Sorc are Kings of Trash mobs. and Trash at killing bosses

He hid his profile and for some reason that makes you unable to ignore him there. However, I found you can go to your forum preferences, then the users section, and manually add OliveShark-3410 in the ignore list. I am surprised he hasn’t been banned yet.


Could you try to play a barbarian without the bug bash cleave or the bug thorn and clear T120?

So Barbarian is a trash class as there is no other viable option other than the bug build? Try play a none Necro Minion build or None bug Rogue Heartseeker build to clear T120?

It looks like all class are trash and only has one viable bug build? So is the class need buff or just the PIT HP need nerf?

The problem here is when you see a skill of a class for barbarian like Whirl Wind and HOTA not viable for difficult content and you just look the other way and assume those none viable skill not existent for the sake of argument that sorcerer skills are weak and the entire class need buff?

Do you know how much damage a Bug Bash Barbarian do? 100 millions per hit, so you want Blizzard to buff Frozen orb so it hits 100millions per cast? Do you think this is normal? If Blizzard make Frozen orb hit 100 millions and you don’t think they will just increase the mobs HP in PIT from 1 trillion to 100 trillions. Blizzard philosophy is always ensure you take the same time to clear a content no matter how much buff they gives you, if you never able to clear T90 with current Frozen Orb, and Blizzard buff the damage to 100 million they will ensure you still never able to clear T90 with your current build. This is to ensure you spend 3 months to grind the same content by design.

The only way you can do more damage is make a better build by understand the class mechanic. Those who clear T130 has PHD level understand the game. Do you know they count how many attacking frame per 60 seconds a skill like Frozen Orb or Firebolt as each skill has its own base attack time? They will ensure their total attack speed align with the attacking frame as, any excessive attack speed will go waste if your attack speed not reaching the attack frame breakpoint.

This just about a 3 post newbie blame a class when you cant perform. You were complaining your struggle at PIT above as I can see your post 15hours ago. Struggle to get PIT material above T61? Seriously this is not your issue? So many sorcerer already clease T100 with frozen orb and Ice Spike build. Just play the bug barbarian if Sorcerer is too difficult for you to handle.

Thanks, now I can actually read the comments that are trying to contribute to fixing sorc while ignoring the spammer. Highly appreciated.


You’re still trying to argue that Barb is a trash class while Sorc is on the same level?

This has nothing to do with mechanics.

A barb with crap gear and just masterworking as he goes along can easily hit and farm Pit 80 in a five minutes or so, with a little work into the build can farm Pit100 for mats.

Sorc takes meticulous optimized work to even just barely do Pit 80, with fully-masterworked gear. To get to Pit 100 you need to do Fireshield exploit and the gameplay is crap (who thought shooting firebolts into firewall was fun?)

Sorc is a trash class and it has nothing to do with Sorc players being too dumb to play the glass like you keep insisting. Sorc has been a consistently bad class ever since Season 0, the only time Sorc was good was during the Beta 6 months before release, and has been trash tier ever since, with a small moment of brilliance during Season2 (where it was still inferior to Barbs, which have been God Tier for the entire lifetime of Diablo 4).


You still ignore the fact Bash barb tempering is bugged and do unintended damage? Have you check around many threads in this forum the bash cleave is bug and need fix?

You are comparing a build based on bug tempering which give 100 million damage with basic skill, so you want to change it any spell cast by sorcerer also has 100 million damage? And I have repeated above Blizzard will just increase mobs HP start with trillions if all skill in the game can do 100 million. So how this buff will help you clear the content easier with sorc?

What is a point of continue make argument by ignore the facts that many builds are bug or overtune, this happen in all season and only fix before the start of next season. Why Blizzard even bother listen to you when you are comparing against a build which they know is due to bug? And you continue ignore the fact of the class include Barbarian do not have other viable build except the bugged one which will get patch next season. Have you play Druid? this class has no bug build and see how far they progress in PIT? Have you played Rogue which two of their only viable build Rapid Fire and Victimize got nerf? So Druid and Rogue players also want to cry about their class is trash as they cant clear Pit 80 easily like bash barb?

There are already Frozen orb and Ice Spike clear T111. Ball Lightning also clear T117. So you just ignore the fact that it is only firebolt viable above T100. This has nothing to do with the most sorc player’s build is trash?

Check the video and play better instead of crying about a class, 4 different build already cleast T110 above which i don’t include the firebolt.

Sorc is the only few class which can kill Uber Lilith since season 0 as the Control Aspect was bugged then. It become weak when this bug was patched. Again a viability of a class is defined by whether it has bug build. Player just have problem to play an ordinary class which free of most of the bugs and want to play an easy mode. Sorc already received a lot of buff in Season 2 if you care to read patch notes, together with the easy mode bug ball lightning.

We all tested Sorc in PTR and no one complaint not able to clear the highest PIT with many build. The only change since PTR was the unreasonable HP of the mobs which make many build of many classes not viable. It has nothing to do with a class is weak.

thanks for your insite, i disagree with your posts. some have merrit to give ideas about balance, but others dont contribute to the overall feeling of lack of “power” the sorc class has been feeling since launch. this is in the sorc forums, please move your discussions with yourself to the barb fanboy section of forums. 2 extra 2handed weapons is to huge a advantage over the sorc class…

go bring this discussion over on the barb forums and youll be laughed at, just sayin…

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I have three sorc and one barbarian. Already reach T110 Pit as sorc, where are you at sorc fan boy?

The sorc already gain 100% damage increase since the hotfix 2 weeks ago, else how you think Ball lightning has reach T117 Pit and Firebolt already reach T147? Where their damage come from? All decent sorc players already changed their paragon and use different legendary aspect to make use of the new power. Nevertheless there are still many cry around lack of power when they still continue to use a build from season 2.

The problem of sorcerer are always with players who talk trash without knowing its mechanics. When you talk about sorcerer lack of power, look at the mirror you will find the weakest link.

Because the streamers all cry about it. Just like the chain lightning nerfs from beta. CL has been garbage since.

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Ignore Oliveshark in your preferences, he has nothing to offer the conversation except for talking down to other people while failing to understand the point of a forum. If he did, he wouldnt be aurguing with other people and causing problems, but instead helping come up with solutions.

And Oliveshark, if your solution is to use an infinite flame shield sorc or a variant thereof, I think people have made it pretty clear that is not what they want to do. Perhaps coming up with an alternate solution instead of trying to force people to do what you want them to do, is a better approach. With your current mentality, no “new” builds will be discovered because we will constantly be stuck using what works “now”.

This idea lacks imagination, and displays the perspective that “things are good as is” which halts ideas, and stagnates progress. If you dont allow for the conversations to happen about things people dont like, how can you expect things to ever get better or to change for that matter at all? Unless the truth is, you dont want anything to change. Come on man, we both know sorc could be so much better than this. I can tell your passionate about the game but your responses do not reflect the diablo community as a whole, please be better.

Where does one find ‘forum preferences’?

I will refer you to Esteban’s post above.

This three clear above T110 is are the firebol infinite flameshield? Y

You already have many options to progress the PIT further. It is all about your build and how you play it. You also ignore that all the class do not have build variety in clearing the PIT, they only has one or two viable build related to bug or overturned skill. This has been same since AOZ in Season 2, or ball lightning and HOTA barb can clear T25. No one complained about they forced to play ball lightning. the PIT is just another AOZ.

We will have the build variety if Blizzard reverse the change in PIT after PTR. No one complaint about only certain build can clear the highest PIT when we testing it in PTR. You still don’t see the point. The problem is all about the HP of the PIT is overtuned, not class.

The sad thing is many players sitting here crying about the sorc is weak, not spend time to theorycraft and make build. They miss out the undocumented buff to sorc in the hotfixes two weeks ago which give us 100% x damage. Only the top sorc players make use of this in all kind of build include ball lightning.

I’ve seen this post too, but couldn’t find forum preferences

Could you share in more detail what you are talking about?
I’m sure I’ve used everything I could to get a boost in power, I’m interested to know what it is and if it works for me.

Nevermind, found it.

I copied someone’s paragon board for my firebolt build weeks ago, and yesterday i check her video found her damage was double of mine. This was hard to believe as my build is quite optimized and no way to have such a big gap. I checked her paragon board and also the legendary aspect, found the answer. She has changed to a different setup of a particular Glyph by max the nodes and use the legendary aspect which I found some top sorc players talk about after the recent bug fix affects sorc, rogue and barbarian. My damage increased 100% in the dummy room and I progress further in the PIT.

I am not sure it is working as intended after Blizzard bug fix or there is double dipping. The sorcerer community was not talking much about this I believe they fear of this getting nerf patch later. So I will not talk too much about this, you check the planner in this two video of firebolt and ball lightning. Both build heavy focus on a particular glyph and use a related legendary aspect.

If you found the answer, just don’t talk about this in forum and enjoy the 100% damage buff. We are not the barbarian who brag about using exploit and do billion damage like Rob2628 :wink:

Sorry to say but your comments makes no sense to me…
Remove the infinite shield from sorcerer builds and lets see how far you can go in the pit… I doubt you can go far than 70s…

I really doubt the devs know the effects of their own damage formulas.


They REALLY need to give us back the third enchantment slot…along with buffs of course

Ball lightning already reach PIT 117 and both ice spike and frozen orb at T110. I not sure what is the sense you talk about. You just continue bury your head in the sand and blaming flameshield for you own failure.

Ok I’ll try to explain where the problem lies.

You’re talking about ultra end game content, 95% of players don’t care about It.

I’m a scrub, can play like 1 hour or 2 in the evening. I do only One character each season and this time It was sorcerer time.
I’m 100, i found by chance a nice Winter glass with good Rolls and i have a decente equipe and I can’t even put a dent on Lilith health bar.
Yeah i know that if I start to grind rifts and fish for Gear One day I’ll be able to do It, but this Is a slog that no other class (maybe druids) must do.

When it’s faster to reroll a barb or a Necro than farming all the Gear to finish the season achievements there’s something wrong.

This Is the problem, if you’re a casual you either change class or Hope to be carried by your barbarian friend.