Forcing people to play your way

That would apply for each different variation of the game though. Hence the amount of servers per game version increases.

Sure… Feel free to discuss it with someone.

characters were tied to whatever server you selected when you made the characters and North america had 2 servers. It would work the exact same way on a changes or no changes servers except it had 4 options of servers in d2lod.

Why should find a system where ploot exists? Maybe then you should add to the game unlimited hp and mana option, instant lvl 99 option, removed immunities option. All of them are options so it wont affect you.

From 2 to 3;
Classic + LOD
1.14 Classic + 1.14 LOD + Changes

Should not really matter for anything outside of maybe install size.


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Can we find solution together for making remove immunities option? Any ideas?

I honestly don’t know what to say. It sounds like only one extreme can exist which is unthinkable nowadays.

Well it would be only option. Nobody need to use it and it wouldnt affect does who dont want to play that way.

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Yes! I also want an option for having all quests done already. Plus free level 99 and perfect gear :rofl: It doesnt affect anyone but me :smiley:


Good ideas. Take them over into their dedicated thread and stop changing the subject of this thread. Stay on topic.

Man, how many of these threads you gonna make? Give it a rest.

People have given you plenty of legitimate reasons why they don’t want your ploot idea but you just zero in on the handful of ridiculous responses and act like everyone against ploot is making that same argument.

You can’t seem to get it into your head that you’re asking for a feature that excludes people by its very nature and try to sell it as though it’s the more inclusive option. It’s pretty simple, you literally say “doesn’t effect another player in any way” (I won’t bother to correct your grammatical error in that quote) and then propose something that makes x% of created public games follow a rule set that some players don’t want to play. That directly affects their playing experience because they have fewer options out there to join that follow a rule set they prefer. They are then forced to play in ploot games or limit their options of games to join.

That affects people, no matter what you seem to think. So can you give that ridiculous argument a rest please? (I know, not gonna happen lol)

If these “purists” get their way, that forces everyone to play by the rule set they prefer and thus preserves their current D2 experience of being able to join any public game. That’s why they want it.

For 2 seconds, imagine it was a change people were asking for that you disagreed with. Not sure what that would be but imagine the change really ruins your experience and everyone is toggling it on for games that you want to join and you’re forced to play that way or not play in a public game. You might be ok with that, but it 100% affects your gaming experience.

Where’s the line? Why not have 412 toggles for a bunch of different rules so everyone gets to play their way and they all end up in solo games because no one else likes their exact combo of toggles? The toggle is hardcore or not… adding another toggle affects everyone who plays, no matter how many threads you make that suggest otherwise.



Never gets old.

False again.

When an argument falls apart

What a ridiculous trick. You have been given plenty of reasons why this scenario is unlikely and unrealistic above.

  • players who play ploot are not all part of your FFA games
  • ploot will increase the player base
  • some games will still have a higher FFA ratio to play with
  • d2r has a higher player base in general (new game, on release, big marketing campaign and - most importantly - merging of all realms
  • d2 has survived for 20 years with an abysmal playerbase. So saying that there would not be any games or noticable less games is ridiculous

The mere fact that you are now trying to claim that the high demand for ploot will make ploot the main game mode is actually the biggest argument for ploot.
Why on earth would you force the (by your standards) majority of players into a game mode (ffa) which they would (by your estimate) not chose if they had the choice to play ploot instead.

You are defeating your own position with your argument in the most devastating way.

We do that all the time. There are enough suggestions around to get some practice in doing that.

What we would do regarding those changes is the exact same as we expect of you here. Come up with on-topic arguments for/against it that stand up to reason.
For some reason many of you seem to think that these common rules of logic and debate do not apply to them around these parts. (“i played the game for 20 years, so i am right”)

The line is where the devs draw it.
We as a community can make suggestions and discuss them. That is our role. We are not the ones to draw a line.

And your slippery-slope-412-toggle-argument doesnt cut any cheese. We are asking for one toggle that 40-60% of the playerbase want to have and that doesnt affect the remaining percent in any meaningful way. That is more than enough to consider it.

If you want to prevent 412 toggles from happening, you can go into the 412th toggle thread and argue against it there.
Going into the first toggle thread and talking about 412 toggles just makes you seem like a mad hermit who says he knows about the end of the world.

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ok…now I see one.


Right…, are you going to tell me the tax, that targets large corporations, has no effect on regular citizens because the tax isn’t on them?

PLoot and auto allocation are not OPTION. It still affects those who choose not to use it. It is most likely to put them at disadvantage.

Auto gold pick does have effect on those who don’t use it. It makes those who don’t use it at disadvantage. It also indirectly nerf Telekinesis because now everyone part of its function build into the characters. However, the Auto gold pick’s impact is VERY SMALL. So, it is fine.
However, I do not think PLoot’s and auto-allocation’s are as small as Auto gold pick’s

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1.14 Classic + 1.14 LOD + Changes

Each version would have Ladder, Non Ladder, Harcore and Softcore on a seperate server or did i missunderstand something?

When losing argument start lying. Ahh the definition of parenting fails.

“when an argument falls apart” right :smiley:

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They would. They all use the same base game though, so even less impact from that.
In the end, presuambly what matters to Blizzard is the amount of games running at the same time, in terms of server load.
10000 LoD SC NL + 1000 LoD HC NL + 10000 LoD SC L + 1000 LoD HC L = 22000 games
shouldn’t be substantially different from
5000 1.14 LoD SC NL + 500 1.14 LoD HC NL + 5000 1.14 LoD SC L + 500 1.14 LoD HC L +
5000 1.15 LoD SC NL + 500 1.15 LoD HC NL + 5000 1.15 LoD SC L + 500 1.15 LoD HC L = 22000 games
(1.15 is the Changes server of course)

Why? How?

How are they affected?

Why do you think that? Is it just a diffuse feeling or do you have an actual example that helps us understand what you are afraid of?

Here he is another 10 minutes later asking “where are the arguments i havent seen any”


Shouldnt be much different tbh. Same items, same economy. We can come up with some outlier scenarios where different items would be picked up. And I am not sayong those outliers dont exist. Just that it is doubtful they would be able to rock the economy one way or the other.

As you say, gold pickup has a real difference, where you are better off using it. That should not be the goal with Ploot.
If there was an advantage to Ploot, then Blizzard could start looking at balancing measures. But not much reason to think there would be.

Though again, make a 3-6 month test ladder, with the two game modes, and see what happens. Then, if needed, adjust the system before patching it to the Changes server (and keeping the 1.14 server untouched)