Diablo4 = Diablo2.5?

It’s D3.5 with D2’s art style that’s all

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I was talking about itemization not skills tree but thanks for that.

Game is sort of what D3 should/could have been from the start but i didnt want a continuation to diablo 3 with a ton of d3 baseline systems and mechanics with different art style.

I wanted something that feels COMPLETELY NEW.

In the same way that
d1 → d2 felt completely new
d2 → d3 also felt completely new (even tho d3 was a fail in my eyes they still tried something absolutely completely new from scratch)
d3 → d4 feels like they took a ton of systems and assets from the d3 codebase and copy pasted into d4 with the new art style on top.

Maybe they felt this was needed in order to save time and effort? And the worst part? it has soem of the EXACT same systems from d3 copy pasted but left out the quality of life those systems received over the years in various d3 patches.

Like the enchanting mechanic. You replace one mod exactly like carbon copy of d3 system, but somehow they just didn’t add the window that shows you the potential mods the item can roll.


Game has fun combat and a decent baseline but its just lacking soooooooooooo much for how much of d3 they copy pasted in the underlying skeleton and “all these years working on it” =/


+2 to hammer of the ancients and affixes like it.

How do you not know what I’m talking about?

100% agree and it also seemed strange to me that for the first time ever diablo brought absolutely nothing new.

Even if it was something bad, at least it was new anyway

Totally agree. In fact it also works the opposite way: talking about “naming things”, there’s something I deliberately omited in the OP. I didn’t mention “D4 Paragon = D3 Paragon”, because they’re completely different systems that only share the name and it’d be unfair.

The thing is that it’s a bit frustrating to be playing clean and trying to be accurate while others keep questioning it “trying to be right” at all costs.

yeah you know in general, the approach in creating D4 reminds me new WoW expansion. They slighly change things, like you know: new world, new small features like mounts and etc. But in fact core mechanics didn’t change at all. They just renamed them and put in another places.
But it defenitly doesn’t feel like a hole new game evertyhing here kinda stale.

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I didn’t know what you were talking about because what you’re saying is completely the opposite: D3 not only also has the “+ to skills” on gear, but also has the same distribution of benefitting each different type of skills in each different slot, as I’ve said in the OP:

The only difference between D4 and D3 in that regard is that D4 gives “+1 rank to X skill”, and D3 give “+15% damage to X skill”, just because D3 skills have no ranks.

D2 only had exceptions with amulets and gloves (and in that case, only for Amazon and Assasin, not for the other clases). Outside that, only unique/set or class-specific items could roll skills. Both D3 and D4 have +skills in the generic affix pool.

In other words: what you’ve said even reinforces more the similarities between D4 and D3.

Ok. No it doesn’t. It has skills power is increased by x%. Skills don’t have ranks in Diablo 3. But they did in Diablo 2. They reverted that system to be more like Diablo 2.

Yeah, it’s more or less just an extension of D3. It uses many of the same systems and ideas.

That’s not a good thing though. Borrowing some things from D3 makes sense, but what they gave us was D3 itemization. Dumbed Down class design that’s overly reliant on cool down reduction and crit/vunerable damage. How exciting.

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Edit. I thought you were the other guy.

I mean dude, seriously…

Kanai’s cube is 3 extra legendary affix slots, not an imprint system. The imprint system in D4 is based on Diablo Immortal.

Uniques here are equivalent to Diablo 3 legendaries.

Loot progression in this game took a card from D2 in that rares are useful. D3 is a game where you crunch things that aren’t for your build, much less look at items, each appearance is locked to a type of legendary.

D3 is an “at cap” game. There is no item level scaling, there are Ancients(practically farmable goal) and Primal Ancients(impractical chase items), but not some sort of upwards level scaling item system. Also items can be made useable on level 1 characters.

Generators exist in D3 but generally the gameplay doesn’t work the same as in D4. D3 builds largely infinitely sustain without them, some builds tap with them to uptime buffs every now and then.

D3’s sidequests are not like D4 sidequests. They act like an event system(D:I copies this partially, D4 does not). D4 sidequests are actual one and done sidequest, no idea why they’re in the game.

Dungeons and Tree of Whispers are both downgrades. Dungeons so much so that many people wouldn’t recognize them as the same system. They’re just both “dungeons with some rng elements and upwards scaling”, very broad similarity.

Glyphs are integrated into the paragon board system. Legendary gems have nothing like that. Glyphs cap at 21 and can be farmed at any difficulty, leg gems limit your ability to farm them based on GRift clear levels. Some of them have a max, some do not, and they’re consumed for various purposes as well.

Thinking about it, the sidequests are closer to D2 side quests since D3 basically doesn’t have “real/normal side quests”. The world events can be said to be a much less varied version of “D3 side quests”, but ordinary side quests can only be a D2/D1 copy.

One time minor quests mostly seem out of place in ARPGs, bringing them back was probably an attempt to appeal to older fans.

Legendary powers not attached to 1 piece but to the whole build, so the same system with a small tweak.

Translation: very close to D3, no similarities with D2, hence reinforcing my point of D4 = D3.

Forgot about this one in my OP. Curious because this is one of the few fair points in your side, and you explained it the opposite way: “D4 uniques = D2 uniques”.

However, about what you’ve said:

  • D3 legendaries have a high degree of randomness, like D4 legendaries. So “D3 legendaries = D4 legendaries”. Supporting my point.
  • No yellow was equipped in D3, no yellow is equipped in D4.
  • Yellows were turned into materials for making higher rarity items in D3, yellows are turned into materials, be veiled crystals or imprint bases for making higher rarity items in D4.

If you try to make this seem like it’s a similarity with D2, not sure if you’re kidding me or what, as it’s blatant obvious similar to D3.

In D3 you can find a lv40 legendary while leveling, but then it gets replaced by the same item rolled at lv70. Same with D4. Nothing similar with D2, so also supporting my point.

So a nonworking carbon copy of D3. No similarity with D2. Exactly as I was saying.

Off topic? I clearly stated that the similarity was regarding the irrelevant rewards and the irrelevant lore.

Talking about something that neither makes it closer to D2 nor D3 doesn’t add anything to the topic.


Sounds like a “find the 7 differences” that come with the newspapers. So confirming that they’re one an evolution of the other. Nothing similar in D2, so reinforcing my point.

Kanai’s cube gives extra slots, which are necessarily occupied by parts of the build. Imprints have radically changed the gearing system. You need specific legendaries or sets in D3 to drop, kanai’s cube is like a pseudo-gear slot. I wouldn’t mind a system like Kanai’s cube being added to D4 some day to shake up builds, but imprints serve an entirely different purpose. Imprints bring yellow gear back into the game like D2 and kind of make legendaries into pseudo-yellows. I very much dislike this result btw. Sets may end up pushing gear back in a D3 direction unless they somehow let sets be imprinted.

You turn yellows into legendaries in D4. So yes you do equip yellows. Or should be paying attention to them and using them when appropriate.

D4 end game begins at 50, or sort of does. You don’t grind ever higher levels of enemies in D3 for better gear. You hit 70(pretty quickly) and grind for specific drops and enchant sets. Item power tiers as they exist in D4 are something new, so is the normal, sacred, ancestral.

Any type of system can have trash rewards or good rewards. Not all systems with trash rewards are sidequests. The sidequests in D4 actually do have lore specific to characters and places. Why they bothered to include them in an arpg, I have no idea.

Nightmare Dungeons are untimed, have monster level scaling, way less randomization(being fixed locations), no real(as in dangerous) end boss, involve backtracking rather than a more linear push forward set up, drop loot throughout the dungeon, have a sigil tier mechanic rather than choose based on best completion, and require you to travel around to reach them. They are sort of GRifts and we can see the inspiration in the upwards scaling, but many players won’t see it at first glance for good reason. There’s massive regression in game design for Nightmare Dungeons vs GRifts.

The strongest similarities between legendary gems in D3 and glyphs in D4 is that they level up. Mechanically they don’t have much in common.

The point is that many of the similarities you’re claiming are fairly superficial. In practice they aren’t very similar. You could call D4 world events = D3 sidequests(with way less variety), but comparing D3 side quests to D4 side quests makes little sense. Most people would say D3 doesn’t have real side quests and D4 does have real side quests.

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I didn’t read the second part until after I posted. But the point still stands. X% is not progress to + skill from Diablo 3 to 4. + Skill straight out of Diablo 2. Progression from Diablo 2 to 4.

Another note on our new Yellow/Legendary tier, legendaries in D4 are not specific items unlike D3. This further encourages having to look at every damn piece of trash.

That’s another reason why I say D4 uniques=D3 legendaries. They act exactly like D3 legendaries, being unique and easily identifiable items. A legendary in D4 is just a yellow with an imprint(which you can add to any yellow anyways).

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Did you even play d2?

D4’s itemization is literally d3 in every way. Sacred and ancestral gear is a scam its just higher item powers.

Cant beleive you said this tbh…

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I said more like Diablo 2. I didn’t say more like Diablo 2 than Diablo 3.