It's 2021 not 2012. Time for changes

I clearly meant remake(just mistyped cause I was multitasking) I which I already changed since remaster didn’t fit with the context of the rest of my comment. Plus I already know the game was advertising as a remaster hence my comment.

Doesn’t matter it’s not accessibility it’s game changing.

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only if you change your game to play on it instead of ffa and even then it’s a minor change.

Wrong an I already explained this multiple times to the ploot gang, an they all ignore it.

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wrong i have already explained how it doesn’t affect ffa in a ton of threads to the ffa only clique but you have all ignored that.

Here’s the explanation again. So I will assume you understand min/maxing an time management an understand playing games on a competitive level. When a game is created under your “accessibility options” you create two types of games. FFA or Ploot. Both modes drop the same amount of items. But on FFA 0% of the loot is protected so you’re guaranteed no loot when you play it. On ploot the loot is protected 100% of the time when it drops for you… this protection is based on a percentage of drops or Odds. So if you primarily are just joining a game to level your “accessibility option” would change the core mechanics of the game. Because I can either A: Join a FFA game an have a probable chance of getting nothing. Or B: Join a ploot game which every time loot drops for me I will get it if I want it 100% of the time. This is called “guaranteed loot”. If you are trying to maximize your progression you would be an idiot to use FFA over ploot when grinding xp in public games. So the accessibility option would change the meta for anyone not in a premade team trying to speed level to remain somewhat competitive on ladder.


so basically your worry is no1 would play ffa because personal loot is the superior method but we shouldn’t have personal loot because it is the superior method?

in a FFA game you have a chance at getting 100% or 0% of the loot that is what most advocates say makes it fun.

You can never get over 12.5% of the loot in personal loot (of course this is an over time amount yes rng dictates you could have a lucky streak but it evens out over time to that amount) in an 8 player game.

Many people on this forum have argued that they would much rather have the chance at all loot than only get 12.5 so people would clearly play ffa unless they were lying.

So you being “forced” into personal loot is only in your mind because you feel you can’t compete with other people to get at least 12.5% of loot.

if you were a true min/maxer you would want the method that gets you the most loot i 100% agree but the chance at 8x more loot is a trade off that makes it far more lucrative and would be the prefer state of play for min/maxers as they always are making trade offs to be at the bleeding edge.

basically as with anything there is a trade off yes you are guaranteed 12.5% of loot one way but you have a chance at 8x that the other and people truly trying to be the best would take 8x more loot any day.

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Ya ok so lets say you get your little changes in. What about everyone else that wants changes YOU dont like?
In order to protect the game from changes YOU dont want, you must sacrifice these small changes that you DO want.

Superior for getting getting guaranteed effort free loot does not equal superior gameplay/fun game design. Plus at that point you have essentially removed FFA loot from the game because people will 99% of the time choose the most efficient method over the more fun method.
Superior is subjective to your goals.

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Your speaking about what if scenarios where I am speaking about absolutes. FFA has a probable chance of getting 0% good drops out of 1000 runs. Ploot will always give you 100% of all good drops out of 1000 runs that drop for you. The “option” isn’t a option when it kills the other core element of the game by being a easier game method. You don’t get 12.5% of the loot all the time It’s RNG based you can technically get 5% , 40%, 70% or 20% or any % in a ploot game… its a variable but what never changes is anything that drops for you is always yours. I actually ran ploot stats an ran it a million times an the average was drops were 3-25% range… but there was one run where 1 player got 80% of the drops from 100 items per run out of a million runs. These drops are uncontested it’s guaranteed loot so you literally will have to pay less attention an still be rewarded for easier gameplay. So to sum it up again… no ploot doesn’t belong as a option in a remaster since it is easier then FFA an thus will replace it when it’s not part of the original core gameplay design.

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This is a super important point that clearly illustrates how optional ploot games would deeply change multiplayer D2 for EVERYONE. Game-mode ploot is not the innocuous addition ploot advocates paint it as.


Ofcourse your correct. And not only that your splitting the community over something as trivial as the way an item falls on the ground. Its silly.

More then happy to send you screenshots, but forums don’t let me post pictures.

It’s not 12.5% it’s a variable but always greater then nothing. It’s not slower then FFA it’s faster since you don’t need open inventory spam to spam click everything up an discard the junk you accidently picked up in FFA. I can just focus on XP only in ploot an only pick up drops that drops for you that you want with minimal inventory space.

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Oh I know Ploot is not objectively better but thanks for agreeing.

The effort is in picking up the loot not defeating the monster. Ploot is objectively easier. You know that killing the monster is equal challenge in both loot scenarios so obviously not what he was refering to. This is a dishonest debating tactic.

So you think its okay to remove FFA for Ploot but not leave the game as is with FFA without Ploot… ya whos the one with the bias.

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Killing the mob in FFA is only part of the gameplay. You still need to have Item IQ, click speed correct inventory management making sure you have the space in your bag for the item shapes dropping stuff that’s not worth it in-between packs… or when that Tyreals might(or any item) drops you’ll hear… “I don’t have room for that” All these things are part of the gameplay that in Ploot are trivialized I can just keep one 8x2 space in a ploot game open… an I know if something drops I want… I can take my time an always pick it up cause it was protected by allocation for me. It’s inferior game design cause it dumbs down the game.


I didnt say you asked for its removal. Are you paying attention? YOU said its okay if they remove FFA for Ploot. That shows YOUR bias for Ploot.

You havent made an argument why thats needed.

Dude inferior or superior is SUBJECTIVE. That is your OPINION. Its not based on some universal FACT.

Ultimately the point we are detouring from is … why Ploot doesn’t belong in the game. Peeps keep throwing out the word “optional feature” but to players who want to min/max there time and progression it’s a easier game mode that is superior to FFA. Now the #1 thing about remastering a game is preserving the core elements of a game… this feature does the opposite of that… It will destroy FFA because it’s easier. Thus ruining the game for a lot of players who enjoy the challenge and also the gameplay the game was designed with to begin with. You cannot implement it as a option an claim it has equal footing as FFA it’s a lie an one will always be better for progressing your character faster. So to protect the integrity of a classic you just don’t implement ploot… simple as that. Going to bed, later.

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not sure you understand what min/maxing is

anyway i am far to tired to keep going back and forth about this i hope you can find what you can find some way to be happy with the d2r we get no matter how the give it to us.

I really am starting to wonder if any of the ploot people played d2. I know it’s been a while but I don’t remember anyone doing 8 player random runs with the intent of getting gear. It was always for experience. :thinking:

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People need to stop referencing asmongold for ANYTHING. He is an “influencer” (if you can even call it that) of the trashiest community on the planet. He is more toxic than m0e (if that’s even possible), and he’s not even that great at the games he plays. He is huge because he’s decent, but has an amazing amount of time to do nothing but play which allows him to get ahead, and gets paid for it, whilst being carried by a community of simply better players than he himself is. His opinions are bafflingly awful when it comes to any form of strategy creation and template creation himself.

Asmongold will not face d2. He would be a laughing stock. He would have his hand held by one of us regular hardcore players as he always does, while he touted his wealth given to him by his community. He is not hard enough for a game like d2, and never will be.