PTR Rend; Devs did great & Careful with your feedback

People at the top of the ladder are not using BoM this is an hybrid build based on crimson so they use RoRg + CoE + Zodiac Ring and they are not using FC/Ground stomp skills, this is pure glass cannon.

BOOM!! :1st_place_medal:

It takes a while for anyone (self-included) to understand not only the gear mechanics, but also the gem mechanics and the proc’ing.
It is not abnormal to go along quite happily thinking everything is fine until realising that we have inhibited our own builds’ potential.

Yes, the balance of damage is more than feasible. It is plausible to build a combo build of WW & Rend, or a pure rend build now, so the variation is a huge enhancement, with the rend change definitely promoting smoother and cleaner game playing.


I think the more you try to fix something that already works, you will ruin it for all… Then you can still go on as ZDPS and complain for buffs…

I am having a hard time understanding. Just enjoy your gifts and dont cause self nerf. That s why these suggestions were theory crafted. Do not ruin it now.


My suggestion is NO Nerf at all.

People may think Ambo-rend is another chanto. However NO. And Rend is not as fishy as chanto or WWs. Think about this, if someone did 130 WWs in PTR. They may did 138-140 in the server. However, if someone did 130 rend in PTR. They can only do 134 at most.

Arch already mentions, rend build does not relies so much on density.

Rend total dps ~ density ^ 2; (NO AD at all! Small radius, like impale dh)
WWs total dps ~ density ^ 4;

Why kill a speed farm build for barb? Do you think rend is top build now? People have not yet test SS, New Raekor HotA, LON HotA. These all has great potential.

Rend should not be nerfed.


BOOM - it’s early days yet for the new sets and new legendary’s. :trophy:

P800, 108 at 6.30 (the 2nd run, the 1st is 106). He is using EF/Ambo, F&R, BoM and MSR in cube. Angels one-shotting the guardian is hilarious - and scary. [D3 PTR 2.6.7] ANGELS ONE SHOT EVERYthing Rend Barb S19 - YouTube

If Angels can oneshot RG, and as patchnotes say that this scales with difficulty and GR level, are we looking at trashclear specs attempt high 140s this season by ensuring 500 breaks when RG spawns? (Solo push ofcourse)

I really don’t see why peeps try to shift the dmg from rend to WW. Wrath set was always a 2 dmg skill set, but was poorly balanced because rend didn’t really do anything dmg wise. Now it does.

So one could say the set is actually achieving the design goal. Also opening more gear / builds diversity on same base elements skeleton. Isn’t that… good?


To all fake barbs here: GTFO. I’m not even joking. Some of you have been holding this class back for years now. Everytime we get some rework the whining begins. It is almost as some of you enjoy being weaker.


Funny I suggested in one of Free’s threads to make Whirlwind apply Rend with the 2-peices of wastes set.

Free said it was a bad idea.

Here’s my suggestion in Free’s thread:

2.6.6 and Barbs: A Measured Response

Now devs added my idea to Ambo’s Pride and suddenly everyone’s using this item and clear highier GRs :roll_eyes: and as OP mentioned:

Yep I guess my idea was really terrible… :roll_eyes: (sarcasm)


To some barb ask for balance dmg between WWs and rend.


  1. dev should do it some time In the future.
  2. before you ask number changes please seriously test the limits of current build and do some math. (We have barb com proposal as an example) An accurate number is needed before you say something like remove 2pc effect, half rend dmg.
  3. we didn’t have a clear picture right now. No body play chant currently. Some top players says it is just a small nerf. Barb will die before the live server. Some players are good at hiding, that’s a reason why chant comes alive. You know what? These people are joking about this. They are astonished when chant lives. And you see how long it lives?
  4. You have your opinion towards Ambo mechanics. But don’t ask for change in this ptr. I will make a poll, then you will see how many people love this.

I’m a little disappointed with some of the discussion in this thread. :confused:

I understand clapping back at GD or PTR trolls that want us nerfed, but if you want to argue with them, do it in the PTR and GD forums and do it directly, where it’s clear and visible.

What I don’t understand is clapping back at fellow Barbs with different ideas of how this should go. Disagree, sure, but some of this is just unwarranted. For example:

To whom are you talking? Is this really necessary?

Y’all need to collect yourselves and remember that this isn’t GD. We’re better than that.

Anyway, here is the situation we now have: The WW+Rend set has made WW into a pure utility/payload skill and the sole WW multiplier (Skull Grasp) is now useless.

Does this strike y’all as OKAY?

It doesn’t sit well with me. And I see two ways of looking at it.

On the one hand, I feel that both skills should play a part in dealing damage. Would shifting some–some, not all, and certainly not the bulk–of the damage from Rend back to WW make the build slightly more reliant on fishing and density? Yes. Would it decrease the build’s overall power potential? No, provided the buff to WW was strong enough. It might also make WW a faster, more powerful T16 build. The changes necessary to do this aren’t difficult. The ones I’ve proposed, with a tweak on numbers, would do exactly that.

On the other hand, let’s look at other major builds. In Fire EQ, you use Slam as nothing more than a Fury dump to reset Leap, and Avalanche is (still, grumble, grumble) useless. You do the same in Vile Charge, and in R6 HOTA, Charge simply generates stacks. In most of our major builds, in fact, one or more set bonus skills are, despite their designation, pure utility.

So, is the current design for WW+Rend really out of line?

No, it isn’t. I don’t think it’s optimal, but it does align with current design philosophy, albeit in what seems like a strange, unintended way. I don’t think the devs planned to make WW obsolete, but who knows?

The best advice I’ve read in this thread is this:

The PTR is only a week long, and we’re already half-way through it. I, for one–and I think most of you will agree–do not want nerfs. Barbs have been such trash for so long, and now, at long last, our builds are strong. I don’t think there’s a window for asking for extensive tweaks in this current Season or PTR.

So, here is what I want to do.

  1. Create a Barb PTR Feedback Thread
  2. With regards to Rend and WW, bring up what I point above (WW obsolesence), but point out that the build is strong and doesn’t cause server lag, so DO NOT NERF
  3. Ask whether WW can be addressed in a future update
  4. Ask for more buffs on Remoresless and Fjord

With regards to point 4, the numbers they plugged in were close to our “List 2” numbers, but those also relied on buffs to Gavel and Peak, neither of which we got. If we get small increases to the current buffed values, great. If we don’t, we still are getting buffs.

What are everyone’s thoughts?


Free, I do not take back a single word, man. I feel some people at this forum, you included, overcomplicate things way too much. The “GTFO” part I was not talking about you, your contribution to these forums are immense, but I fear we may feel the nerf hammer -again- by friendly fire against our own class.

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Why not? If whirlwind damage mechanics lag the server, it makes sense to switch the damage away.


Mah dude, there’s no wildfire in here, no burning requests for nerfs. Even Jako’s post is put forth thoughtfully and with tact–here, where we can debate and discuss, civilly. If nerfs happen, it is not because of reasonable, calm discussions like what we do. If nerfs happen, it will be due to either PTR trolls or the devs not seeing test results align with their goals.

I get that debate gets heated, but telling each other to “GTFO” for voicing discontent? When did that become acceptable?

Your tone, and that of a few others, is just out of line. We are, as a community, better than that, and I’m holding us accountable.

Now, if you want to take that kind of fire into the PTR Feedback Forum, please do. When I post the thread, that kind of staunch defense will be much appreciated.


There are already multiple requests for nerfs. Does it count as a wildfire? Not yet. Will it? Should it?

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I remember -clearly- the times we had barb crippled the last minute in the PTR, simply because other classes are much more united than us, and cried for barb nerfs in unison, while some of us went “oh well, that might be reasonable, we are too strong”

That kind of response haven’t been too much good for us. I’m glad they finally added Rend to 6pc wastes. I’ve been asking for this since its release. I hope they do not take that down in order to attend civilised cries for nerf.


They were more united. Not anymore.

So let’s clean it up and show them why we’re the best dang community on the forums. And if you want to fight the good fight, head over to the PTR forums and start replying to those asking for nerfs with calm, reasonable points.

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How about we’ve only been zDPS for so many years, now is our time to bring the pain train online? ^^ <3


As I said before, I like the auto rend too; however, not everyone agrees with me.

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