From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

I considered all 7 classes. Two classes were below 138 (barbs and monks). Two classes were above 141. The rest were 138-141. I chose the 138-141 range that required the least number of adjustments in consideration of the top 2 classes were already being nerfed. I hope that this helps to clarify the rationale for making my statement. Also, I said barbs could be 141, the top of the range.

The elusive question is what do you predict to be the top non-season barb GR clears if the initial patch goes live with 200% rend damage on lamentation?

We know 140 is doable and you can see what a top barb in the current era thinks.

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And yet you STILL can’t see the utter hypocrisy of your actions…

I’ll edit my post for clarity unlike the one above, At this time it shows one but is at least 4, the quote above is the original post he made. As you can see it clearly has changed. He then repeatedly changes his posts altering the tone and point without declaring what was an edit and why. ALWAYS quote him when replying. Lets see if it lets me add his full new post

picture may be better Imgur: The magic of the Internet


TLDR. he said he was WRONG about comparing WW barb to Bazooka.
WRONG --> Micro read that one MORE TIME. next time you quote him add that part. LEAVE this discussion now and start your own pro nerf post with all of your accounts. we both know it will get less views but coming in here to get your message across because this thread IN FAVOR of barb WW has the numbers is trolling. plain and simple. argue your cons in your nerf ww threads, no one in here wants to see it.


You appear to have misspelled “confirm”.


What is the point? Let the people try this belt with 200% and look after the season if changes are really necessary.


OMFG I spit water across my desk.

Best in Show goes to Prokahn, 2019.

Asking for a friend?

These two quotes go well together.

And this is even better…


My man!

: D

Yes, yes, yes.

That is precisely what I feel when someone starts in about “balance.”

Luv ya!

Luv ya!


He can’t. Not without a chart that resembles Excel on acid.


I know a lot of people are saying it should not matter what words are accidentally used. Actually in anything delicate, they should.
To illustrate, if the department of meteorology said 'There will be a mild tremor tomorrow along the San Andreas fault" and it turned out to be a category 10 with San Francisco falling into the ocean, somehow I do not think people would consider that as only being a small understatement.

Small when speaking of numbers, means to use small numbers, being those which are ineffectual. I agree with anyone that says 200% going down to zero cannot remotely be considered ‘small’. The belt also hits twice with the 200% (or now 0%) - even I can do that math.
Seven greater rifts over 140 is not small. One or two is.


Hello, yes, I put the clip and it was very funny when he did it in the stream (there was an original link, but it was pointing to all VOD like 6h). I thought it was obvious a sarcasm from Fluffy about some parts of a thread where he was called a clown, and some people think he has some backdoor with Blizz developers (he is basically hated by D3 community manager and other people in Blizz), as he criticizes lot of the work done last years in D3 (and in most cases, the calls he makes are good ones).

bring back 200% multiplier :triumph: or maybe change it to 100% :raised_hands:

Breaking News!
Ground Stomp nerfed due to high paragon Barbarian accidentally causing the loss of the US West coast.


I am just a noob casual player who likes simple brainless builds as playing d3 is for me all about chilling and relaxing as i have too much stress in the office so I hate complicated builds that require me to make intellectual efforts :smiley:

so please do not RIP barb :slight_smile: leave at least 50-100% on lamentation.

  1. Lets go. We can do it today!!!

lol, I been off this game for almost 2 years. came back for d4, while looking at these nerf cries. looks like I dont missed much, same old bull****, well look the mortick bracer is back LMAO. come back in 2 years, item that was remove or bonus that was removed u want for ur build will magically come back. no pre order for d4 for me this time, if anything blizzard will probably doing the same **** to d4. I’ll wait and see.

I’ll bite, in support of keeping at least some of Lamentation’s multiplier, and bigger multipliers on Remorseless and Fjord Cutter

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Don’t Berf The Narbs.

If they wanna nerf something nerf Blackthornes. That :poop: has been OP for waaaay to long. Heck with a full primal set GR22 is in my grasp.

Micro, please chart how Blackthornes needs a 3.7 GR nerf for da balance plzthnx.


Still not blue post on the changes in the PTR? That’s kinda strange.

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OMG… :joy:

Gold. Have a drink, brother. I’ll pay

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Such overwhelming feedback and no response? Awkward…


I’ve been playing D3 on and off since launch! always enjoyed logging in and blast some of the content and brought me satisfaction, even with my casual status of not going past 800 paragon in any of the seasons played.
For the first time, seeing the barb changes I committed to some goals:

  • go over 1k paragon;
  • augment all of my gear;
  • clear at least 110 GR;
    Having in mind I’m a casual, with certainty I can say that are a lot more players in the same boat as me, being excited to experiment the barb game play.

Please Blizzard, do not take this experience from us, and the community will reward you with commitment and be loyal with your next endeavors!

Thank you.