Missing leg Shoulder + Power & Command gem + item ranked level 26 after using armor change

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Yesterday, after some dungeon and farming, i went to armory to change gears. As usual, after 1st try, not all equipment were transferred over and items were not equipped properly. It always having this issue. Armory ALWAYS not very stable. eg. items not equipped, rank not transferred over. etc.

So after transfer twice or so, my shoulder item went missing, together with a Power & command gem as well as my item rank. All gone like that after 1 year 7 months of grinding.

Now, i equipped another new shoulder and it is without any rank… zero…
I search all my other shoulders, all without any rank too.
So now, my shoulder is rank zero while my other items ranged from 26 to 30.

Contacted support and service said they can’t help there.
Please advice and help. Any be appreciate. Thank you so much.