PTR Rend; Devs did great & Careful with your feedback

As I’ve seen over the years playing any game. If it’s not the class you are gonna play, and it’s considered “op” they will complain and want it nerfed cuz the other class shouldn’t be better than the one they play. Or. They will switch class just because it’s op and they want to be in a leader board or want it really easy. As I see it. If someone else does something that gives them a big advantage, it’s considered op or broken. But if that same person who complains does that same thing, they consider themselves very skilled and there’s nothing wrong with it.
Hell if everyone is just gonna complain blizzard can just shut down d3. They don’t make much off the game besides the purchase of the game and the necro expac.

After doing some math, I don’t even think my suggestion would be a nerf at all.

It’d be a buff.

So you little whiners should calm down.

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On a side note, what I’d really like to see is a legendary power for Skorn, Rend related. All Rend Runes, maybe? It would be great going 2H Wastes, with big, fat Rend damage, like the good old days.


Just chiming in after actually getting to play this build I agree even more strongly than before; the devs did an awesome job with switching how damage is applied between WW/Rend and the build feels powerful but not overpowered.

So far I’ve played with BK’s, IB’s, 2H, I even tried a shield for kicks and it wasn’t bad all between 115-123. I was able to clear maps that went 5-6 levels deep with nary a Festering Woods or Battlefield of Eternity in sight. In short, we have power, gearing options for variety without having to rely on fishing.

At this point in the game I could care less where the damage is coming from, ultimately we’re all right-clicking and tossing in a Ground Stomp or Charge. I really hope this goes live as is.


Why is auto-apply of rend bad? Do you want to make it complicated? Like wizard non-vyr sets complicated? Where you need to meet several stacking condition to even being to do damage or get mitigation?

Be careful what you’re wishing for, as it might happen if you really wish hard <3

The only way to convert some damage back to WW is to change Lamentation. Keep the first part where it can stack twice, but instead of increasing rend damage it could increase WW damage by 600%? I don’t even know if that would cut it.

Honestly, I would prefer if blizz just left it as is. I feel like the more they put their hands on barb, the greater chance for a nerf. They did good, I’m happy, don’t create more work for them lol.

“If it aint broke, don’t fix it.”

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It’s just a boring mechanic. At least in my opinion.

I guess they decided to do it to make Rend easier to use, and then the Rend detonation eliminates calculations and server lag.

But ya, just a boring mechanic.

I think it’s here to stay. Which is fine if it’s what the developers need in order to make the build easier on the server. Just wish there was another way myself.

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Can u please grab data from all server? I promise u your statistics will be changed significantly. Average wiz should be above 140. And it is a fishy build.

For the PTR there is only one server. For other servers, I can look at the current numbers, but I did that a couple months ago. Let me find that post and I’ll update here.

Also, you can check out the current top 20 era wizards here.

Data from August 4, where I looked at the top 40 solo clears worldwide.

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You can google 凯恩之角, find 英雄榜,they grab all data. I can’t send u link. I am only tl2.

for links just use </> looking thing on the top of the text box or simply add ~ before the address

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I tried. But, These links are not trusted by bliz. They won’t let me post.

What is wrong with some builds good at great mobs densities and some builds good at low mobs densities ? Why is it so bad to have something like elite hunters bulds and big white piles hunters builds ?

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Part of what I’m saying is this: Thanks to a few folk pushing the buffed Rend on PTR, a nerf is very likely.

I’m going to argue against that, of course, but again: A nerf is very likely.

And if it is very likely, one way to maintain a very buffed power potential and potentially appease the logic behind the nerf is to shift some of the DPS output from Rend to WW, hint, hint.

For example, if they lower the Rend bonus on Lamentation, but increase the bonus on Skull Grasp, yes, the build becomes a little fishier, and yes, it becomes harder to achieve the truly top-end clears, but the build remains closer to its current PTR iteration for most players and achieves better balance between its two primary skills.

Y’all following me here?


While we talk about Rend vs WW, Wizard will be cruising through 145s like is no joke, while we may get a shot to reach 140 with a 10k para barb with 3000 keys to fish.

Guys, I’d day we still need buffs. I’m upset they didn’t touch the 6pc damage of the sets.

Why not lower the rend on the six piece and increase the WW on the six piece? Lets not make things fishier most of us don’t play in the top 1% and don’t enjoy all the screwing around just to farm grifts. Also isn’t it a bit stupid to make Skull Grasp even more required than it already is? It kills build diversity. Oh and remove dust devils it’s not useful compared to the lag and visual clutter it brings…

This is a misrepresentation of the problem, because Whirlwind Dust Devils is not an “elite hunter” / “low density” build like Impale. Nor is it amazing at clearing screens like StarPact.

Your post suggests that Dust Devils do poorly in low density and are amazing at high density.

Dust Devils only do “OK” damage in high density and are near useless on low density. WW Dust Devils needs great density to do mid-tier damage.

That’s the problem. Even in perfect situations WW was never doing great. It needed amazing density to still be a C Tier build, or worse.



Skull Grasp is the sole damage multiplier for WW outside the Wastes set. Increasing its damage output doesn’t make the build fishier. And no one here is talking about a nerf that reduces the build to its current level of density-hubgry fishing.

What I’m saying is IF a nerf is incoming (and it likely is), a good way to soften the blow is to ask for better balance between the two skills.

Might have been interesting if the legendary power for Rend was on Skorn instead of Ambo’s, and the Skull Grasp power was moved over to Ambo’s.

Still, I think a reasonable power for Skorn is still “Increases critical hit damage by 300%”. I think that’s about in-line with a 60% damage overall damage boost?

A better balance you say will make it fishier. Why does the waste set need a damage multiplier at all? Just build it into the set rather than requiring a ring that everyone is now saying is useless because Rend?

The easiest thing to do is nerf rend to 9950% and call it a day.