Rod Missed The Point on Diablo 3

Why would they build upon greater rifts, the thing that led most players that enjoyed the Diablo franchise away from it, the most mind numbing thing was to run g rifts if you like them good for you, but most of us hated it to the point of abandoning the game myself included.
The teleport to nightmare dungeons is the exact crap as greater rifts, sure it can be considered as a Qol but in essence its the same thing with a different gimmick.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we soon get “Guardian raids” e.g Andariel Astaroth Duriel fights, while i wouldn’t mind these in order to form a healthy farm loop (they were great fights), but blatantly copying from other games (the bad features) while you have a huge team that could gather feedback from the community and actually come up with something new and exciting to do.

While i am a PoE fan you have to admit they have innovated the genre in many ways, sure you can argue that some leagues are utter garbage with bloated mechanics but at least they are taking the risk.

Please don’t take me as a hater of this game, i love it to the point of posting here and wanting it to succeed, because the game has a great skeleton to build upon.


Got insanely better as a game, but worse at being a Diablo.


Yeah ist kind of lame to be honest and also lame why they dont increases the party size back to 8 people too? Or they assume people plays on a pentium II pc still while 12 people can easly be gathered at the world boss to kill it… lol the lack of logical thinking is just amuses me when it comes to design and developing this project.

Because D4 is based off of Diablo Immortal. This is why almost nothing was brought over from D3. Whoever actually coded this game only used classes and some skills from Diablo.

It’s a brain dead response. If the previous game obtained something over its lifespan there is zero reason why it can’t be included in the next game. You know, other than holding it back to either artificially increase play time or to charge for it.


I’m sorry I have to be this insistent posting this again and again, but…

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls is critically well reviewed. I personally enjoyed it. I just played a bit a couple hours ago and there’s always monsters to fight, the abilities feel good, leveling feels good. There is action. Diablo 3 was a super solid game. I don’t understand the hate towards it, I really do not. I also don’t want one game taking up all my time. The Diablo 3 season structure was cool. Make a new toon, play for 1-2 weeks and be done because I’m bored with it.
But that’s fine! I don’t need a game always telling me to chase the last 10% of power. I get my set, I get my legendary powers and I blast for a bit, blast an alt up maybe, run some greater rifts and that’s fine. I didn’t really need or want anything else.
My first experience with Diablo was vanilla Diablo 3, it came free with the WoW sub at the time and I loved it. It was awesome! Brutally difficult but fun and felt like WoW.
I have zero clue what Diablo 4 is supposed to be. Nothing really compliments itself in the game.
Thanks for all the wonderful replies by the way.


Keystone? Not sure what you mean lil bro.

There are also far less ways to change skills.

Less legendaries.

No cube.

As of now you have to run to nightmare dungeons.

You can’t make your own instanced game.

There are no rifts or grifts.

Glyphs could be seen as a type of legendary gem. I will accept that.

Paragon stops after you get the renown and level 100 ones.

No leaderboard, for anything.

No global chat.

No pets.

No followers.

Doesn’t even tell you how much total gold you’ve picked up.

No cow level for now.

No echoing nightmare waves.

No rainbow goblins for now.

No vaults.

No sets.

No preview for enchanting.


You should really go play D2R sometime, it’s the best game in the series. Sure there is some clunky aspects that didn’t age well like stamina and inventory space, but it’s still the better game.

The reason D3 garnered so much hate, is they made a brand new game that completely deviated from D2 (which was well loved by the fanbase) to cater to a new audience instead of respecting their old fanbase. D3 should have married the best of D2 with the best of D3 (graphics, action, combat). Fans never got that. We still haven’t.


The concept of iterative design being lost entirely on Rod is absolutely depressing. How is he even allowed to work in tech?


After the D4 release, I plan to but $40 is steep to me and it does seem dated in some regards but I still would love to get in there and see what D2 is about.
I don’t understand why there can be hate for making something new. Take Zelda for instance, or Nintendo in general, as they always strive to create something new with new ideas with some foundations holding it to previous entries.

I agree. The most extreme example I think is not having searchable stash. It took years of begging for searchable stash in D3 and we finally got it like 15 seasons later. This should of come across baseline in D4.


I think if you want to make something new and innovate that’s fine but you need to either A) Make a new IP or B) Still keep some of the core mechanics fans love. D3 deviates so much from D2 it really felt like a slap in the face. Zelda BoTW and TotK still feel very much like Zelda.

Imagine if this game had the multikill xp multiplier! Just up density during Helltides and gg best xp farm!!

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Those rifts weren’t great. Endless repetition. Please give us something else to do.

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How about enhanced dungeon levels? Upon completing a dungeon there is a chance at times for a bonus level to open up with harder mobs that also give more experience and drop better loot more often?

The issue with D3 was that completely alienated its pre-existing playerbase. It wasn’t a game for the ones liking the loot hunt anymore but for the ones liking pushing the highest GR possible.

D3 became a very good game with RoS, but for a different audience.


The cookie monster is completely out of touch. Dude tries to make it seem like they produced a great product so they can sit back all fat and happy. They need to realize what they produced is trash and completely unacceptable.


Account wide paragon unlock would make leveling alts feel GREAT! Hit 50, unlock full paragon from your 100 main, and CRUISE to level 100

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D2R is by far Blizzard North most successful Arpg, and for good reason, I do suggest you look up some videos on the gameplay and loop, it’s not for everyone for sure but no game pleases all, It is newbie friendly until you get to Hell mode, if i may suggest wait for a sale Ive seen D2R go for 20 bucks so perhaps waiting for it would be your best course of action.