Legendery gems dissappeared

This bug is very concerning. Fixing the bug in a short time will help restore trust in the game.


We hope this error will be resolved as soon as possible. will be an example for all players.


This a very serious matter that requires immediate attention.!Should we be afraid for more of these bugs? Come on blizzard,when will the bugs of this game stop?When are you going to serious actions about Susan market?when are going to fix the lags?Where are going to truly listen to the players?


Please fix this ASAP. This is not acceptable.


Iā€™ve lost trust in Blizzard. I wonā€™t shop until I hear that this problem has been solved.


Our friend has 11355 resonance, and the entire server knows it. We request an urgent resolution of the issue. please fix the bug ASAP.


This is such a disappointment. It is quite a serious bug. The armor exchange which players using often if not daily having such bug.

ALL PLAYERS are at risk of losing items, rank as well as gem. Regardless of how much grind or time or money spent. It should improve your avatar to getting stronger but not here.

One unlucky day while using the armory, if this bug happened. All will be gone. Unless you are a whale who spent enough and demand REFUND, then you will get the assistance.

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Hi Miike (GhostSignals)

Can give some assistance to players facing this same armory bug too?
Thank you

If you arenā€™t a whale Customer Service / Developers donā€™t see you as important. Itā€™s horrible they way others are treated. Iā€™ve had a post for 11 days about this subject and didnā€™t get a single response. This guy posts and within hours gets a response. Customer Service is a joke when it comes to who they want to help and donā€™t. Itā€™s not about Customer Serivce itā€™s all about Customer Money!


Dear all, first of all, I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who has supported me during this stressful time since last week. This morning, I received 11 different in-game mails with apologies as the subject and each of them included 1 of those 11 missing gems. So Iā€™m not sure if the bug that caused this issue has been fixed now, but at least they were able to keep me in the game. Thanks again.

I havenā€™t gotten my lost gems! So doesnā€™t seem to have been fixed for all. This is very upsetting.

Hey Hist and Rayoo (and others),

Apologies, I did not see your posts over the weekend. When I reported this bug, I had reported it as a one off because I was unaware that it was affecting others, and only had the information on this single user. I have now reported your reports as well.

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Thatā€™s funny because I opened a ticket 12 days ago stating missing gems. So mine has been reported before this one was posted.

Hereā€™s my report -

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See post above for info.

(Missing leg Shoulder + Power & Command gem + item ranked level 26 after using armor change)

Thanks for replying. Above is my report as well.

The team has gotten back to me, and it looks like these are two separate issues, but are working to restore your missing Gems as well. The issue that was affecting our OP here has now been fixed and specifically affected gem embedded in Wings.

I also having similar issues where my normal gems are gone after remove it from market. Please check and return my gems.

I have the video to replicate this issues.

See my post:

Thanks and glad to know that, will update again once item + gem + rank are returned.

I also opened a ticked over a week ago and i also have a bug report here on the forums and so far i havenā€™t had any news on if iā€™m going to have my rank 5 mothers lament given back to me after it was gone after my class change.

I upgraded my 3 star rank 3 gloom to rank 4 and I lost my other 3 star rank 1 gloom in the process. I made sure to not click it when choosing gem power materials.

I used a 2 star rank 1 gloom
Realms rank 1, concentrated will rank 1, hellfire rank 1, and one 2 star gem