From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Problem is new ERA. They can’t nerf after season and have to nerf before new ERA start.
But overnerf to 0% is not neccessary, with 100% could not be a problem with new ERA.

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I’m not sure if the right information is being passed from the community to developers or the developers are just straight up ignoring the facts.

145 GR was possible with full 150 Gem Augments and 10,000 Paragon Levels. For Wizard with the same specs and no 150 GR cap they’d be pushing 175 rifts lmao and 145 GR Barb on a perfect day gets nerfed to the ground lmao.

  1. It never went live so its not a nerf
  2. Wastes set will now get 2 free rends, every second, that are buffed by each of the 3 set bonuses (500%, 3x damage, 10000%)

I would say that’s a pretty big buff for WW build. Furthermore, the 200% rend would have made the build completely about maxing rend damage, with most people opting to drop skull grasp. Imagine the insanity of running a WW set that wasn’t even about WW!

Overall I see this as making a non-optimal build on-par with the best builds for the class as a whole. Granted, it’s not a giant leap for the class overall, but at least it allows for more build diversity at the top end.


Well that is what you get when you put an inexperienced dev on the game. You would think that finetuning would be a good to get some real experience, but no undo the item is much easier. It’s sad we don’t have a good one working on D3 now.


I have two guesses: 1- they simply favor other classes (as wizards and necros), which is highly absurd due to Barbarian history in Diablo, and the other, more reasonable, is their pride and stubbornness. They act like is a demerit to implement a change created by the community, so they want to force their decision above all, even when it’s not the best call.

The best they can do now would be adding a mod support, so the community would create an unofficial patch that would bring this game to a much better and enjoyable experience



You forgot sell value is -10000. You have to pay to be able to sell lol

And durability 0. One hit and not functional lol.


Hadd… another option (as mentioned above by others). Make Barb good means less playing with their new sets for Monk n Sader. Strip Barb and then give us the power in a few seasons time. This delay in power creep gives Devs an Ace up their sleeve when they have zero for us again.

Just like Morticks, we’ll get a buff back on Lamentation but it will be when we don’t need it.

Back to the sewers for Barbs.


Plus 1,000,0000,0000 (which is actually plus 1 but power creep n all).

Sorry wrong thread. removed.

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As Nev said I’m pretty sure the nerf will go live tomorrow (in the morning for guys who’s in US). My hope is the high chance that we’ll get another patch (2.6.7a) before season 19 starts which the buff might be back.

Delete pls. Patch notes not out yet. too early

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Glad this is nerfed. It would’ve cleared 150 solo with it. Its still capable of doing one of the highest clears. Dont forget wiz & nec got nerfed to ashes beside archon…
also this nerf opens more viability as barb.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

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Whoa this thread finally stopped locking everyday for 24 hours

Only took 36 days

These forums are weird.


This should have stayed 200%.

Then perhaps ww barbs could have been the trash clearer in groups.

Instead, its the same painfully unfun zbarb, zmonk, bazooka wiz, rgk. :frowning:


Even with 200% rend, WW couldnt even kill a bogan on 150. Try 20,000%.

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What next GR400 in the first week of the season with a 200,000,000% on rend, will it ever stop.


That be awesome haha. 200,000,000% pls !

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