If you merge 2 energy twisters with the Raging Storm rune, the new “tornado” deals 3200% damage. The Twisted Sword allows the “tornado” to merge with 3 additional Energy Twisters. What will be the damage of the tornado, if it consists of 3 Energy Twisters? of 4? of 5?
Does it add another 3200% damage each time new Energy Twister is merged into, or does it double multiplicatively or any other interactions happen?
Previously on PTR there was a bug that merging additional twisters did not grant any additional damage:
But the topic is closed and there is no information if the bug was fixed.
The Wicked Wind rune has damage of 835%. The Raging Storm rune has the effect, that 2 combined Energy Twisters deal 3200%. The Twisted Sword says “The Raging Storm rune is automatically applied to Energy Twister”. According to the wording, even if WW rune is selected, after two 835% dmg twisters merge together they should form a tornado with 3200% dmg (due to RS rune). Is it the case, or the text is wrong and misleading, and another damage is applied?
Does Etched Sigil have any delay before applying 250% damage buff (like Deathwith does)?
Ranslor’s Folly says that Energy Twisters pulls in “lesser” enemies. Which enemies are considered “lesser” and which are not?
Yes. Two Wicked Winds combine to deal 3200%. However, after that the reduced damage of the Wicked Wind rune starts to come into effect.
Per Lexyu’s testing, the first two combined give 3200%, but then the additional ones that combine after that give Wicked Wind damage (so an additional 835% per each additional twisters 3-5, if I’m understanding it right).
Not sure. Felt like the damage ramped up quite a bit after 1 second to me, but that could just be from the combined twisters + additional Twisted Sword stack.
It doesn’t pull elites, bosses, RGs, or larger enemies (e.g. golgors). It should pull all small and medium size enemies.
I already answered that. That answer is addressed in my answer to 2). From Lexyu’s testing, at least for the Wicked Wind rune, it’s 3200 + 835% for each additional twister from 3 to 5, so 3200 + 835*3 for a 5-twister. For the other runes, it should be 3200 + 1525*3 or something like that.
Did you click through to Lexyu’s post that I linked? He has a twitch clip of his testing. This should be all the confirmation you need. I’ll drop it here directly for you: