When do you think the Beta will start

I can’t attest to the veracity of it, but a website called Blizztrack said the dev version changed today, may or may not mean anything, but I mean, there is no cow level, so…

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The Bnet App just updated with TBC Classic releasing June 1st! :slight_smile: Hopefully my other guesses are correct as well! :smiley:


From a D:I fan(not me): who cares about the dumb D2R that is remaster of 20 years old game?

Don’t judge other’s preference. D:I will have a very large audience.

It is completely fine that you dislike or hate D:I, but underestimate the mobile audience will be a huge mistake(mobile game market is double of PC market)

I hope the beta comes in May … and then the July release at the latest … our child comes in October and i want to be able to play at least the first ladder intensively :rofl:


get a laptop, use 1 earbud, take night watch. Sit in room closes to babu, so you can easily step away if you need to.

And when I can sleep? :joy:

Sleep when you’re dead! Those elite uniques won’t find themselves, you know.

you shouldve read more of my responses before you replied. I literally said further down that i AM going to play D:I and also think the backlash was idiotic when it was announced. its a free mobile version of D3, obviously its going to get a huge audience on release.

Perhaps. BC releasing June 1st, but its literally a re-release of a decade old WoW expansion, It’s not going to leach any real player numbers from D2R. Yes they aren’t going to release super close together, but end of July would still be 2 months apart, thats plenty of time in between. But i suspect an August release to give it around 3 months. No way they need anymore extra time, they will most likely be done Beta testing within weeks and then just hold onto the game to give it that 2-3 month cushion.

Actually you’ll still have time for a while, babies sleep a lot during daytime in their first months. It’s after that it gets harder to make time for video games, especially if you don’t want them to see M rated content on your screen and have to hide from them :wink:

More than likely WoW Chains of Domination will release beginning of July since it’s in Beta just like WoW TBC Classic is and it’s releasing June 1st. D2: R will probably follow suit after that and release around Tuesday, August 10th, 2021! :slight_smile:



It really doesnt, it changed several times since the alpha already.

I think it could start any day. I’ve been checking my launcher every hour and will continue to do so until I can install.


Second half of this year is somewhere between July1 to December 31st.
So the OP’s question is when is beta?
Well to answer TRUTHFULLY is to say sometime between now and December 31st.

We really do not know any more than that!

Please stop giving people false hope about beta and ultimate delivery of D2R when you are blindfolded like all of us are.

You do not know special information above any of us BillyMays.

Beta sometime between July - September is not true.

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You’ll soon learn with a baby there is no such thing if you want to be able to game too. I average 4hrs/night just to be able to game for 1.5 hours every few days.

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They know D2R coming out will take away some people from playing Diablo immortal which is why they gonna delay the D2R release till Immortal has been out for a good month or 2. I would guess.
I say we make a bet topic every one guess the day the release come out and winner gets free internet cookie.

Last wednesday (19th) I sent an email to Maxim S., who is the contact on an official document for press (I had a question about a possible API, but I didn’t find a specific contact for this).

I received an “out of office” reply, until May 31th, so I suppose there won’t be anything before June (considering it would be a bad timing to be off otherwise).

I’m aware that this information doesn’t really mean anything, but I share it anyway since we don’t have more news from CMs :frowning:

And while waiting I play D2… ^^

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Do you not have a phone, guy?

Any day now, my senses are tingling~

I would like to play Diablo Immortal, but they increased the system requirements so much, that my tablet won’t even display the game in the app store anymore :frowning: