2.6.6 Barbarian Community Buff Proposal

Glad to see folks are still checking out the proposal. We’ll be adding some addendums for 2.6.7 and beyond, but the info contained in the proposal won’t change and we won’t be modifying any of the proposed items unless Barbs get some kind of worthwhile update.

Going to touch on a few things:

I’ve never been a fan of this and never will, and though I’ve explained it before, here’s my stance in brief.

Removing the animation from Rend allows you to delete the skill from your bar. It also simplifies gameplay in a bad way–by deleting a skill from active use even if it can provide meaningful damage.

What do you gain by reinforcing the myth that WW is a simple, lazy build? What do you gain by making the game play into more of a “Hold M1” style?

I argue the build, like all builds, is far more interesting when you have choices, when your decisions determine your performance. Do you group more density, then Rend, then stay to WW or find more density? Did you group enough density? How can you maximize Rend damage?

Of course this assumes that, as per the proposal, Rend is addressed via supporting legendaries to deal worthwhile damage and offer meaningful utility, but you see my point: When the use of Rend becomes meaningful, the build becomes more interesting and immersive when you make decisions on its use.

And when Rend is simply auto-cast on hit, all such choice is removed. It’s boring, lazy.

Some folks say they don’t want to stop spinning to Rend, and I would argue that those folks A) have never truly pushed with WW, and B) don’t want to push with WW, because the build only performs well when you do exactly that: scout, Rage Flip, scout, Rage Flip, to cluster screens of density for a brief DPS cycle before you move on, dragging what’s left behind you. It’s already a stop and go build, one where you constantly adjust enemies with Rage Flip, where you’re constantly looking for the best spot on a map to pull density.

Here’s WW gameplay in a nutshell:

WW (scout) → Spear → scout → Spear – DPS cycle

And here’s WW if Rend is powerful enough to be on the bar:

WW (scout) → Spear → scout → Spear – Rend → DPS cycle

So, for everyone who says they don’t want to stop to Rend, you’re telling me that one extra little step–that one little key press–is make or break? If so, pick a different build. Or just use WW to speed-farm T16.

If Rend dealt meaningful damage and offered meaningful utility, I don’t think most players would complain about having to stop to hit a key every now and then–particularly if it got fixes along the lines we suggested. Remember, our suggestions simplify the build in a good way–by presenting easier to implement choices that require less micromanagement. Our ideas would allow us to drop IP and PoC, and the only cooldown we would have to worry about would be Wrath–which isn’t a concern at all when you’re fighting in density.

So, yeah. TLDR: auto-cast Rend is bad. Case closed.

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