Season 22 = only Jesseths season

Why would you use jesseth and give up the about 20% damage increase from an offhand, and a 15% bone spear damage roll and a skill slot on your bar, when you could use sotc to get the same damage multiplier and not give up any damage, and use bone spike and nayrs in the cube? Even reilenas would be more damage than jesseth and it only costs a passive slot instead of wasting a skill bar slot.


i dont think you understand how the game works, or you got your numbers from someone who failed math.
offhand +damage does not come even close to 20%. Yikers.

Who is wasting a skill slot on their bar? Trading Bone Armor for Command Skellies, is a great trade on this build 100%, you dont even understand.

Nayrs on this build? oof, and you’re talking about wasting skill slots. Using Nyr’s in any combination for Masquerade is just terrible.

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The average damage gain on a primal offhand is 537.5, the average damage of a primal 1h scythe with 10% damage is 2315, so the offhand adds a little more than 20% damage. Maybe you don’t know how the game works, but you add the weapon damage and offhand damage together and then multiply that by any applicable %s.
Care to elaborate on how trading 30% damage reduction and a stun for a skill that literally does nothing, or maybe gives you a little bit of healing, is a good trade?

20% more weapon damage (it’s actually 19%) does not equal 20% more overall damage do to a mob. Why do you think this? You’re fooling people right now into believing that weapon damage on a phylactery means 20% more damage to the mob. That misinformation is so fraudulent and damaging to the community.

The end result is around 7%. Like mentioned earlier, minuscule. You need upwards of 20,000+ intellect for added +Damage to weapon to even start making a difference and it’s still low priority over other options.

And when comparing that to the benefits of Jesseths, SotC+phylactery just isnt as good in this build.

On trading bone armor for command skellies, i’ll just hold those cards close to my chest for now, but how it works is so good it’s ridiculous.

20% more weapon damage is 20% more damage, what do you think the intelligence is multiplying?
Where do you get 7% from?

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i mean, in the simplest way i can think to explain it to you with a simple example.
(5x5x5)5 = 550
(4x5x5)5 = 500

So seeing 4 is 80% of 5 (an example of a loss of 20%) the end calculation is a true loss of 9% in this example. I hope this helped.

Didnt really help at all, since it had nothing to do with anything, also (5x5x5)5 = 625…


I pointed out to earlier that the offhand damage is added BEFORE multipliers in an earlier response. Adding the offhand damage of approximately 20% is similar to having a 20% damage roll on your weapon instead of the possible 10% that can be rolled (and can be in addition to that 10%). The math is simple, if you take x damage and multiply it by ALL of your bonuses, you get y. If you take x damage and increase it by 20% and THEN multiply it by ALL of your bonuses, you get z (which is y with an additional 20%). So increasing your weapon damage by 20% is equivalent to increasing the damage output by 20%. Your calculating the additional offhand damage in the wrong part of your equations if you think it’s only about a 7% overall increase.

yah that’s a bad example i was multitasking like a buffoon.

What you’re failing to understand is that the base damage is insignificant compared to the multipliers. Jesseth doesnt have zero weapon damage.

So if you do 100Trillion a hit with phylactery and 80Trillion a hit with Skullshield it’s a small difference. As the numbers grow, it matters less. To put this into perspective, say a mob has 450Trillion hp. SotC example would need 5 hits to kill, and Jesseth example would need 6. The difference is minuscule. Not that this example is accurate to the builds in context, the Jesseth build i listed does more damage than the SotC version.

And the multipliers are much more significant with the Jesseth build compared to SotC+Phylactery. So the reality is that Jesseth will hit for 100Trillion+ after complete multipliers. When all is said and done it averages to about at the very least 100% more damage then SotC throughout a Grift.

What you’re failing to understand is that the base damage IS significant since ALL of your damage is based on it. SotC plus a phylactery is closer to a two handed weapon than Jesseth and the shield. If you have a higher starting point before multipliers, you’ll have a higher end point. As far as multipliers go, Spike is 8x (guaranteed in the build), Shadowhook is 4.3x, SotC is 5x (possibly a little less if equipped), and Nayr’s is between 4x and 6x (likely to be 5x). In season you’ll get Spike plus 2 others. SotC is effectively the same multiplier as Jesseth plus you get the bonus damage of the phylactery.

On a side note, I tested Jesseth equipped vs SotC on ptr. Both were ancient and the weapons were “similar” in damage range (Jesseth was actually better) and the SotC felt MUCH more powerful. SotC cleared the same GR in a much shorter time than Jesseth.


i mean were you using spreading malediction, serration, overwhelming essence, bone prison, stand alone, ect? Abilities and runes? Rorg and what? no rorg? or what was your build?

The builds were identical except for equipped weapon and offhand and one skill swap. Sotc and a well rolled phylactery with Bone Armor skill vs Jesseth Set and command skeletons. Everything else was the same.

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This doesn’t even make sense, how are the multipliers "more significant’ when in the best case scenario for jesseth it has the same multipliers as a sotc+ phylactery setup, less 15% additive bone spear damage


PeciousRoy this is your last chance… you take the blue pill, season 22 ends, you wake up in your bed and believe what you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in season 22. And I show you how high Jesseth Masquerade goes.

well I guess i’ll just have to take your word for it that dropping damage, toughness and AoE crowd control for pets with no damage multipliers is a net gain for the build, since you can’t provide any evidence or math to back that claim up.


But but but, he’s a “visionary”!


This topic is full of trolls isnt it?

Ill just agree on 400% is double the damage than the other 400%.

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I’m convinced that it’s one troll wearing multiple socks.


Funny, well said, but likely still wrong.

Which 4 items will you put in kanais’?