Сlassic mode removed! Please bring back the classic!

Good day, lovers of the good old Hearthstone!
I have been a player who has been familiar with this creation from Blizzard for ~ 7 years, and I came into the game at the time of Blackrock and the League of Explorers, when CW sat until fatig (-15 each!) With Mariel, and most importantly, the game had a unique charm in it I wanted to play, think about the next move to the wick and calculate combinations. And what did OTK Warrior cost! biblethump

Ironically, I had to abandon the game after a few comebacks due to the corrupted meta of the standard with face decks, and now, I returned to 2k23 with a desire to play, noticing the Classic mode straight from June 2014 (!)
p.s. I knew about the then meta from SilverName, from tournaments and vids. I consider this time to be golden. I was not pushed away by the bots in the classic mode, yes, it was not very pleasant to play against the same decks from base cards, but taking a leg (the first in my life, I can’t describe it in words, by the way, the players had already come across “my respect”) by this time, I I was surprised when I entered the game one day and did not notice my Handlock and Mill rogues, Ramp druid and Freeze mage, Miracle rogues and Mali druid (complete the list, I wonder who played with what) - decks, like the mode AT ALL, but instead already having ambiguous Twist reviews. I do not argue that the new mode is interesting and is able to revive the free one, in some way, there will be no stagnation (stagnation in the Classic meta is not quite right). He wanted to play anyway. I even thought about organizing a tournament.

A request to new arrivals - throw links to reddit and American topics from Blizzard, where they already write about it. BLIZZARD, NO NEED TO REMOVE THE CLASSIC MODE, JUST ADD A TWIST NEXT TO IT. Please. For the sake of warm memories and respect for the creators of this great game. Your thoughts on this topic are welcome, and subscribe, who are interested in the return of the classics. Not interested - just pass by. Don’t make a mess here. Thank you

p.s.s. dust for the classic cards has nothing to do with it - we just want the game to not turn out so much



+1, we need it back.


Yes, agree, please bring back Classic format. I was reaching legend in there every month since February and I had planned to continue doing so.


I’m also advocating for the return of Classic, it feels like the removal of the format has been made in a rush with no communication until a week before its death. Furthermore, Im really disappointed with the launch of Twist. The gamemode could’ve been appealing for classic players by implementing a rotation of older expansions (Naxxramas, GvG, …). But instead, they’ve decided to release Wild 2.0 which makes me wonder : Do people really enjoy modern Hearthstone ? Maybe Im biased because I’ve been playing this game for 9 years but it feels like both the power creep and randomness have increased dramatically these previous years, especially with the discover mechanic that I found particularly stupid. For example I don’t understand why cards can have both premium stats and a positive effect at the same time (e.g : Amalgam of the deep ). And lastly : Why so many random card generations ? It makes predicting cards almost impossible and thus making the game more and more out of control. But at the end of the day, you also have to consider the company’s point of view, they have no real reason to keep the gamemode alive if it’s not cost effective for them. It’s sad but I guess that’s how it works.


I wholeheartedly support, bring back the classic! I spent so much time in it, it was my favorite mode, since time. I don’t have much time to figure out new addons, and sometimes I just want to enjoy that very classic Hearthstone. Make it the fifth game mode or something. DON’T DELETE THE CONTENT FROM THE GAME, it’s so bad for all.


Bring back Classic!

Been playing Hearthstone since beta and Classic was the only thing that kept me around.

All my Classic decks are golden from years of playing and now the only way I can experience and play Classic is through Wild. I will not touch that gamemode nor any other mode on this game.


This game is dead. Move on.


YES! Bring back Classic Hearthstone!


Still missing Classic.


Now with the twist mode locked, we are pretty much short of a game mode. Only standard, wild, and casual remain.


It’s true.


Bring back Classic.


Amen. The so called twist mode is nothing but a greedy cash grab. They literally screwed over everyone with classic packs (same like they scammed everyone who went all in with the three mercstone mega pre order bundles), and they already did it with the greedy cash grab of $80 per deck twist decks people can’t use right now, and their boondoggle twist expansion they are launching not even a month after titans went live.

Notice how they didn’t even give the diamond reward for boomsday, which should have been zilliax? Instead, they did yet ANOTHER greedy cash grab by locking him behind the mega bundle for titans.

Sam reason they still haven’t released the older mini sets in the shop: wanted to nickel and dime people by putting the golden cards in those super expensive twist decks.

The so called twist mode and killing classic wasn’t about improving anyone’s gameplay experience…it was all about GREED!


Can’t agree more.
Any some fan boys will defend Blizzard’s taking from classic players still, just an fyi

Of course. The same ones you can’t get them to ever state one wrong thing about the company, the game, etc. Even when the company itself are posting their version of an apology. It’s cult like.

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Because if it’s better then now you need it and to get it you either have to spend time or money on the game. That’s sorta just how it works as evidenced by the last ~10 years of hearthstone business model and activision bysiness model (milk dead/dying games for all they can).

But you’re right, in reality, if the game were to have any real semblance of balance like it used to, there’s absolutely no way and no reason amalgam of the deep should be a 2 mana 2/3 with All types and a strong battlecry to boot. In reality, in “balanced” hearthstone, it would be like a 1/1 or maybe a 1/2. But then you wouldn’t need it as much, so you’d be less likely to fork over your time or money.

That’s why.

Twist sounds nice however u need so many cards from so many different expansions and this game is already expensive enough as it is lol.
Classic wasn’t to expensive… also idk whats with people hating so much on classic too.


It was definitely a forced campaign to set up where we are now. Look how quickly caverns dropped: this wasn’t some fly by night release, this was planned for a while. I’m sure the actiblizz defense force will drop the usual “muh conspiracy theory” but it’s basic supply and demand: they create demand by suddenly poisoning people on “cLaSsIc Is So TeRrIbLe!” and all the cries for a wild lite, which just so happens to be what twist is.

And wouldn’t you know it? Not even a month after titans is dropped (and before we even have a hint of the mini set), they already have a twist set ready to go, complete with signatures and that’s on top of everything I said before:

Now compare this to how slow they are to roll out anything! And we’re supposed to believe they popped this out of nowhere because they suddenly improved their work ethic, and doubled production?!

I’d sooner believe politicians are going to enact term limits on themselves, ban themselves from insider trading, AND go after all the ones who did it before they banned it!

so you read devs posts on reddit over a year ago like i did !

you know the one with ayala saying they had laready decided to remove classic and were discussing to what replace it with

he even mentioned a straight to wild cards !

and about classic if you check the classic subreddit youll notice people were posting about long queues at all ranks for months which supports what ayala told us about the mode being popular only for a few weeks

I’d like a link where they admit to the planned campaign to kill classic to force the switch to twist (adding the emphasis in case there’s confusion), because that’s what I was clearly talking about:

Since you just admitted you somehow knew this was a forced campaign to kill classic by the company to bring in twist mode

before the mode was even announced.

Direct to wild cards is one thing (because of course there’s always leaving off the “we’re going to go full hyper predatory monetization and screw over everyone who bought classic packs! But you can trust us and buy THESE decks/packs/cards…for real this time!” just forget mercstone mega triple bundles, classic packs, etc), but I clearly made spoke about a clear plan to bring in the hyper predatory monetization mode.

Who’s your source on the inside? Or confirming you work for the company?