The Diablo 2 Blueprint

How is this a new game? It is a near carbon copy of D3 with slowed down combat.

And other many of us are still waiting for a sequel with the spirit of D2 after more than 20 years.

It wasn’t D3, it wasn’t Immortal, it isn’t D4. Isn’t it legit to ask when will be our turn or will we have to wait while we see how they cater to everyone else but their original fans? All we got in all these years is a remaster, not a single new entry.

Don’t be so selfish to demand that everything has to be for you and nothing for the rest. Have a bit of respect for others.


Im in the same boat and hoping POE 2 does the job.

Oh yeah, I played about 2k hours of D3 and began playing D3 on day one through season 28. Please tell us how this game is a carbon copy because I absolutely do not see it…

The problem is that current Bliz has assumed people liked D2 because you couldnt easily reroll builds, and travel was a pain, and everything took a bit longer…and not because of the grim dark vibe, cool builds, loot, layout of content, ect.

They did the same for vanilla wow and started loading their game up with fun throttles for anything people want to do, and forced content for things they know people dont want to do.

Its a totally wrong philosophy theyve been working under for far too long.

This is why they go after super casuals, and also, forced content, and also throttles on everything, paired with high frustration travel and navigation.

Basically they think their old glory was about massive time wastes, hard choices, and rerolling/starting over…and not about the content, complexity, and fun.

Glad you’ve asked it:

Well, at least you tried. :man_shrugging:

feels like a game made by a bunch of software devs straight out of college

no actual dev xp

Please, explain to me exactly how you believe this game even REMOTELY “tried to be D2.” I will wait. ROFL

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And, according to your state of shock that made you reply without reasons against, succeeded.


There is no reply. You quoted some hive mind opinion. Thanks for trying, bub.

I agree D2 is a masterpiece but giving the new iteration of a beloved series a good chance and criticize D4 fairly should be the baseline for players. To make the game better. I like yours points generally here is my reply:

  1. Some form of lobby is surely missing or at least lfp features there are a lot of MMO like features which I like but the social aspect is lacking. Bring leaderboards back please.
  2. Playing around lvl 40 right now itemisation and drops still seem okay to me. Weapons and armor have interesting stats given how DMG scales it might get boring after a while though (need vulnerable and crit) jewelry feels bleak right now. However I do like the idea with aspects.
  3. There is trading and the system is safer (thus fairer ) than D2 because you have to lock in your stuff first. Makes scamming much harder which is good. Maybe restricted trading will also do some good to the game.
  4. Bosses on wt2 feel fine right now. Some of them are really well designed and need some strategizing to take on. Some are too easy some too hard. D2 had quite simple boss design imo. They were hard the first few times then the fight itself became meaningless.
  5. Too high numbers are indeed ridiculous.
  6. This seems to be the biggest issue right now and should be addressed. Lvl 10 to 40 makes no difference in how the game feels. Not good.
  7. I don’t find that sinking 20 Points into your main skills was the best system ever. After a while I just wanted to skip that. Five could be just fine especially when you get the boards later. This could be in line with keeping those numbers low. Progress fast in early to mid game than have a long plateau. As you already mentioned that this collides with the scaling model. Even if you could sink 30 points into your skills you would still feel not stronger if everything levels with you all the time.
    Also wrote this during lunch brake.
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2nd time replying and failing to give reasons. Still didn’t recover from the shock, right?

Tired of D2 widows complaining and complaining.
AS if there isn’t the perfect game for you, it’s called Diablo 2. Just go play it.

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You can ignore our posts same way you ask us to ignore D4. Or does it just work one-way?

Besides the atmosphere, there is nothing that is remotely close to D2.


Hive mind throwing wild claims that can’t be backed with reasons.

Lets paste it again:

We do not need another D2. Period. It is dated and no longer holds up. Hell Titan Quest replaced it long ago as well as Torchlight 2.

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100% agreed with your list!

What is the “spirit of Diablo 2”, without mentioning any specific mechanic?

I mean if you boil away the nitty gritty and look at the game as a whole I see D4 as continuation of the Diablo DNA.

I’d really love for you to try to tell me what makes a game like D2 without mentioning potions belts, rune words, or any one specific D2 mechanic. Runewords weren’t even in D2 prior to LOD for instance and most casuals never even interacted with them.