Sorc are Kings of Trash mobs. and Trash at killing bosses

You dont play winter glass as it is rare. I played in Eternal, have no access to mind cage so the helltide drop is lower and never get one after hundred hours in helltide. After I hit lord zir 50 round and got nothing I decided to stop pursuit this via RNG as this Unique has rare drop rate compare to the useless freeze boot. I put a post in discord offer 500M to buy and instantly got one. I played it for 2 days as it it isn’t as strong as Ice Spike which I was playing at the time.

If you are casual you should play the blizzard ice spike which is strong on boss killer and do not need Unique.

All this problem didn’t happen when we tested the PIT in PTR. I used Ice spike and reach T100 the second day, got two winter glass and it works better. Winter glass is nerf after PTR and Blizzard raised the HP of PIT 5 times or 10 times as they know there is no content in season 4 and they want the player continue grind the PIT like a hamster wheel. This kill the build variety of all class as only the most bugged or cheesy build can breakthrough the unfair HP barrier in the PIT. It was same in AOZ, trillions HP mob and only one build per class can reach T25. All sorc played the injured and bug ball lightning build and Barb can only play HOTA.

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Yea, all the high tier pit builds use infinite flame shield in one way or another and are just worse versions of fire bolt if you are trying to push pit. Just because you can swap to a worse skill (blizzard, ball lightning, etc) while using the same flame shield cheese, doesn’t mean there’s build variety. The worse ‘infinite flameshield’ builds all use the same enchantment (iceblades) and key passive as well (esu ferocity)

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There isnt infinite flameshield cheese in ball lightning and blizzard. Those high PIT clear can be found easily in YT. As Esteban is a habitual liar and ignores the fact we all can verify them in YT easily.

The top pit builds that you yourself linked, have ‘IMMORTAL’ in the title and or are using ‘infinite’ flame shield uptime (but worse than firebolt, as said it’s worse build since it require ice blade enchantment). :man_facepalming:. How about you verify them yourself?

both are using infinite flame shields dude…


Infinite flame shield is the lamest of lames the lucky 1% of sorcs who have gotten the perfect gear for it and not bricked it can push high pits everyone else is sol

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Check this video, there is no infinite flameshield. Those talking about this don’t know how Infinite flameshield work, below is Ice spike which flameshield has cooldown


The ball lightning has close to no cool down flameshield but not infinite. The most importantly he not using expensive gear, check his gear at the end. Only one gear is GA CDR which everyone can get via farm or trade. The rest is ordinary gear and not even has Tal Rasha which is most expensive for GA version. You can see he has 1 second or 0.5 gap in each flameshield cooldown as it is fine to have longer cool down if your gear is not GA CDR as this build dont use Raiment which will get you killed when flameshield is down


All other class use infinite cool down skill to clear highest PIT, barb also same with infinite leap which ignore the boss mechanic

Rogue has an infinite dark shroud which can tank all boss mechanic. Every class is using some sort of defensive strategy with no cool down setup.

You dont need perfect gear to play flameshield unless you want to compete in leaderboard. It is same as other class.

Look at the gear of this barb on top of leaderboard. He use the most expensive gear which can compare to sorc.

You can get some GA CDR focus, amulet and Rainment via trade, I acquire them with 500M only in discord, you just need to farm materiel to masterwork hit the CDR twice also the Glass canon on Raiment. The most expensive is the GA CDR Tal Rasha Ring which you will do fine with max roll and double masterwork the CDR, same as double masterwork the Shakro GA CDR.

You can do Pit 70 without Fireshield, it’s not that hard. But it requires you to work on your build and really optimize it and masterwork your gear to MW8 or so.

Meanwhile a Barb built in a day and geared up hastily with a crappy build can farm Tier 80 effortlessly.

This is my personal experience in Season 4. My Barb right now has already cleared Pit 100 with junk gear and homebrewed Bash build. But I can’t farm Pit 100 yet since my clears at this level take about 8 minutes. I go back down to Pit 90 where my Barb can clear it around 5minutes and can facetank the boss. This is good enough for me to farm neatiron for my Sorc, so my Sorc might have a chance of doing Pit90 someday.

Look. By your own admission you’re using a meta Infinite Flameshield build.

Why don’t you come down here with the rest of us peons and use a normal build like Frozen Orb or Blizzard and tell us your great experience of hitting Pit 110.

The moment you admitted that you were using Infintie Flameshield, I knew that you had a silverspoon in your mouth and have no clue how hard things are for 99% of sorcs. And even with your Infinite Flameshield exploit you’re only doing P110. Meanwhile Barbs are casually talking about how to clear Pit 130 because P110 is simple for them.

There are many build include Frozen orb, Ball Lightning and ice spike already pass PIT 110. Why you call infinite flameshield is an exploit? Isn’t blizzard the one introduce the Flameshield tempering to make infinite flameshield a viable build? You are talking you understand all class meta and mechanic, you are just talking empty. Blizzard has already nerf hectic since PTR, make cool down reduction a rare affix. This make Infinite flameshield is only possible with the best rare cool down reduction gear. This is call balancing. Infinite flameshield not even need rare GA CDR gear for PIT100, the issues just of players’ poor understanding in game mechanic and refuse learn the meta and sit there with their frozen orb can complaint. Like players refuse to play Ball Lightning in season 2 for AOZ and complaint cant do T25 with chain lightning. It is pointless as every season has its own meta build, as this how blizzard run the game.

It is hard for 99% go above PIT 100 because Blizzard never want you go above it easily. You still not understand why they increase the HP of the PIT like 5 times or 10 times higher since PTR? Its purpose is to make it hard, except few bug and overturned build which they didn’t get to fix. They already nerf the PIT HP significantly up to T60 so players has easier time to farm Masterworking material, it is their signal that they give you easier time to farm PIT for mats, but if you want to go above T100 it is still hard. This is the intention of their design. Just accept it or go play barbarian if you want an easy mode until they nerf the class next season.

You still keep talking about barb which has bug and overpower build. And you think they wont get nerf to the ground? You never listen to the Dev Interview with Adam Jackson they will balance the barbarian carefully next season without completely destroy the class?

If you just sit you making your argument about barbarian can do this and that with billions and other class and sorc cant. You really don’t think Blizzard will just fix barbarian billions damage instead of making change everywhere to buff others who cant do billions? They already nerf HOTA barb and charge barb left and right. They will just continue nerf the part of the barb which do billions damage until players like you stay quiet.

LOL at you trying so hard to justify your Flameshield abuse. What a joke.

You say CDR is okay and Infinite Flameshield is an intended mechanic. Then without missing a beat say Hectic had to be nerfed because its CDR was too strong. You are truly a joke. I think it’s time I do what everyone else does and block you as well, talking to you is not a good use of my time.

Im going to suggest that immunity from flame shield be removed and ALL multipliers for sorc recieve a 50% buff. For example 10%(x) → 15%(x), or 50%(x) → 75%(x). We all know they wont let us do big damage unless they remove immunity.

im kind of confused why immortal shield hasn’t been nerfed. As a casual I been avoiding it because finding gear to replace it would take time with how dogshat the loot system is right now other than trades. I get Sorc is not in a very good spot, but allowing us to just ignore everything in the game and only be stopped by our damage ceiling if you exclude firebolt build which is bugged anyways but allowed?

I’m also confused why the community thinks it should be able to hit pit 200 . That would be like people complaining in D3 when GRs first came out trying to hit 150, which was never even told to the community in the first place until someone actually hit it like 15 seasons in(done in group of 4, solo came long after.). Its not like pits are going anywhere after the season. Its the most dogshat system brought over from D3 that destroys builds because that becomes the gauge for every single build and if you are missing 1 or 2 X% damage buffs or damage reduction %s other specs have its trash. The fun is sucked out of it. The reward for having them is just turning up mob damage / health. It doesn’t feel like you beat the game.

At least with ubers, you killed the bosses and it felt like you beat the game, now that pits in, its just so hollow cause that is the hardest challenge.

You are still continue burry your head in the sand which players already submitted the infinite flameshield build as an issue in the PTR feedback. Blizzard has make a decision to keep flameshield duration tempering affix which they are the one created it as first place and nerf hectic. You just has problem to accept the decision of the developer and call this is an abuse.

There are already many post in PTR feedback request to nerf hectic to address the infinite flameshield in PTR, you just an ignorant joker who don’t read forums and crying around like a child.

You are the joker who commented on my post first as I never bother talked to a delusional person like you. So don’t bother talk to me as it is not a good use of time. You are not even make use of your time crying sorcerer need to have billions damage as the developer clearly ignore your lunatic request in the recent patch note.

As the mid season balancing patch already concluded, you don’t get what you want which sorcerer be given billions damage like bash barb. So you can either continue wasting your time cry like a baby in the forum till season 5. I am sure you will still wont get what you cry about. Maybe Diablo 4 is not a game for you, go play other game which you can shoot ice balls with billions damage.

It already nerf with hectic reduce from 4s to 2s, there are many post in PTR about this. This is Blizzard decision to nerf hectic, keep flameshield duration tempering affix. Make cool down reduction a rare affix and limit maximum cool down to 75%. They have done their part to limit the use of infinite flameshield, as a result it needs very good gear to achieve that. It is Blizzard who wants to keep the build viable, else they can just remove the flameshield duration tempering and we won’t not have this discussion. Blizzard do not want to remove what they have created, they just control it. Like what they did with the nerf on elemental surge and Frosty Strike aspect, it was too strong in PTR.

I’m sorry.
I understand that you yourself have already come to the conclusion that the game has many pitfalls and at the same time you continue to insist that everything is fine.
You are not a real gamer. And I don’t think that this game is important to you, you just want to be better than others. It doesn’t matter what method.
I feel like I don’t fit in with the current community. This is not a game, it’s just exploitation.

All game has its problem, I just play the game on theory crafting purpose. I don’t care a class is weak or strong, I just interested in understand its mechanic and see how far I can go. I play a bash bleed barbarian also, it was easier in the beginning with the bug bash cleave. But I leave its build at 8/12 masterworking as I have decided I will focus on sorcerer and put all my mats to masterwork them to 12/12. I am almost done with flameshield sorc after spent 1.5 billion for 3 piece of GA gear. I will focus on frozen orb after coming patch as I have 3 sorc which is flameshield, ice spike and frozen orb. I don’t care others cries about frozen orb do little damage to the boss, it doesn’t concern me as I just try to make things work and I enjoy the learning process.

I gained a lot of knowledge in playing a flameshield build, as I have not played a Damage Over Time build before this as firewall was not really popular. I have learned new mechanic like the Adaptability and flamefeeder glyph do not work on DoT. Playing this game is all about learning, the result is not really important. It is just a benchmark on whether I am doing things right or I was missing something.

Do you really believe this?
It all depends on the people, not on the program.
Some people wrote the code, others use it.

did Bliz reps mentioned about this Pit 200 during campfire talk?
or just a random youtuber showing his imaginary Pit scaling through his spreadsheet?

if Bliz reps did, then it is official. if the current game has no chance in whatsoever class build to finish Pit 200, then it is a commercial fraud in deceiving the consumers.