Forcing people to play your way

so i am starting to see the problem kury didn’t play d2lod or if he did he didn’t know how servers worked on it.

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They call the slippery slope a fallacy but its a real and serious concern, and taking your whole hand when you give them finger is exactly what will happen :frowning: If only people could be moderate.

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Oh, honestly i dont know, i only ever played on EU, no reason to be elsewhere, how they work?

Or he didnt have any friends in other regions.
Quite hilarious.

It is real and serious concern trolling for sure.

the person i played the most with in d2 on us west was actually from ireland because he bought an NA version of the game and it defaults to us west and he didn’t change it.

we had a great time i am so glad he screwed that up.

Like your ploot arguments where you play with your “friends” but you need rng to decide who gets loot.

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Actaully i didnt, why should i? I had enough irl friends to play with

Sometimes the best things in life happen by pure luck. :smiley:

Absolutly i agree.
How likely is it though?
Rod said in an IGN interview that it will be extremely difficult to remaster and it was done 2 years later. I think it started of as a mod, i am not sure and i ll look into again.
Maybe with ever advancing technology it will become a viable solution to make servers for different variation of a game. As of now i think it will reach a point where you can’t satisfy the demand.

Anyway, like i said its not comparable, unless Shadout thinks it should be option to change between Changes server and non-changes server by simple click and migrate broken gear over :slight_smile:

‘as if they didnt exist’ hahahaha you just proved you are a trolling ****hole. You are spamming 24/7 of your whole life in this thread and all other nonsense threads regarding this stupid idea. So YOU KNOW the counter arguments. You and your 3-4 m8s just keep spamming your tears so it’s getting harder to find them IF anyone would actually believe you.

The easiest way to prove that they exist would be to simply repeat them.

I know plenty of debunked arguments. But none that were still standing and “understandable” as you said. So naturally, interested in a on-topic debate as i am, i would love to hear them.

Btw your insults do not make you look any more believable.

I even made a comprehensive list so that it is easier to find them.
Noone of the anti-plooters has ever put any effort in consolidating the situation.

And it is the anti-plooters who keep popping up their spamthreads.

Nothing indicates it would be even the slightest issue for them to do it today.
Just dont patch one of the servers.
No significant different from NL/Ladder, SC/HC, and most obvious Classic and LoD which is exactly this.
At worst it might increase install size a bit, depending on the changes they make (like if they had to support two different UIs for example).

and 10 minutes later you again ask for arguments as if there were none :+1:

I know insults doesnt mind you since you are a troll and just aim for chaos.


What did i tell you :joy:

He had to ignore me like a week ago because it was too much smoke screening for him to do to ignore all the arguments.

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And you still didnt quote them or repeat them.
So there is no argument from your side.

You really do not know how an argument works, right? You have to make it.

Just give us a keyword. What should we look for? Sending the other side on a wild goose chase is not an honest argument. It is just yet another red herring. The only thing your side is bringing to the table as of late.

Instead of trying to find arguements against ploot, try find a solution through discussion so both systems can exists. Much more constructive than insulting each other or bashing other proven systems.

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I wholeheartedly agree and would love that.

Wouldnt it likewise be possible to find a solution where ploot doesnt exist, together?

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