When an argument falls apart

If you look at every excuse given by the FFA crowd on why they don’t like auto allocated loot, their argument begins to fall apart. Add to that the pure ignorance of statements like “go back to D3”, “just wait for D4” or “clearly you never played D2 before” shows their argument has fallen apart so badly, they need willful ignorance coupled with baseless insults to continue to delusional mindset.

They claim that they don’t loot in multiplayer games because they farm loot in solo games. Then claim FFA loot makes multiplayer games competitive.

Which is it?

They claim that a most people want FFA loot. Then then argue against auto allocation because everyone would run AA in their games thus killing FFA loot games.

Which is it?

They call people who want auto allocation leeches that want a free ride even though in an AA game you don’t get loot unless you’re within range of the fight and participated. They then advocate the FFA loot system which gives you access to all loot regardless of where you are during the fight or how much you actually helped in the fight.

It’s painfully obvious the FFA players are flat out leaches deflecting their own inadequacies as players. Every reason they give is a contradiction. They fight so hard to keep FFA loot because it’s how they get their gear. Follow someone who is killing and snatch up the loot before anyone else can get to it.

Back in the day we called people like this “hoovers” and “loot leeches”. They call themselves hardcore D2 players that love the competition.

They have to know that the day will come when they add a toggle into the game giving them the option. I’m guessing they will quit because “Blizzard ruined the game” by giving people an option when we all know they will be leaving because they won’t be able to leech as effectively.

When the time comes where it is an option, I will continue to make all my multiplayer games FFA loot because I truly do not loot when running or joining multiplayer games, and don’t want other people to have to deal with AA timers. I just think people should have the option.


Look, guy. Ploot is not happening. So move on.


If you spent as much time getting good at Diablo as you spent on that post you’d earn the loot yourself.

Just admit it. You like to AFK while being carried and you need a participation shako for all the work you did sitting in the corner in Baals throne room.


Game name : Rush plz
joins with lvl 92 sorc, proceeds to rush
“Oh here, you deserve half of the drops for all of your hard work following me. Just because.”

Game name : Chaos runs
joins with lvl 92 sorc, curb stomps everything
“Oh here, you all deserve 7/8th’s of the drops for all of your hard work following me. Just because.”

Game name : Free plz


I think you nailed it. The OP is reeking of 14th place track participation trophy.


Auto allocate - If you don’t help and you’re not nearby, you don’t get loot.
FFA - you get whatever you can pick up regardless of where you are or how much you helped.

Keep on leaching.


i havent seen 1 good argument for ploot yet-
ohh btw

Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions. – Rod Fergusson.


I’m refunding if they announce it toggle or otherwise - the instant i hear about it. I actually came to that conclusion while writing this. I won’t bother to try it out - i know where it goes. It will not be the same game.

Personal loot risks already dividing a VERY limited loot pool. Item drop rates are really low. If you made it so EVERYONE gets loot - you simply can’t make it so each person gets the equivalent of an otherwise FFA’s game’s items. You’d break the economy and the game instantly. That basically means an already incredibly limited loot pool is going to be divided potentially by 8 players - so most people are going to end up with a bunch of white flails and maybe a magic item and one person gets a rare or unique - literally like 7 players are going to be handed a few magic items and mostly garbage without an opportunity to see something better. They will literally see garbage, and only a % of that garbage. Its going to be very boring and unrewarding because you’re only going to play so long when you see decent drops 1/8 of the time. To put it differently, in FFA loot you play 8 games and you see 8 uniques. You have a shot at 8 of them potentially. In personal, you see one unique in 8 games. Which do you think is going to be more addictive/fun?

Its a bad system in this game and it means completely torpedoing the economy to implement in a way that allows people access to items they’d get under FFA loot - you’d have to buff drop rates for each individual player which means far more saturation in the economy. Everyone having all these items really fast will definitely impact the game in a negative way - you already have people deeply against botting which basically make this a reality and the average players items aren’t worth very much 1 week into a ladder season. For many people who enjoy this game its not just about rushing to end game for duels - but the process/journey of getting the gear - and that adds playable hours. You’d be potentially increasing the rate that happens potentially by 800% due to availability and saturation if you made everyone get the loot they would under ffa loot personally. It would make gearing real quick and there is no doubt that most of the people who love D3 and want this put in place would be bored far faster and just quit now that they got what they wanted leaving other people who like game as is basically stuck with the mess they advocated for. This literally happened with D3 when the D3 team took the self-founder’s wishlist(“consulted the d3 community” basically through the forums, where for some reason they were a consensus…on a forum that D2 players couldn’t post w/o WoW account or pre-order") of how items should be be in terms of itemization its release - and a lot of them quit when they got a system that gave them exactly what they wanted(Uniques with one stat the same and everything radically different so nobody’s ‘shako’ was the same)

It would be a total disaster for this reason - let alone all the other ones people have provided. The game is far better for allowing ACCESS to items that they have a chance of picking up(way more ‘fun’ than basically never seeing anything) instead of people just being forced to see garbage under the way this game would have to divide to even stand a chance of functioning without a grossly oversaturated economy. You can bet if it were ever implemented with the current drop rates the next thing people would be complaining about is the fact they never find anything meaning drop rates would be buffed. Its a bad system and bad for this game. This game’s longevity has been in part because the crazy depth of its itemization and how rare those items are - but can be used for meaningful builds - you literally find it and are like wow i can make this work! even if its not meta. Making that even easier by having personal loot and will negatively impact this and the rarity of just about every item.

I doubt there will be a reply from people who support personal loot because these consequences aren’t really avoidable and they’ll be the first people wanting buff dropped rates. They either aren’t ready to admit this or haven’t thought this through enough.

Its also how you get torment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, add naseum because all these people with easily acquirable gear are going to ask what are they going to do with it? At least there is PVP in Diablo 2 and its not garbage like Diablo 3. But this is how you the pressure to get create rifts and FOTM changes like in diablo 3 - a system that requires far more intervention and developer driven fun than diablo 2.

Do not go down this path because people haven’t learned how to pick up items well nor because people feel entitled to whatever drops from what ‘they’ kill. It will go badly and its a surefire way to sink this game.

I’m refunding if its ever confirmed(the instant i know its announced and it will be a nail in the coffin for others for sure) - toggle or otherwise because i know they’ll have to tamper with drop rates to deal with it and i definitely don’t trust them to do it. It won’t be the same game and they’ll definitely feel pressure to add things since… the ‘difficulty’ is no longer present when loot becomes so easily available so quickly.


Sure you have… see the willful ignorance part of my post.

Start with the same reasons they have auto gold pickup and go from there.


My argument against Ploot is,hmmmm. . .
Wait for it. . .

I like to fight for loots. I don’t want any free loots.


Comical how all the FFA leaches are popping in the the standard insults.

Thanks for helping prove my point.


So basically you claim your argument is good, but dismiss the arguments against it because you don’t agree.

It’s so easy to believe we are all the main characters of the story.


Thank you for the summary.

As you say, the argument falls apart when a lot of the argument against comes from people not understanding proper implementation of allocation or choosing the worst possible implementation to argue against.


Same for PLoot. So, whats your point?

I’ll present a different argument.

How about, the original design was intended as a dark and crappy place, where one could be betrayed, and nothing was free and easy.

Hence FFA Loot, PK’rs etc.

The game never catered to the cowardly and weak, and it didnt provide any participation trophies.

You gained a sense of accomplishment due to making it through the mire.


It has nothing to do with whether I agree or not. This is what’s hard to get past the willful ignorance. I want to give people the choice.

You can still make and play as many solo and multiplayer FFA loot games as you want.
You can still not join games made by players that want auto allocation.

There are zero arguments against giving people the option so long as drop rates don’t change.

With ploot the people who were there fighting get the option of looting first. People following and doing nothing get to wait for the leftovers.

One is leaching everything for doing nothing, the other is leaching what is left over.

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I want to heart this twice because I cannot agree more!

Good. And that’s exactly how we’re going to have it. And if you don’t like it, you’re welcome to play solo games or small games with your friends.


There are more than enough, but you just ignore them.


Give one that is factual and not based on made up garbage.


I just did, Lumpy
