Sorc are Kings of Trash mobs. and Trash at killing bosses

He 3min T100 cause he is 12/12…

What is the difficulty of get 12/12 master work? You just keep run the pit at lower level and collect the mats. Or ask someone to carry you.

If you show me a clip of HOTA Barb clear a T100 PIT within 5 minutes then I will listen to you. Compare a bug bash skill with other class is not making sense. Blizzard will not buff the other class as they already know when they going to patch the Bash cleave bug and make Barb back to the weakest class again like in Season zero.

Friend, you clearly don’t understand the mechanics.

This ignite doesn’t really do damage, but it does have a 100% ignition rate. Which turns on the heat of fire effect and regenerates at least 0.9% for each burning enemy. And if you get a large amount of HP, it will allow you to survive 1-2 hits from the elite, or stand in 2-3 pools of poison for longer than 10 seconds.
And why are you talking about mechanics when you don’t understand it yourself?

I dont understand what ignite you talking friend. I am talking about Devouring Blaze, has nothing to do with regenerate. If you are getting 1-2 hits from elite or stand in poison for 10 seconds you are not playing sorcerer right. Sorc is all about crowd control and kill, dodge when you cant crowd control. Why bother regenerate if you are not supposed to take damage. Why you talking something everyone don’t understand?

At the moment, this is the last passive of the ultimate section. It can also be used to regenerate mana with a certain aspect. Just because you see that burning is used does not mean that it is for damage.
There are many twisted mechanics that will not be explained to you.
But I realized that you didn’t play as a sorcerer. Otherwise they would have seen this passive skill.

All good sorcerer will have a Ring of Starless sky, they will not have mana issue and wont waste a point on on Fiery surge.

You realize this passive wont work with any boss right? Why you will have mana issue killing trash mobs when there are passive in cold and lightning which give you mana? You can just put on a Tibult Will if you struggle with mana.

I don’t know if I have this, I’ll have to check.
But I would prefer to get boots and a breastplate for mana, preferably GA, lightning still has the most expensive skills, which forces you to switch to melee combat. Lightning Lash is the only worthwhile skill in the lightning section, but it looks like caps have been added to it too.

If you play lightning you can get mana easily with the crackling energy, one downside is you need to move around to collect them. This should be change to auto pickup nearby crackling energy like the heltide cinder. Chain lightning with recharging aspect will give you infinite mana, but this skill is long due for a buff or a new unique to improve its power like the Rogue’s rapid fire ring.

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To do this you will have to sacrifice damage. And for lightning skills… the only thing left to do is put a minus in front of the damage coefficients.
And in order to pick up these “Mario coins” you have to get into a crowd of mobs. Although I’m always in a crowd of mobs anyway, I still don’t have time to collect anything.

PS. Now the teleport doesn’t even allow you to jump through mobs about 80% of the time. So the task is not easy.

The current design is when you see a lot of crackling energy, those mobs already dead and no point to pickup them as we cant store the crackling enermy and bring it to the next room for recharge mana. Ball lightning is the only skill take benefit from crackling energy as it attack close range, some Mario coins may just drop on your feet :grimacing:

For those talking about sorcerer single target boss damage is trash, I just got my second Uber Unique in two days by carrying the barbarians in Tormented Duriel. I play free without mat as Carry, life is still good for sorc :grimacing:

Maybe. But it doesn’t fall. Or if it does fall, you will notice it when it’s all over. There, even the highlighted character is invisible, it is impossible to see the cursor. And constantly the character’s voice: “I DON’T HAVE F******G MANNA”!

its basically the mekuna build.

Go to options, i think its under accessibility, turn off voiceline on improper skill use; i think better with the little sound notice instead lol

While we in options:
Game is also just better in Japanese, but you need to download the language pack through blizzard app.

The toprank players are irrelevant.
The midrange is what matters and those sorcs have a terrible time.

It is different, it doesn’t use shatter and no need to fish for Shaman boss.

Firebolt has to best single target damage, it lack of AOE clear as you only can shoot 3 arrows at a time. Therefore for effective clearing you need to use Raiment to pull the mobs, which lead to the requirement of very expensive GA CDR in gears everywhere. It is because you have to sacrifice the chest armor with Flameshield skill points and duration.

You can make an inexpensive no GA CDR firebolt build without raintment for T200 kill or longer tier PIT farming by sacrifice some AOE damage. Position your attack to get as many mobs in your arrow path will help in clear speed.

I have played Bash Bleed Barb and Firebolt sorcerer for the last two weeks and below is my comparison on T100 PIT farm speed, put aside the fact Bash Cleave tempering is bugged and gives 11x unintended damage which will be gone next season.

Bash Bleed Barb

  1. Gear demand: Medium, you need Shakro and Grandfather but GA gear exclude Strength is nice to have but not mandatory
  2. AOE clear speed: On the contrary it is better than Firebolt sorcerer (None shatter build), because the Barb has unfair 100K HP from extra weapons slots. So he can freely reposition himself to pull a large group of trash mobs for best AOE clear
  3. Single target damage: Is worse than sorc because you will get crowd control a lot by the boss and need to dodge the shadow lilith, you cant survive that even with 120K HP. Bash barb damage depends on a routine, 4 critical bash, one hota overpower hit and then cast steel grasp and War cry for the 100M per hit damage. Very often you get interrupted by boss crowd control or the boss disappear like the sharpshooter and wastes all the steps.

Firebolt sorcerer

  1. Gear demand: Medium to high, you can start with none GA CDR gear. It will has slow AOE clear speed due to limited reposition, but still best in single target boss damage as you just standstill there attacking all the time.
  2. AOE clear: Is the worst as you need to stay static constantly spam the firebolt to trigger the hectic for CDR. Clear speed improve with GA CDR gear as you will have more freedom of movement by having more cool down reduction. Eventually it become faster than barb with best GA CDR gear as Sorcerer has Evade TP while barb has to walk slowly on foot.
  3. Single target damage: Superior as you will never get crowd control or no need to dodge any mechanic. There is a lot of multiplier on basic skill with Firebolt, same like bash. But I think it will get nerf next season.

Firebolt sorcerer is best play with game mouse with Macro. I actually use one button to play most of time by binding the evade, flameshield and firewall to one button and set the firebolt to auto cast with another button.

Cool. Just watching you spend all this time defending a class that need fixing. Trying to keep them from fixing it.
Glad firebolt sorc is working out for you.
That’s not what I play.
No, I don’t want to switch. I want the build I have put all the effort into building to NOT be a huge waste of time. If you can’t make a case for why the class isn’t trash WITHOUT reverting back to “well you just gotta play it exactly the way the one person who spends all their life devoted to playing it played it before he rage-quit” as your argument… I dare say you don’t have an argument at all.
Yes it requires work and rng and all that shiiii.
…And then after all that they pull another update and you’re still getting 1-shot.

What’s the point of having a class with so many options for skills if there is only ONE viable build? It’s just a waste of time. Or rather… just a bunch of fluff to dig through so that argumentative commenters like you can have something to point to and say “you just didn’t learn _____ well enough!”

Its a game.
I’m trying to play it when I’m done working. So that I DON’T feel like I’m working.
What you’re saying is Sorc is perfectly viable and there’s nothing wrong with it as long as I spend enough hours combing the documentation to see which skills are additive and which are multiplicative… and studying all the right build guides… and maybe getting a PHD in crowd-control.

It’s broken.
Quit arguing and drink your copium like the rest of us.
No I wont study the literature just to make a game playable in the endgame.
No I wont switch to a fire build because it’s the only option. The fact that it’s the only option means you’re wrong.
Sorc is broken. It needs fixing.
Stop arguing let it get fixed. The more people like you come on these forums to gas up this broken class saying it’s fine and doesn’t need any work, the longer it takes for the rest of us to be able to play it.
And it’s been A YEAR already.


Season 4 meta is basic skill, you either play a bash barb, heart seeker rogue or firebolt sorc if you don’t want to play Necro. Core skill is mediocre this season as the PIT HP is tuned based on the overturned Necro golem damage with intention from Blizzard. Only the basic skills has the largest multiplier to match with the millions damage of the Golem.

I once again ask, is there a way to mute Oliveshark.

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