Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list

Nutcracker - Stunned enemies always take critical damage from your attacks.

Telranden’s Hand - Chance to Deal ???% additional Area Damage on Hit.

Flesh Tearer - All bleeding enemies deal ??% less damage.

Shukrani’s Triumph - Spirit Walk gains the effect of every rune and lasts until you or your pets attack.

new legaffix for Hex - Now the Fetish Shaman always follows you and occasionally casts a hex upon enemies.

Sledge of Athskeleng - The main attributes and duration of Berserker is doubled.
from 20 seconds to 40 seconds
Critical Hit Chance: from 10% to 20%
Attack Speed: from 25% to 50%
Dodge Chance: from 20% to 40%
Movement Speed: from 20% to 40%

new leg for barb Boots of Giant - While Wrath of the Berserker is active each your step causes an Ground Stomp and your Ground Stomp damage is increased by ???% (this dmg for Trembling Stomp rune). (this affix should work when we simply move without Whirlwind and Furious Charge ofc)

totaly sweeeeet :yum:

I was rethinking about the role in diablo 3. I think there are RGK, mob clearer, solo pushing, speed farming, def buff, attack buff, grouping, dragging.

RGK: build like heaven fury, shadow impale they should have damage mechanism that stack over time, or a mechanism that deal increased damage to a single enemy or first enemy hit.

Mob clearer: build that got mechanism whichscale damage with mob density. A pain enhancer is an example of it. Archon, spirit barrage, death nova also have a mechanism that scale damage with monsters. Build like star pack, work by using area damage, so in theory, skills that got a large area of effect could also be buffed to become Mob clearer build by stacking area damage.

Solo pushing build: build that good at both mob and boss killing. Usually, it damage multiplers are flat, and does not affected by mob density.

Speed farming: build that got screen-clearing effect or build that can attack while moving. They are also accompanied by fast movement. GOD DH, WOTW bar and POJ Monk belong to attack while moving. Multishot, WOL belong to screen-clearing build.

Attack/defense buff: any build that provides party benefit to other members.

Grouping build: build the excel at pulling a large group of monsters together.

Dragging build: build that can drag elite and move

Wild effect: There are also some builds that got wild effects, such as leapquake, Uliana, DOD, Jade. They hold a special role in creating diversity.

I think the 5 sets of each class should each take up one of these roles, there could also be hybrid build got element from 2 builds.

IK HOTA should buff to become RGK, as HOTA has a small attack area.

IK Charge got scaling with mob density, but its area of effect is too small. It will left some monster behind. So it can only become a solo pushing build.

Reakor 6: based build couldn’t become RGK, as it usually only attack during COE cycle. So it should become a solo pushing build.

MOTE leapquake and Seismic slam: both builds got large areas and could become a mob clearer.

WOTW is clearly a speed build and should become one.

Frenzy bar is the current RGK build, but this will be overlapped with IK HOTA build. Perhaps, we can make both builds into hybrid build. Frenzy build would also provide defence buff to party and HOTA could provide attack buff to party.

Blessed shield: got a mechanism that scale with density. Should become mob clearer. The currently blessed shield bracer clearly contradict it.
Condemn: got grouping function and the dps is not bad. It can become grouping and mob clearing hybrid.

Blessed hammer: got item that deal damage to first 3 enemies hit and also got an item that increase blessed hammer damage per enemy hit by falling sword. I suggest picking a side to make it into RGK or mob clearing.

Shield bash: also got a mixed identity, shield bash itself deal extra damage when hitting fewer enemy, but shield glare change it into an AOE skill. However, this gameplay mechanism is fun so maybe we should keep it and make it a solo pushing build.

Sweep attack: it also got grouping ability and the area of effect is larger than condemn. Compare with condemn it is better at dealing single target damage, as it attacks speed make the band of the stricken stack faster. It also does not require at least 3 mobs to deal damage. So it should become an all-rounded solo pushing build.

Invoker and Heavery fury are both RGK build, perhaps we can make them differ from one another by giving defensive party buff to the invoker.
I would also suggest enhancing crusader dragging ability by buffing steed change.

Demon hunter:
GOD: speed build and best build for DH, it is overpowering compare to other builds.

GOD entangle support: 150% increased damage and group capability is hard to pass. It is becoming an essential build in 4 man meta.

Shadow imaple: one of the RGK option, can use a sight buff.

Rapid-fire: This build got a stack up time and a random area of effect, it could become an RGK build. However, this build will always have lower mobility compared to shadow impale, so I think it should provide another form of benefit.

Multishot: got good speed and large area of effect, could become either a speed build or a mob clearer. I think we should pick a side and buff it.

Embodiment of the Marauder: Sentries fire secondary skill remind me off trap assassin build in diablo2. It is fun, but it turns the set into pet build. So the current iteration of M6 is focusing more on the active attack part. I hope we can change it back, as this playstyle is different from other DH build. In terms of function, M6 can become mob clearer that provides defensive buff.

Want to post this part first, I will keep working on other class.

I think that would be quite awful tbh. Making sets even more limited than they already are.

The accompanying legendaries (and of course skill runes/passives) are what should/could define the specialization.
Using some legendaries for solo pushing, others for RGK etc. (and of course, some sets will inherently be better or worse for these tasks too, just shouldnt be a goal that they excel at one role each)

I guess it doesn’t really matter what happens to D3, it likely cant be saved at this point. Still seems bad to go further in the wrong direction of limiting builds options.

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Sorry for my wording, but I am still doing the analysis by build that are support by different item.

I agree on this one, I think broad-reaching sets are the answer, with interesting, non-excessive mechanics, then balanced legendary damage modifiers with unique interactions from legendary item choices.


Just got a crazy idea for next seasonal theme.

your ideas are just getting worse and worse! But the nemesis system from PS4; that would be interesting. Maybe a random “nemesis shrine” spawns on you that rewards significant progress and/or loot if you kill it.

I just refined the idea for a bit. I think it is new and refreshing. At least it is better than the current one.

It’s actually worse. If the season buff is a hindrance, people will just play non-season…or just not play. The seasonal buff has to be fun, or change the builds.

Just off the top of my head, a nemesis pylon could work very similar to a Cursed Shrine. Kill the monster, gain a pylon effect. Or don’t hit the shrine, and miss out. Additionally, nemesis shrines would have to be bonus shrines.

As a personal note, instead of your “kitchen sink” philosophy, ask yourself what players enjoy and see if you can hit that note. Some players will enjoy the extra challenge. Some will enjoy more pylons. But better yet, do both.

It wont be bad if the challenge is well rewarded. What if it make it faster to clear GR?

I know lot of player like the efficiency and speed farming.

what if the extra monster help to reduce fishing and make every rift doable.

It really wouldn’t. It would be a random Yellow, which are generally skipped unless there’s a lot of density. However, a random pylon effect could be power or conduit, which will help you reduce fishing. It’s too bad Speed Pylons are so crappy. I wonder if they’d ever consider Speed Pylons increasing monster progress by 20% or something, in addition to it’s current (really, negligible) effects.

It would indeed be more fun if seasons added some challenges instead.
Getting hunted every 45 sec sounds like it could get very repetitive though.

Season of No Sets and LoD
Season of No Dmg Multipliers
Season of Paragon lvl 400 cap (and 10% of normal XP gain)
Season of No GRift timers, but 1 less gem upgrade each time you die
Season of No zDPS

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I was wrong. Ideas do get worse :wink: Let’s see make Diablo 3 so un-fun to play everyone quits FTW? What are you guys trying to accomplish?

Making the game more fun and interesting than whatever the current version of D3 is.

This DH patch was big disappointment for me as DH only player. I did not play game for 1+ months.

Non season is ghost town and DH is out of meta.
Impale not getting any invites for BK spot.
GoD “speed” runns are non existent in non season and are far behind Rat Runs.

Can’t find normal group as DH for GRs.

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You’re playing a game that’s been out for 8 years… The playerbase is down to 1/1000th of what it used to be. 90% of those remaining only play with a specific set of other people. If this game were on steam and you clicked on the steam stats graph, you’d likely see this game peak out at 10k concurrent players for the day(worldwide).

Of the people that still play the game, the majority are of a very specific subset of gamers and are extremely min/max oriented. Minimize effort in playing a character, maximize dps/tankiness/speed/etc.

If you had two builds to pick from that can both push the exact same GR level, 99 times out of 100, people are going to pick the easier to play of the two. The one with less micro-management and that they can spend 75% of their time holding one button down…

There’s a 100% chance that half of what you said is half as much as people read but only 20% of the words made up 1/5th of what you were saying. I agree 25% with what you said because a quarter of me is really into specific numbers.

Maybe I’m the 1% but I only play classes and builds I like to play for any time long enough that it takes me to figure out if I like it. I spend a decent amount of time altering builds or making up my own versions of something as well.

Please, Devs, make Secondary characteristics GREAT! (again? :thinking: finally! :smiley:)

The Grandfather - Your damage increased by your percentage of Life. Each indestructible (Ignores Durability Loss) item increases your Armor by ??%.

Blackguard - Increases your damage and duration of control effects by your percentage of reducing duration of control impairing effects.


Those are neat ideas!

Finished my suggestion of legendary gem.

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