[Hydra Set Survey] Do you prefer to have more Hydra HEADS or would you prefer more HYDRAS?

This is just a question to see what the communities sentiment is towards this:

Do you prefer…

a) … that the new Typhon set gives each Hydra more heads and that the other bonuses on the set are based on the amount of Hydra heads that are currently active?


b) … if the new Typhon set would increase the maximum number of Hydras you can have active at the same time (and maybe that the other bonuses on the set are based on how many Hydra’s you have active)?

Just respond with what you do/would prefer.

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I would prefer to change etched sigil and deathwish to buff channel spells only. And buff the hydra damage to have a pet build.
More hydras could mean more aoe. A “use a primary skill gives a chance of spawning an extra hydra” could be nice, either tied to the set or a legendary item.


I personally would prefer B

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I agree, but that is another issue and there have been several threads about that already.

Me as well.

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Option B ofc. Much more advantages in overall gameplay

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Well, I don’t think that the problem is caused by ES and DW.
The problem is caused as we dont have anything else then ES and DW.

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But Es and Dw buffs all spenders. If you had an alternative, this would still be prefered as you would also have mantle of channeling shoulders.

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It would totally depend on the new items we would get.
The rest would be only a little balancing problem.

For Hydra Set for example we could get a 2 handed staff that increases damage done and decreases damage received for each active Hydra.

Or maybe something like this:
Increases your damage and attack speed for each active Hydra.
The Wizard releases Hydra skills now and then, just like an additional Hydra.

Here are some more suggestions I have made:

I think B, there is a huge but to it, because the hydras would need an instant nerf taking into consideration both the total damage buff and the buff the two new items give. Having said that this set brings old memories from D2. The play style reminds me of the trapsin, even though the hydras existed as a sorceress spell even back then. The difference is that the hydras has a midrange and in general the distances are totally different in D3 compared to D2. Which is okay with me, tired to hear all the complaints about D3 vs D2.
Mobility and the current dps and DR loss is a bigger problem.
I also agree on the idea of a new pair off main hand offhand to get out of this temptation to go for the Deathwhish/Etched Sigil.

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I’ll go with A. The extra heads idea is very unique, and if they work out the issues with them falling off to quickly, it will function just fine.

There’s not a lot of difference between the two approaches, I just like that one more.

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I had suggested exactly this in past.

However, in my opinion this new Hydra Set is not like the D2 Trap Assa. Only 2 Hydras are just not enough :wink:

I like my wizard to play like the DH Marauder of 2014 patch 2.0.6.
Cast down 5 Hydras, freezes the whole screen and stay behind in safety.

Option B sounds exactly like that.
But having 10 heads of Option A still works just the same

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Yeah, I also kinda imagine it to work like that, except that the Hydra’s themselves would only do 30-40% of the total damage, the rest from some other skills. Like buff other skills as well when for each Hydra that is active.

I always saw Hydra as being more of a support damage dealing skill rather than a main damage dealer.

Bingo! (20 characters)

This is a very good question.

I get why just adding heads is more interesting, as it limits how many continual casts you need to make. So instead of having to summon 4 Hydras everytime you have moved, it is easier to just summon 2.

It also creates less clutter and screen noise in a multiplayer environment where filling the screen with effects isn’t really a good thing. And a more unique change to the skill.

But the new Magistrate effect makes it much more appealing to have more active at one time.

To me it is more about the playstyle, as the channeling part is the biggest drawback for me to even judge what would fit it best.


I prefer B
Also rework etched sigil and Death Wish in a way that it cannot be used with Hyrda builds


Option B - more hydras = more active playstyle with an enpahsis to control the battle field through how you place your hydras.

I also agree that this set needs to include items that make channeling redundant!

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The one that lags the least in high grifts!

I prefer the option A but making mammoth rune multihead with the set on.

I prefer B.

  • I reckon they should double the number of Hydras so that with Serpent Sparker, you would get 4 Hydras.
  • Damage reduction should be a flat X% if you have one hydra active
  • B would make Mammoth an option… they’d all be options
  • additionally, the damage on the 6pc shouldn’t have to scale with the number of Hydras… that gameplay really sucks