19.2.1 Patch Notes

I don’t mind the nerf as I rarely play rogue. But I would like to play and now cannot log in on Mac or iOS at all. Thanks patch team!

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Doesn’t look to be working on MacOS or iOS


What makes secret mage so strong in wild??

We were planning on rotating Edwin out of Standard in a few months (still are, more info on that soon!),

I hope this means “revert nerf to Hall of Fame” like Molten Giant.

hall of fame is being removed as you know it. devs have also already stated that with the rotation edwin will also be unnerfed

You have priest with 2 3/10 taunt creatures, after you manage to kill one, they resurrect 3…

And you nerf van cleef?

This is just like HOTS. This game is going down the drain like all the others. I barley log on to do my dailies at least once ever 3 days. But i might not even do that. I loved rogue, it’s lvl 60. I was working on 500 wins. Van Cleef is in classic. CLASSIC.

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from what you are describing it sounds like you are playing wild, and edwin will still be full power in wild

I got a ton of titles on Steam’s winter sale. I might as well play them.

Turns out, looking at this. I don’t think they would “fix” anything any time soon.

Oh boy, I finally have a golden copy of a nerfed legendary.

nerfar uma classe com vários conter, PALMAS BLIZZ xãma tendo uma luz mínima no sol e vcs a nerfam zzzzzzzzzz.

Change A.F. Kay back to a 3star and a 4star. She is way too weak to compete.

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yet, you still haven’t fixed the Bonus bug for battlegrounds reset. I have had over 250 games, 70 first places, and NOT ONE 300 POINTS for first.

I was 12k before the reset and I have barely gotten back to 5k, while people in the 10-14k range MMR are still getting 300 points for wins.

I sent support multiple messages as well as reported it in the bugs forums here.


You took far too long to do this. Far, far, far too long.

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It doesn’t matter what they do. There wil apways be complainers


Edwin has been fine for years. But now some new cards come out where he has too much synergy with and instead of nerfing the new cards, you nerf Edwin? Like what

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same. no devs commenting? wtf?

Dear Blizzard, my golden Edwin does not offer me the full amount of dust :confused: could you please help me?
Thank you very much in advance :sparkling_heart:

have you updated to the latest version of the app? otherwise go to the app store and do so.

If that was true, they might as well pull the plug.

Right now they only care about the volume they have to see if they do something or not. That’s what they do. Not sure why they did this. Probably because of the upper tiers.

It’s been said, i’m repeating it:
A game doesn’t die when it loses players. A game dies when it can’t keep new ones.

Where do you think your business it at? The top player who has everything? The new player just trying to get his classic made, probably buying the starter pack?

Keep staring at the top Blizzard, you won’t see the chasm coming.

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Please please please please please buff underperforming classes before nerfing everything to be boring okthx