, your replies make no sense, a bunch of conspiracy and nonsense. And two, just as Will Said, you’re just a doomsayer. Frankly, I find no issue with Edwin both nerf and his HoF, because I’m indifferent. He’s a grandpa card, and while it can be argued that “Well Paladin can 3-mana heal 8, summon 8/8”, it takes us/them 4 card played throughout the game to get that far.
Rogue on the other hand can do 16/16 Van Cleef on turn 3 with optimal hand.
The game’s a slot machine, more-so than physical trading card games. I personally blame the “Discover” mechanic, which doesn’t add innovation, just adds Zephyrs to each card with that mechanic.
Well then, I’m sorry you don’t get it. I just won’t explain it to you if you don’t mind.
Good nerfs. Thank you. Lowered the power of evolve shaman, but didn’t destroy the deck.
Hsreply is showing that the evolve isn’t nearly as strong as before.
Fix the tavern pass rewards system or revert back to old gold system please. Any change not related to tavern pass is just trolling. wtf can I do with 95 gold? nada. Disenchanting value for cards hasn’t budged. Implementing changes that should have been around since day 1 and presenting it as updates. Every single game mode has players afking for exp. The game is practically unplayable right now… oh but a card that’s rotating out soon got reduced by 1 mana :O, yeah big thanks. The fudge is going on over there.
Messing with a classics card is sad to say the least. Edwin is rarely played but when it is it shows a good win rate so therefore its off with its head. Edwin was such a sweet card at 3 and Rogue isn’t the cancer of HS. Try reading your own forums to see what everyone is complaining about. Creating necessary nerfs will only get you fired, so continue to play it safe. >>>wink wink <<<
HS is still a good game.
I know right? So sad to see Edwin at 4. I can’t for the life of me understand why they insist on nerfing iconic Legendary and Epic cards instead of touching up some of the other mechanics that put Rogue and Shaman into the stratosphere. Their excuse of “Foxy Fraud is too important for future sets” is such garbage rationale. Edwin still looks like a good card, albeit slower, but I dusted him and it was a sad day.
ok coward continue flaming people and blocking them