Twisted Sword Raging Storm + Wicked Wind Rune Bug

I assume the change to Twisted Sword was to allow Raging Storm damage to be used with a stationary Wicked Wind rune. The result is a Raging Storm that does less damage.

Here is a video showing the build being played and my thoughts.


The base effect for Energy Twister is 1525% damage over 6 seconds, and the effect gained by the Raging Storm rune is the combining of twisters to deal 3200% damage.

The effect of Wicked Winds is that it lowers the damage to 835% over 6 seconds, with the added bonus of the twister keeping still.

The new affix adds the effect of Raging Storm (The Combining effect) to Energy Twister. So choosing the wicked winds rune first lowers your damage, causes them to stand still, then gaining the ability to combine together (via Raging Storm).

There is no bug, just a misunderstanding.


Mhh i don’t know. If you look at raekor for example the bonus is that charge gains all runes. However the rune with the highest dmg is taken into consideration for dmg-calculation then.

This should be the case for WW+RS too in my opinon, thus i also think it is a bug, or at least not intended that way.

you only casted one twister there, did you try to test the collide dmg ? i can’t see it in your video.

Well no, he casted solo twisters in order to see if the Dmg % of RS applies to WW and it does not.

The stacking mechanic itself works fine

The larger combined Raging Storm twisters also do less damage when the Wicked Wind rune is selected to keep them in place.

Which is quite logical…since it will still use the 835% twisters for merging the bigger one.

Well…one way or the other, intentional or not, Wizzard could really really use this item to be changed in a way that the dmg of RS applies to WW.

Oh and if anyone of blizzard ever reads this: There are already enough threads about this , but pls revert / change Etched Sigil.
Wizzards dont have many cool items…and you destroyed the most interactive item they had.


@ Lexy : Could you maybe do some writeup/feedback in the PTR Feedback-Forum on the actual situation of the wizzard.

Not that this hasn’t been done yet, but Blizz tends to listen to streamers more than to “usual players”.
PTR is not over yet, and if more people do some good writeups / summaries , maybe the wizzard won’t stay in the bad shape it currently is.

Yes but what we’re trying to tell you is that is working as intended. Base Twister has always done approximately 2x damage as WW. An actual bug would be the combined Raging Wicked Wind still doing 835% which it does not, it does 1670%.

So what’s the actual benefit? Proc scaler, radius area and area damage now all get amplified with the combined twister vs if 2 stacked WW’s were there. Also the damage gets extended with the combined twister. In other words before if you had 5 WW twisters (the max btw due to the disappearing mechanic added years back to nerf Raging stacks) one would constantly disappear, so your max damage ever would be 4175%. Now you have 5 combined getting extended on the last combine for 6 seconds, plus a new one forming. You can essentially stack almost double the amount of damage now due to this, with double the radius than base WW.

That’s actually quite a large buff, especially with Area damage and any other proc effects.

If this is intended, Wicked Wind is not going to be used for anything except T16. I would like to see a stationary twister that does Raging Storm damage to make this build viable for high level Greater Rifts. That’s what many streamers in the community were asking for.

Quite the opposite, moving twisters are only semi good when you’re moving. They’re terrible on elites/RG anything that takes some time. Twisters despawn after several are cast on the screen from the nerf from S7 ish or so, this included WW so there was a hard cap for how many you could have stacked compared to vanilla CM/WW days.

Now combining the twisters has removed the cap, because now there’s a lot less Twisters but they’re all combined so the damage gets extended (not to mention the radius increase, proc scaler increase, AD increase). You cast the 5th Twister, all that stacking damage is reset and extended to another 6 seconds, all 5 - now you’re creating another Twister stack, exceeding a 6 stack…I don’t think testers are realizing how good that actually is.

If PTR wasn’t so laggy/buggy, you could really take advantage of this with Pain Enhancer, easily get a 12+ Twister stack going, hopefully when they bring it back up this will be fixed.

I played the Twister Wiz in Season 5 and 6. The nerf capped the damage bonus on the Twisted Sword to 5 stacks. You can still have more than 5 twisters out at a time. Twister were made to despawn when they stopped moving (besides Wicked Wind effect). This change was made to prevent us from stacking stationary Raging Storms on corners.

The current change to patch 2.6.10 isn’t as good as you think.

Check the patch notes for the original nerf here:

Yes was made to nerf that build entirely so we couldn’t stack up Ragings but I had thought WW was also capped sometime before than, I might be remembering incorrectly but worth testing.

Regardless if the 5th Twister combine resets the timer that would be far more damage? Have you tested if it keeps the full 5 twisters in damage? If so that’s still a massive buff not including again radius/ area damage / proc scaler.

But either way, the WW thing isn’t a bug - it would be a feature to ask it to be buffed to Raging Storm damage or base Twister damage.

The RS rune increases Twister damage to 3200% when 2 collide, this doesn’t increase when they stack beyond that. The change to allow it to stack 4 times is irrelevant if the bonus damage does not increase with each additional stack of twister. The damage increase stops at the initial 3200% or approximately 1600% when the WW rune is used

I think the issue is that the Raging Storm rune doesn’t say “adds the damage of the twister cast into, upon merge” or “adds the damage of a base runed Twister upon merge.”

It specifies a Weapon damage% value. Based on this, we would expect a base Wicked wind rune cast Twister to Deal 800% / 6s.

However, upon combine with one twister, it should deal 3200% / 6s, per the raging storm rune’s specification.

Raging Storm

When two Energy Twisters collide, they merge into a tornado with increased area of effect that causes 3200% weapon damage as Arcane over 6 seconds.

If this is not happening then there is an issue somewhere. The patch notes are vague.

Is the weapon% damage from each new twister combine intended to be additive, based on Twister rune damage of 1525%/6s, or additive, based on Raging storm rune damage value of 3200%/6s? This is not clear.

  • Additive based on base Twister rune damage value would produce 4725%/6s upon 3 twisters combined, 6250%/6s upon 4 twisters combined, etc.
  • Additive based on Raging storm rune damage value would produce 6400%/6s upon 3 twisters combined, 9600%/6s upon 4 twisters combined, etc.

About wicked wind: How else is this build going to work? Valthek’s causes twisters to fly off into never-never land. If they run along a wall, they DESPAWN in certain locations.

We wouldn’t be able to combine them 5 times without Wicked Wind. It’s not like we have much choice in the matter.


I’m not sure if this is true, but it’s supposed to increase with each stack. Were you able to test this before the PTR went down yesterday?

It is additive based on the base selected rune damage. This works as you would expect for all runes except Raging storm. A 5 stack with no rune is doing 7625% (1525 * 5), and a 5 stack with Wicked Wind is doing 4175% (835 * 5).

With Raging Storm rune selected, you instead get the 3200% for the first two merged, but then it adds 1525% for each additional merged twister, such that a 5 stack with Raging Storm gives 7775% (3200 + 1525 * 3), rather than the expected 8000%.

The base damage of a Raging Storm twister remains at 1525%, as a single twister would be 1525%. The bonus damage comes from merging, but that bonus is only applied once (for a 2 stacks), then the base damage is additively added from there. Just to be exhaustive, I had tested every combination of every rune (except the useless lightning rune). For Raging Storm, 1 twister was 1525%, 2 merged was 3200%, 3 merged was 4725%, 4 merged was 6250%, 5 merged was 7775%. Thus, peak dps is obtained if you can manage to only create 2 stack twisters.

Yes the damage increase stops after the 2nd tornado is cast / collided

You mean this damage increase of 150% per each twister?
So no matter how much twisters you casted the damage increase is always 150% x 2 = 300% and never reaches max damage increase of 750% when 5 twisters were cast?

Hmm, another thing to investigate:

Does area damage still proc based on if the last Twister cast was manual?

Or is the first Twister join the decider, and thereafter additional twister combines do not affect?

Either way the rotation for benefitting from Area damage is going to suck.

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Well the last way I knew Ragings worked was any combination of channeled ones into the originally cast one then procced AD and visa versa, so I’d assume more channeled ones would still, however the only thing that makes me hesitant about saying that’s a fact is that it merges into another new tornado.

So yes this has to be tested to verify before I say it’s a huge AD stacking benefit. From what I tested it only ‘feels’ like its working that way, but hard to say it absolutely does as it could be just the dps boost from the larger twister radius, which in turn amplifies more AD.

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