S26 - the Season of Instaskip

My arguments are 100% valid and yes, I am the real deal. Most of you play softcore so this next season is no big deal if your characters die, it just respawns. I don’t expect you softcore wussies to comprehend the posts I have been posting since you do not play hardcore. Bliztard screwed up… yet again.


New guy posting doesn’t know to play nice on these forums.

D2 stole his girlfriend


Going over everything I’ve seen you post around the forums, I’m pretty sure you’d more interested in reading your own posts than adding anything of any real value.

Also, the “shill” thing is getting old, considering we’re both on an official forum. Remember, any publicity is good publicity, so you talking down on and degrading a single season of a game you’re still going to sync hundreds of hours into is just as shill-y.

Class dismissed.

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A lot of people were on that bandwagon before these final patch notes came out. The demographic at question now are those that will play the season but may only do something like the season journey. For those people it may be a question of how easy/rewarding EN is for certain builds. If this is an activity that is Marauders/Innas or bust they may check out early.

Not necessarily. The situation we saw on the PTR had some builds miles stronger than others but that extra potential was wasted due to the 150 softcap. The worry here is that everything may have come down so far that a few select builds may hit that softcap easily and the rest won’t.

Some think the patch notes suggest the +100 tier adjustment will flatten the curve and make things easier. I’m not one of those but I hope those people are right. I don’t think it’s a good sign if this is Season of the Marauder.

Isn’t Raxx the guy who showed off how he is leveled to 5000 paragon in 1st week of each new season in Rat Runs and than in META groups and also asks for nerfs with his 5000-8000 paragon in season after he clears a 150 GR SOLO like he did with the Firebird set, while everyone else under 2000 paragon was happy to clear 125-130 GR with it?!
That’s just as insane like it was back when some forumtards cried for a nerf to the:

belt, cause some 10000 paragon cleared 140-143 GR SOLO with it… :man_facepalming:

Oh Wudijo showed, so if he did than apparently every single player out there had to get to 150 GR level right? :roll_eyes:
Max I got in PTR was 137, but I didn’t have over 1000 or 3000 paragon and my follower wasn’t fully equiped, but still saying that the “upgraded” follower was such a help is just ridiculous as even after the revamp followers still suck in case of dealing any damage at all and only allowed players to gain additional help with the nemesis bracers, the “pylon” amulet and maybe the ring that restores your resource after taking fire damage which is barely any help at all unless you care about speed 100-120 GRs only…
Unfortunately instead of making a REAL followers revamp, by making the Asheara set strong enough for SOLO players to get up even up to 140 GR hell maybe even 150 GR with 3000-4000 paragon and actually keeping their own words and expanding the emanation list with each patch they proved once again that their favourite item in the game is:


No, he isn’t. In fact, it’s not even possible to gain 5k paragon in a week, not even close. Where are you getting all of this stuff from? How can anyone take your plea seriously when you’re literally making up stuff and don’t even know how paragon XP work, then flat out lie?

Not knowing how to play a build properly to clear higher does not mean it’s not broken. If people were only able to reach GR 125-130 near 2k paragon with firebirds during that season, then there’s definitely wrong with what that player is doing.

Ironically enough, the same person you’re bashing writes guides on how to play builds, so if those individuals are struggling to that extent, they can watch a video on how to execute it properly and go higher. If one refuses to get help, then that’s no one’s problem but their own.

I’m assuming you’re talking about EN’s. Wudi’s right. It’s not so much the follower as it is flavor of time giving you double pylon duration without having to wear it. That alone and the free cheat death is massive for EN’s.

The rest I have no idea what you’re getting at. Paragon 1000 is easy to achieve on PTR, especially this past one. Once you were level 70, get everything from PTR vendor super easy, and a few EN’s got you to 1000 quickly. Are you seriously complaining about people at 1000 paragon on PTR doing content? It’s Wudi’s fault he spent less than an hour to clear tier 150’s on PTR?

At this point it just looks like you’re complaining because they know what they’re doing and it’s not “fair”

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This attitude is why people don’t like hardcore players like you.


Speaking only for myself - an active player for 22 seasons in D3, with zero community activity except of this post: This is the first season in a LONG time my D3 group won’t play together. To be precise, 2 of 5 players will start into the season.

Blame the last two season themes for the high level of excitement they created. Or blame the increasing temperatures as people start going outside more frequently. Or blame the poor season theme, that doesn’t provide anything relevant for hardcore players, really.


LOL, HC players afraid of perma death. you guys are something else.

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You may not be able to come up with a simple epithet to describe them, but we can certainly describe YOU, troll.

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You sure about that? HC is all about the thrill of avoiding the perma death. Yet, this guy says his clan is avoiding this season becasue they are afraid of it. Seems a bit at odds with playing HC don’t ya think?

So, I haven’t looked at the EN thing in S26, nor do I care about it, only speaking in general terms, but since HC is about avoiding death, as you say, if a game is unbalanced, so avoiding death is not a gameplay option, then it of course is at odds with the concept of HC.

I mean, you can become overwhelmed without dying in ENs. Unless things changed since I tested it I died a couple times in a few dozen ENs attempted. They made it more challenging, but one can still avoid death.

Edit: as BMan says in the post below Saluter uses a shield pylon in the video I linked to in this post, so it’s no longer useful. So I have edited this post and removed the link.

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Difficulty changed but we don’t know how much. More importantly, he grabs the shield at around 110. Good luck getting above that and Predition spawns without a shield.

The biggest issue for me on this season is class balance, you are forced to play monk or DH. The season theme it’s also boring.

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Fun fact : I play whatever build I like every season and I literally couldn’t care less what the Flavour of the Month is. My criteria for picking a build is whether it’s fun or not, not whether it’s the most powerful or not. I don’t care what the META is and, I suspect, I’m not alone in this.


He does! The video is worthless then! Someone even mentions it in the comments to the video.
Sorry for wasting your time.

Fun fact. The game has never been more balanced. Based on Maxroll you have 26 builds involving every class all within 5 GR levels. If anything you were forced to play monk last season but no one complained.

I would understand if you said you are forced to play something not OP. Saying you are forced to play anything because of power is just flat wrong.

People have been crying for balance for years and they finally have something that might resemble it and the flood gates open because there isn’t an OP build. 150 might actually be hard now in season. The way it should be!!!