Neither did I, doesn’t mean it didn’t have an impact on the greater whole of the game. It did, and it was bad.

It doesn’t really matter whether these things are issues for you, personally. They were for the game as a whole.

Power on items is one of the reasons you find so much crap that’s useless. They had to make sure you could find the items you were after, otherwise you couldn’t do anything. To that end they skyrocketed the drop rates.

As far as trade… you’ve got gambling and Kunai’s Cube to find items you can use. Trading really isn’t necessary because it takes very little time to get geared now.

Loot is already RNG. You can’t tell what’s going to drop or where or when.

My guess is a lot of people will be doing that regardless.

Incorrect. Our job is to facilitate discussion. The masses aren’t the ones who decide whether something gets put in the game.


As if you haven’t used labels.

If I wanted loot drop increases, I’d be asking for loot drop increases. I wouldn’t ask for something else and then loot drop increases.

Then what are you still doing here?

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Yes. You are missing that we are not asking for the D3 ploot system.

We are asking for this:


I found them in the gimmick aisle.

Pretty sure you mean the hypocrisy aisle.


Naw, gimmick my man, gimmick.


A difficult concept to grasp for some.

why are u still here?

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Facilitating discussion is making 1 thread about Ploot an discussing it…

Sadly what we have on the forums is about 6 of you crying wolf making about 3000+ comments about it on all different types of thread.


Why are you still here? :woman_facepalming:
To troll? Ah, yeah.

Well, the vast majority of Ploot threads were not made by the ploot-supporters.
It sure turned out to be a popular topic though. I am against topics spreading over multiple threads, but I cant exactly prevent those threads from being created.


The vast majority of ploot comments are made by about 6 of you “Pro Plooters” It’s basically spam at this point since they ignore all opinions an counter arguments.

I have not seen one viable counter argument to ploot. I’m told that a timed loot assignment system would split the community; and then in the very next sentence I’m told to make my own private game for MFing.


Ah, the great ploot hope.

They’re not putting it in for launch guys but it’s coming.

First patch, they’re just fixing the major bugs, we were never going to get ploot on the first patch.

Second patch, what is Blizzard doing? Why are they dragging their feet? They know how important ploot is to my social media scrolling.

Third patch, okay Blizzard where is my ploot I’m getting angry.

Five patches more…

C’mon guys, let’s go play D4. Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about us!

Lies, I have explained why ploot is a terrible feature an not even supposed to exist in a remaster many times.

Not one of your arguments was viable, valid, or sound. Please provide one that is.

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You’re full of it an a troll. You have no rebuttal.

You have yet to present an argument. I’m waiting and all you have are words describing these arguments qualities.

Just saying it’s up there somewhere doesn’t count

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Eh, there is at least as many anti-ploot posts, made by a similar sized group of people, with the whole thing having become a silly back and forth.

I’d gladly go into arguments about the system. Sadly not many people interested in it, so these discussions mostly happen between the ploot-supporters now.
Which can also be interesting.
In the end, the goal here is not to convince anti-plooters that their opinions are wrong. That would be a pointless exercise.
For the most part it is about, in order of importance:

  1. Discussing ploot and how it could work
  2. Clear up misconceptions and disinformation
  3. In rare cases, genuinely discussing pros and cons of ploot

I have had a few nice discussions of the third type. Which was great. But they are the exceptions.

Hehe, yeah, that is quite something…

Saying that Ploot can happen, is not the same as saying it will happen.

Majority of ploot comments are commented by those forum users.

I’m still waiting on a counter argument.

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This again… it’s funny how all the people “Pro Ploot” say the exact same thing, yet ignore all the posts already made rebutting it.