In my opinion, from the most egregious ramifications first:

  1. It takes away player agency. Besides the engaging scramble of trying to grab loot first (which many of us enjoy) you would no longer necessarily even have to try to get loot, just follow other’s runs and get guaranteed 1/8 the loot. Watch Netflix while sitting in Baal runs & in enough time, Griffons and HRs will eventually be yours just for leeching.

  2. Its easy to abuse and greatly benefits players who buy multiple CD keys. Every player gets guaranteed 1/8 the loot? Nice ill buy 4 CD keys and bring in 4 boxes to AFK in baal/chaos runs and get half the drops! D2 just became a little more pay-to-win.

  3. It hurts the atmosphere by removing the sense that we are all playing in the same “world”. eg. That Shako that dropped was there for everyone to witness and have an a chance at obtaining. I felt like this grounded the game in a certain realism.

  4. Say for example that I am running public Baal runs. If I’m teleporting and doing most of the carrying, I expect at least the chance to grab any of the loot that drops. With Personal Loot, that option is removed. I only get 1/8 of it and am automatically removed from 87.5% of the drops.

  5. Say for example I’m running Private Baal runs. It is easy to find a group of players who acknowledge they only want to leech for XP and agree to give me drops in exchange for the carrying them. This is a common occurrence and is mutually beneficial. If someone disagrees with the arragement I can make a new PW’d game and not invite them. Private loot removes this mutual agreement and trade of XP for loot that players often partake in.

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And how does this affect the game for anyone not using the mode? Yes we have established that in one mode you get guaranteed loot and in the current you do not. The question is how does this affect the game for anybody who does not use ploot mode?

How does somebody you don’t know, getting guaranteed loot, affect you at all?

Do you know what a Ladder is?

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Are you suggesting that people using the ploot mode will be competitive for the first thousand ladder spots in doing so. That the new min/max will include ploot mode? Lol

Make your point. Don’t make me try to guess the point.

I’ll requote it since you didn’t read it an just asked the same question again.

That’s just a wordy way of saying ploot will change the meta because there will be two different ways of playing instead of one. I don’t think you know what meta means. If min/max is not changed, the meta is not changed. This is irrelevant to min/maxing.

Please repeat your posts to the roof tops.

Also there is no discussion on ploot. He shut down his mistake of tweet pretty quickly.

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he doesn’t understand what min/max means it’s not his fault


This is exactly why I hardly bother. The denial is strong.

Okay, you’re trolling. 1 Mode is superior to the other by design. Ploot is a easier game mode #fact by design. It’s no longer an option to players trying to remain competitive. A good optional feature is not one that eliminates the core game design. Nobody trying to remain relevant in non premade games would be able to use FFA. You’ve eliminated that integral part of the game by adding ploot.

It incentivizes and rewards doing “nothing” in multiplayer games. This hurts the games longevity.

And more offensively, it detracts from the positive, rewarding feelings that other players get who put in the actual time and effort to kill, grind, and search for endless hours to find a valuable item when others are “given” it for free.

Why is it superior? You have less of a chance to get more items. In free for all you have a chance to get all of the items you want. Thus, it is the best way to maximize play. Using ploot will slow down someone going for top ladder.

I do I min/max in all different types of things. You’re just stretching to try to apply it to just a RPG character. You can min/max your life as well…that’s how I still go to the gym, run two businesses an still manage to always be top 1% on ladders. Min/maxing bro… nice try though.

Well if you want the rewards feeling then play free for all games. Those who prefer the feeling of ploot can play those games. If the quality of life improvement has no effect on anybody else and does not affect min/maxing meta, there’s no argument against it.

Being forced into a public game to compete with scripts is not how the game was designed either. This is a passive fix to that major problem.

min/maxing is about having the biggest risk to reward… how the hell is getting the bare minimum available loot min/maxing oh that’s right it’s not…

also hilariously that’s not min/maxing your life you are still using it wrong

This is also incorrect. Ploot is faster. You only need an 8x2 space in your bag to pick up any item that drops in the game… you can see it wait to see if you want it an only pick it up if it’s good. FFA you have to have more space, spam click when items drops. Discard items from your bag that are junk that you picked up when grabbing FFA items… it sounds like you’ve just never played d2 on a competitive level.

Are you suggesting that ploot public games would be an applicable variable in min/maxing?

min/max refers to the act of designing in such a way that one minimizes its weaknesses and maximizes it can also be applied to your life, in maximizing your time/potential.

You completely glossed over my 2nd point without even considering it.

When the option exists for players to join a mode where they are “given” items for free; this directly detracts from the positive, rewarding feelings that other players get who put in the actual time and effort to kill, grind, and search for endless hours to find these items.

You are essential removing the rarity of items by removing the difficulty in obtaining them. Sure you could choose to obtain them the difficult way still. But do you honestly not see how that impacts everyone’s experience?

Thanks for the life coaching. Now can you explain how ploot is a variable that affects min/maxing to the point of changing the metagame?