Sorc are Kings of Trash mobs. and Trash at killing bosses

can someone please tell devs that hitting for 400k every season while other classes break the 40M~ barrier constantly its not even close for us to bring down PIT bosses… but walk into a helltide at level 100 with a mindcap going and you melt everything … make it make sense !


40 mill? Try 100 mill if not Billions.


i was stuck at pit 60 with my sorc, i thought every boss fight at the end of a pit was supost to take 3-5 minutes to kill with MANY stun bars filled…

i then rolled a minion necro… i havent hit a wall yet and EVEN AT LEVEL 91 i was doing pit 90s with zero effort on focusing on mechanics… WHY ?

weres our power at ? even Ball of lighting in season 2 was (almost) top tier but i still rolled a Hota barb and realized the HYPE was false, it was strong but Barb was MILES ahead of Ball of lightning dmg…

the only time Sorc is strong is in PTR and it never makes it main game, WHY ???


reroll to barb or necro. sorc is trash atm…


Something that could help FO is if it just hits a single target it does a lot more damage or something like that. Would also be great for firewall. If just a single enemy is in it they burn at like 2x damage or something.

Hell, they could actually put it in the paragon board and sorc could have more than 2 useful powers to take for a change lol.

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also alot of the perks/affixs are additive not multi like other classes… and limited to only 2 weapon slots hurts alot, when we have to give up 1 to Tal ring, and 1 other to a Build unique like FO amulet, firebolt glove, paingo glove, xfal ring… we drop to like 3 item slots for dmg multi affixs at best and 1 is also a “required” mechanic interaction like blizzard ice spike that doesnt add multi dmg, or making FO stay in place and explode two more times, ect…

Nerf barbs, 4 weapon slots is insane advantage =P lol


Barb definitely need nerf, and also necro minion. Sorc is ok

1 133 14:19:00 Morana Rogue SC Heartseeker Link
2 132 12:29:00 Mekuna Sorcerer SC Firekuna Link
3 132 13:25:00 DoNotHitMe Barbarian SC Thorns

A T132 boss has 414 billion HP.

It was easier to play sorc in PTR as the PIT monster has lower HP. It is harder now after the PIT buff, you need an optimized build. FO is weak after the nerf, you need to Masterwork the conjuration mastery and cooldown reduction to max if u want to break through T100. Currently highest clear for FO is T111 with +3 conjuration mastery and 13.6% CD reduction on Winterglass.

I agree, it’s why I don’t like the current sorc design. The only real way to get multiplicative damage stacks is to run tal rasha’s, which means you have to go multi element, and also to do things like stack barrier and spam CD’s cause of the tactician glyph and those barrier aspects that do multiplicative damage.

I’m not against that being an option for a build but it’s kind of the only way to do a build that even has a chance in hell of getting through the pit at all. I wish there was an option for a more viable caveman brain build that was like “make firewall damage number really big” that didn’t involve me playing hotkey piano to keep every proc side effect up.

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Sorc is winning the pit ladder on maxroll. I made one a couple days ago and like it. I made my own build.

dont give us the ladder…it means jacksht…look at the amount of gears Mekuna have…now explain to me why a trash barb or necro hit harder than a sorc…
dumb as post…

Why do we have to grind significantly harder just to do barely any damage compared to other classes? Sorc needs a huge buff…period…


Every class and build need to have good gear. What else you do in the game if not farming or GA gear? Players have been complaining their gear does not matter in the game, Season 4 is the only time gear really matter and they are still players cry about I cant do damage without a good gear.

You away Barb bash is bugged and Necro is minion is overtune? Try play a Barb Whirlwin or Necro blood lance you can hit as hard as bash and golem? You are confusing class balance issue and skill balance issue. The issue is never about one class, is about particular skill in certain class is either bugged or overtune which need to be fix. You just ignore the fact that those class you talk about has a lot of skill which do barely any damage and selectively look at the bugged/overtuned one and think this represent an entire issue. You just have problem of playing a class which is has no bugged skill like the ball lightning in S2. I think the best is you wait till other seasons someone found a bugged skill in sorc and do unusual damage then you should play the class again. This season you should only play the Bugbarian for easy content.

Maxroll ladder is meaningless, everyone is fishing map and bosses.

If it requires you pass same pit level 2 times continuously., you will get a totally different result

and out of the top 100. only like 2 % are sorc… sure there might be 1 dude on the top 10 list as sorc, but come on now. your just targeting data to try to make your point valid. its false. how do i know, oh yeah i played sorc since beta


Firewall damage needs to be tripled or even quadrupled. And the Firewall aspects really, really SUCK.


The one dude is not the top 10, is number 1. It indicates no issue with damage with the class. Is sorc require more skill and knowledge and more commitment to play. Only 2% of sorc player has good knowledge to play this class to its highest potential, the statistic reflect the issue with the population of players itself which they are casual. Playing from beta does not means you have good knowledge.

How do I know? Many sorc players complaint not doing good damage with Frozen orb, as 98% sorc players don’t bother to read patch note this is nerf and should play other build from the start instead of hard farming the Fractured Winterglass and then complaint it does no damage in PIT. How do I know? 98% of Frozen Orb and sorc player still use the firebolt enchantment for Devouring blaze trigger even critical strike damage already nerfed long ago in season two. They have no idea Iceblade is the best enchantment to use for FO, and 98% do not have the ability to keep the 15 stacks conjuration mastery for the required damage to clear the harder content. 98% of sorc player do not understand how to balance attack speed and mana regeneration to keep the optimum DPS. They think once they pickup the Winterglass and shoot the frozen orb and it will carry them pass T100? If they have this simplified mindset thens sorc is not suitable for them, just play an easier to understand bugged class like Bash Barb, get the Bash Cleave temper and put in every gear, follow Rob2628 guide and you will guaranteed cruise through T100 till the bash bugged is fixed. And then you will have to what check any other easy bugged build from Barb still available for you to play.

It’s really sad. My barb hits entire groups for like 10 - 30 million 4 times a second and firewall does like 500k over 8 seconds lol. I agree that they could help it a lot by actually giving firewall some good aspects.

There’s a lot of interesting design space they could play with as well. Like something that lets DoT’s crit, or something that compresses the burn damage into a shorter window, etc. X’Fal’s is kind of neat but also somewhat underwhelming.

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Cuz it’s a hard game. Why do you want it to be easy? Because you suck at it?

Actually, sorcerers aren’t kings of anything. Any class can easily deal with trash mobs, some even do it better than sorcerers. The benchmark for performance has always been single target boss damage and sorcerers are so far off the mark it’s like they’re playing a completely different game.


You’re forgetting the tedious time commitment. Probably since tier 120, mekuna/arccuied waste time on 5+ dungeons per tier fishing for shaman bosses so they can cheese some boss damage with shatter and fireball. In the interview with rob, mekuna says hates the build and it’s terribly to play. In arccuied’s last video he says he’s disgusted with the boss fishing. If the top players who can play 10 hours a day fishing for bosses and have billions of gold don’t enjoy it and don’t recommend it, why should anyone else try to build it? People really need to stop pointing to this infinite flame shield boss fishing cheese as justification that sorc is in a good spot balance wise. Most people just want to comfortably farm pit materials at a decent rate with sorc, and it require way more time, effort, and limited build option than any other class (except druid).

Despite the bug fixes that sorc finally got with vulnerable damage, sorc actually got nerfed this season for what they do best (farming low level trash content), with the changes to teleport enchantment and evade cooldown.


Fishing for good dungeon and mobs started in D3 greater rift which the PIT is the clone of GR. Your clear time is always affected by the map layout and mob type. In D3 and same as the AOZ in Season 2 an open map with spider type of monster were everyone fishing for completion as the moves the mob meter faster. If you hate fishing then you should play Gauntlet only as the map and mobs are fixed. Fishing is always a requirement for random dungeon like the PIT.

Play Diablo 4 is always a tedious time commitment, you check the gear of other barb and rogue players below Mekuna on leaderboard, who doesn’t have gears with multiple GA? And those does not need tedious time commitment to farm in helltide or they did RMT?

If you think Bash Barb is easier and not tedious, then you dont understand the build well. Bash barb can only clear to certain PIT level, to go higher you need to change to Bash Bleed variant, you need to farm a Shakro and Grandfather as the bleed scale with critical strike damage. As barbarian Tempering do not have critical strike, you need to level up a Rogue and spent many hours to acquire a Temper manual called Marksman Finesssse and use it to Temper the barbarian gear with Critical Strike Damage after you have applied the bash cleave tempering. As this double tempering has high chance of bricking so you need to have few spare GA gear. No tedious time commitment if you want to advance in PIT by play easier class like Barb?

A Bash Bleed Barb need to use three exploits include Bash Cleave, Double Dipping Berserking on Gashing Wound and Rogue Tempering exploit to compete on the top spots for PIT. A lot of tedious work and exploits are required to stay on top while the sorcerer honestly use the GA CDR on gear to keep up with the required DPS to clear the highest level PIT.