Legendery gems dissappeared

This is what happened to me as well. Been waiting for about 16 days now for a response.

Any word yet?? Still been waiting. Response time has been horrible on this.

No news from my side tooā€¦ My shoulder, Gem and Rank all disappeared totally. Iā€™m too tired to farm my equipment rank again starting from zeroā€¦

Itā€™s been over 2 weeks and I have yet to hear anything back about mine. This is really upsetting. The fact that we canā€™t get responses is a joke.

Still waiting on a reply from you. This is absolutely pathetic customer service by the GMs and Developers. All of us should be treated same way, but that isnā€™t what is going on here at all. Whales are being treated with respect but those of us that donā€™t spend like that canā€™t get responses. Proving that itā€™s Customer MONEY not Customer SERVICE! Just give me my gems that were lost back and let me move on.

Hi Ghostsignals, no update on my side tooā€¦ does that mean my shoulder + leg gem + my hard farmed rank all gone due to the armory bug?

I have a bug report here: Legendary Gem Missing - #9 by JennaRae-11771

It hasnā€™t been addressed at all. Iā€™ve even sent the link to customer support and they say that i have to wait for one of you to see my post. Same issue as Afrasia, only mine disappeared from my equipment slot and was replaced by an older legendary gem that iā€™d replaced with the mothers lament. the mothers lament was deleted from my account. So why does a whale get help within days yet my post has been up for over two weeks without a community manager even commenting on it? There isnā€™t equal treatment between Whales and F2P players by those in charge. Itā€™s quite clear since the issue is the same. Legendary Gems have been deleted from accounts when class changing and while using the armory. Yet F2P players are just swept under the rug.

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Are you just straight up ignoring us now? How pathetic is this? The treatment you all have shown non-whales in this situation is absolutely appalling. If I had a friend who was on YouTube complaining about my situation for the world to see it would be fixed, but I donā€™t and you are just ignoring it. I want my missing gems back and I want them back NOW! Itā€™s been almost 3 weeks and I canā€™t get a response at all.

Hi, I have a similar problem. I upgraded a gem (motherā€™s) to 3 and it just disappeared. I already had a gem of the same category to 3, and when I upgraded another one, it was still there (level 2) but the other one to 3 just disappeared from my inventory. I donā€™t dare upgrade any more stones now. And I would like to have the two missing ones back at rank 3. Thank you very much for your support.

Hist, I am so sorry, I dropped the ball on this one. The team has responded to your inquiry and asked me to let you know that this is a very weird situation, and they have not been able to figure it out yet, but they are continuing to investigate. I will let you know as soon as they have more information.

Hi Rayoo, like my response to Hist above this, I apologize for forgetting to ask you a follow up that they team had.

Do you remember when this happened, and if you were doing anything in particular? And just to be sure, is the Account where you ran into this problem the same one that is linked to this Blizzard ID?

Hi GhostSignals, thanks for message. Yes, this is same account linked to Blizzard ID.

If I remembered correctly, it happened on 22 July.

After some dungeon runs. I went to armory to change gears. (my shoulder was present before using armory)

As usual, after 1st try exchange, not all equipment were transferred over and items were not equipped properly. It always having this issue. Armory ALWAYS not very stable. eg. items not equipped, rank not transferred over. etc.

So after transferring twice or so, it shown my shoulder was empty.

I looked into my other shoulders in my inventory as well. All were empty without gem and rank. Hence confirmed the shoulder + gem + rank were gone.

I only hope my P&C gem and Rank level be given back to me as it took really long to grind themā€¦

Thanks for checking.

Thank you! I have sent all of this information on to the team!

So what about mine? My issue happened around the 23rd or 24th of July. I posted a bug report on the 25th of july. I class changed and went to the armory because i had a set already done for my class from before and i used the armory and then i noticed my rank 5 mothers lament was gone. i checked everywhere for it. itā€™s just gone from my account. wasnā€™t in gear, wasnā€™t in the mail, wasnā€™t in my bag, wasnā€™t in the stash. I created a ticket, same account iā€™m using to talk here, but i havenā€™t gotten any sort of help from anyone. Mine was a rank 5 mothers lament. All the resources iā€™d used to create it are gone but thereā€™s no longer a rank 5 mothers lament to show for it. I just want my legendary gem back at the appropriate rank. Thatā€™s all iā€™m asking for. Instead, my bug report and all my replies just get ignored.

Why canā€™t I just get the gems Iā€™ve lost back? Weird situation or not. Just let me get the ones that I should have back so I can move on. I should have an R1 and an R3 Roiling Consequence. Just need them back so I can get my equipped RC to R5.

Are you ever going to reply to me? I had the same issue, sent the link and everything about my own post. Someone here got helped and had 11 legendary gems returned to them. Yet i canā€™t get even one reply to the rank 5 mothers lament being deleted from my account when i class changed and used the armory? This is total BS.

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Are you ignoring us once again? This is ridiculous that it is taking this long to get resolved. A month and still nothing has been done!! The whale who posted this report had his returned in just a few days, but yet here I am almost a month later and still waiting. Just give me my missing gems back and let me move on. Like I have said and will continue to say until proven otherwise, this is about Customer MONEY not Customer SERVICE. This has been an absolute horrible way to be treated!!

No news on my side too. Will update all if they did anything. Thanks.

No news on my end either. three days short of a month and they havenā€™t made a move to help me for the exact same issue that the whale had. Class changed and used the armory and my gem got deleted from my account. he had 11 legendary gems poof. I had one poof. All i want is my one rank 5 mothers lament back but theyā€™d rather play nice with whales so theyā€™ll post good things about them and the game and just give free to play players like us a big middle finger over the same exact issues. I havenā€™t been playing the game this entire time because they wont help. Iā€™m not supporting a company when they donā€™t respect me enough to help or even actively lie to us. In my ticket they said they canā€™t help us in the ticket. yet iā€™ve seen another post here on the bug forums where a community manager told someone they canā€™t help, that they need to make a ticket in customer support. I called them out there on their lie as well. Iā€™m sick of being jerked around. Not playing till we get the respect we deserve and get helped.

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Whatā€™s the status of this? This has been dealt with very poorly by ALL of you staff members. There is three of us still waiting to hear back, but YOU are ignoring us and not communicating.