PTR Rend; Devs did great & Careful with your feedback

Deathwish says Hello. Whirlwind is still a key part of the build (which is functional and fun). I think the only justifiable criticism is the build requires ambo’s to function correctly and the two-piece is awkwardly phrased. Left to my own devices, I would design it something like

2 piece: Gain 50% Damage reduction while whirlwinding and 3 seconds after.
4 piece: Whirlwind now applies Rend and Rend hits for Triple damage.
6 piece: Whirlwind and Rend damage is increased by 10,000%.

I’d shift the “Rend deals 500% more damage and over 1 second” to Ambo’s and open the possibility of introducing a Whirlwind-targeted weapon at some point in the future but that’s just nitpicking a functional set to be a little more open-ended. No big deal.

I scrapped the dust devil crap and would just up the base damage of whirlwind, which is as I recall very low. We don’t need that server strain.

Am I reading it right? Some of you are really complaining about Rend bonus in 6pc? This game drove some of you mad. When we finally get some rework you cry for nerf. So much stupidity.


Exactly. Barb stockholm syndrome. They finally get major buffs to Wastes and they’re nitpicking about which skill is doing the damage.

Seriously. Bonkers.


Seriously, some of you are masochist. I’ve waited YEARS for Rend buff, it was long overdued.


I’m with you. Wastes might be a little too easy, but it’s fun, functional, and powerful.


My suggestion would be remove the triple damage Rend bonus from WW4 and add Rend multiplier to Skull Grasp.

This means you have to use Skull Grasp and your using Whirlwind for damage at the same time.


No thanks. Having gearing options is better than buffed SG.

Now you can choose to play 2H, with BoM, without BoM, with Cc2, without, etc.

They can rework Skull Grasp into something else later on.

Remember WW is a measly 340% weapon damage skill. And Dust Devils are 120% if I recall.

It’s really a garbage skill.


The only issue is Wastes is already very strong, buffing the base damage of Whirlwind might make it potentially stronger than even Chantodo’s. No question Whirlwind should probably deal 500% damage and Skull Grasp could be easily buffed to 600% Whirlwind damage, but that’s a battle for another time, perhaps.

You’re not having more gearing options though.

You’re just trading one ring for another across the board.

I also make my suggestion based on the fact I doubt the developers intended for Skull Grasp and Whirlwind damage to become a non factor - which means they’ll probably nerf Rend as an overreaction.

My suggestion keeps Rend’s damage where it is while also fitting what I imagine the developers intentions to be. To add Rend to the current Whirlwind build.

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The problem is that Whirlwind Dust Devils is a bad outdated skill (340% + 120%) that deals its damage in mini segments and causes a whole bunch of problems to balance (as you all have seen for years).

I’m not against making WW deal significant damage but I know that as a skill it needs density and major AD and IAS mechanics to do anything.

Part of the problem. The more the set relies on WW damage the more fishy it will be.

Rend is the better skill for obvious reasons especially at 1 second duration. Large base weapon damage % skills are the name of the game in D3.


I think it’s a good thing you can build straight whirlwind or Rend, but not both. Ideally, finding primal versions of items would push you to one end or the other, depending on which items you found.

I think it might be better for all concerned for Skull Grasp's affix to simply become a weapon; the ring slot is far too competitive.

Same here. I can finally put Rend on the Bar and feel good about it!
After having a look at the PTR Forum and the anti Barb mood that is beginning to happen there and now reading the feedback in this Topic, we might be talking ourselves out of what might be a very good to a great WW build and that would be a shame.


I’m just being realistic.

Look at it this way.

  1. You have players calling for nerfs already, and if you haven’t experienced a Barbarian buff before… the whiners always get their way and Barbarians always get a nerf by the time the patch goes live.
  2. Rend is the clear cut winner, Whirlwind damage is irrelevant basically, so there is no “choice”, which means there are no gearing options as far as “Rend vs. Whirlwind”.
  3. Do you really think the developers intended the pendulum to swing from only Whirlwind damage to only Rend damage? I mean, maybe. But I doubt it. The more likely explanation is they intended current WW builds to equip Ambo and maybe Lamentation if they wanted to go glassy.

My suggestion is a slight nerf, but I think it does the trick. Whirlwind damage becomes more relevant. You’re not going from one extreme to the other.

And also, my suggestion gives more choices imo.

You obviously take Skull Grasp for its 400% Rend/Whirlwind damage and Zodiac. Now you choose RoRG for Crimson maybe, or BoM for defense, or maybe CoE?


after the devs see the leaderboards after this week there is no WAY this is going live , trust me i want it to but people keep pushing with it and the devs will look at it and say NOPE take some 0’s off .

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In all honesty I was blown away that skull grasp in not used anymore. On the other hand it didn’t make any difference when I cleared 125 on the first attempt after making a few adjustment at the 120 lvl. I am very happy plain and simple. I even tried Istvans with CC2 but couldn’t stay alive in 125. That might be the best speed build for the rend build and top push as well if you can stay alive. 110-115 speeds are wonderful.


The more I read, the more I agree with Hadd. What are we doing here?


doesn’t really matter , they are going to see the PTR Season / non Season leaderboards :rage:

Sounds like some people forgot how WW worked when Dust Devils was the only way to deal damage and it sucked.

I’m extremely happy with these current buffs. WW feels great and does good damage. I personally don’t care if it’s ww doing the damage or rend, as long as I don’t have to stop WW’ing and I can keep blowing stuff up.

The Pro-Slam build with the buffs is amazingly fun. Will definitely be pushing with that and WW.

I really love this patch. I think they hit the new numbers right on the head. Highest clear on PTR is 135 atm with 7k paragon. That sounds very balanced to me.

People who are complaining are just negative people who have nothing better to do.

We got the buffs. They all work great and the builds are super fun. Get off the forums and play the game people.


WW doesnt do “good” dmg , and you still have to stop to cast your new ground stomp/charge skill since everyone use band of might instead skull grasp… XD

I’ve been using furious charge for the extra speed.
If you come in here with a technicality and say “ww doesn’t do “good” dmg” It’s all about rend now"
Bro gtho. You know what I meant.

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