Forcing people to play your way

He does nothing but bait arguments in every single ploot thread that pops up. Quite possibly one of the most obnoxious users on these forums.


Well, again. If you disregard what i said in the same post, then sure.

But if you actually read it, you might see that there is no open argument from your side anymore.
All debunked and destroyed into oblivion.


Logic and reason can be a very obnoxious opponent.

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Are you also a Flat Earther?

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Next hes gonna copypaste his 500 word elementary school project bingo table with arguments and counterarguments

Why? Did i cherry pick facts from sources and disregard entire concepts in my arguments? Seems to be more your side (and even you) that does these kind of things.

Why dont you just stick to the topic and bring some arguments that we can address again.
You are too proud of your arguments so that you get angry when they are disproven.

Sometimes you just have to let things go and move on.

Lots of life lessons for you today.

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I’m not here to argue. I’m here to (once again) say how incredibly stupid this “argument” is. You aren’t going to change anyone’s mind and they aren’t going to change yours. This is one of those times where you should just “agree to disagree” and move tf on.

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How is that false, exactly? He literally made an argument against a single thing that “some people” have said. He’s cherry picking what he’s trying to debunk. Do you even know what the word “false” means?

6, 7, 12, 14, nor 17 actually dispel the statement that adding the toggle splits the community. By its definition, that’s what the toggle does. You’re giving your opinion why you’re ok that it splits the community but that doesn’t make others’ opinions invalid. Your counter argument doesn’t actually counter the statement in any way whatsoever. It literally splits the community.

You also just rehashed a response from another thread again without even addressing the entire point of my post. It’s not on your list but I’m assuming you have the answer to why my opinion is “false” (had to chuckle when quoting the way you use that word), yet you didn’t address it or add it to your list because… why?

You’re asking Blizzard to implement a feature that changes the rule set for an undetermined amount of public games created that makes those games less enjoyable for a subset of the player base… and then you’re suggesting it doesn’t affect these people in any way? Are you actually taking yourself seriously with that?

You can argue all day that you want the change or that it’s a good change but you can’t invalidate someone’s opinion on that particular fact, we’re all entitled to our opinion. Giving players the option to make public games that follow a rule set some people don’t want to play guarantees that they will have fewer options to play public games their way.

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Obviously. Otherwise you would bring arguements.

So why are you pushing it then?

As a matter of fact we already changed multiple minds.
How many minds did the FFA-crowd change?

Well, one party seems to be unable to do that. They just come back and insult us, while we are here talking about how ploot would work with those who care about a constructive debate.

After a few days of trying to find arguements against ploot i started to change my approach to the problem. Instead of going into details like your list of pro / con arguments show, which btw is completly irrelevant, i’d rather work out the flaws and concerns of both systems existing along side. Raising concerns and discussing possible solutions is far more productive than being a stubborn.

EDIT: …and i still prefer FFA over ploot!

Sorry for the late reply…


I wonder if you let this imaginary bubble already go away. :thinking:

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You’re no better than the other side. I made a generalized statement in the other thread that the discussion was stupid and you proceeded to sling passive insults to bait an argument with me.

Grow up.

EDIT: I find it hilarious that a guy named “TurdFerguson” is here and telling you to grow up, but hey… here we are. :man_shrugging:

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Every gamer knows where ploot will lead to. When you only get a chance of 12,5% of loot there will be many that will get much less loot. Cause we know how bad random generators are programmed in games. Look at all the generators for card draw in TCGs like Magic Online, YuGiOh and so on.

That WILL lead to the cry of drop rate increase and that is a FACT. Every gamer with half a brain will know this.
You don´t believe this? Seems you are not a gamer or have lived the last 15 years under a rock and do not have a clue how the gamer mentality have changed over the years.

So ploot would affect the way of play of everyone, even when it is a toogle and would chance the core game, cause the toggle would not be last thing. The cry after that would only get louder.


In the end, you only need one reason, and a very legitimate one, to not want Ploot: “I dont like it”.
That would be perfectly fine.

This however seems unlikely.
Even if we imagined that half the games would become ploot, it is unlikely you would be able to notice a difference in available games to join.
It will have zero actual impact on a players experience if they have 1000 baal runs to join, vs. 500. That is only a difference in a spreadsheet.

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I cracked up, thank you :joy:

I don’t care anymore about the possible changes they made to the game. Just hope don’t kill the game as ploot would do.

But I’m just concerned about the crystal generation which need to have the game made as they wish so bad that can’t stop crying to get the game easier.

It’s kinda embarrasing…


Ok. So lets look at the numbers.

6 says that some people do not enjoy FFA to begin with and thus are currently not playing it → they are not split by adding an option for them. As a matter of fact, they allow more players to play with them

7 says that new players would be welcomed in the game with this mode, increasing the playerbase → which adds to the playerbase, which is the opposite of splitting it or at the very least diminishes the “splitting effect”

12 is a similar argument to 6. You cannot split something that was already separated. It was an argument about the community being split and the community is obviously already split

14 not splitting the community does not overrule 40-60% of the customer base as an argument. This overrules your argument.

17 is again similar to 6 and 12. You are talking about splitting something that is already split.

You are essentially complaining about splitting the community, but the community is already split. You are just asking to force people to play a gamemode they dont like, because you dont want to see less games (which is a wild claim to begin with given the increase of playerbase and merging of realms).

Correct. I cannot invalidate opinions and i never said that that was my intend.
What i am invalidating is false claims or claims under false (or extremely reduced) assumptions.

It’s not a fact. It’s a mathemetical simplification without regard of the already existing playerbase, the increased playerbase in d2r, the social relevance of a feature like this and many more.

Yes. They will have 1000 instead of 1500 choices. Big deal.

Yes, please do that.
I think i can speak for most of the pro-ploot crowd that we all would welcome this change of debate.

Some of us do as well. Still there are good reason to provide that option.
The core goal should be that it does not have negative effects on the community as a whole (e.g. balance, economy, etc.). And we have tried our best to show that in its current suggested form there are close to no negative effects.

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And we are back to the silly theories.
People who might complain about droprates in Ploot, will also complain about them in FFA… since the droprate is the same in both.

They are completely fine.

It would be really hard to screw up a /roll 1-8


Both sides can come up with X amount of scenarios where one system has more advantages over the other. The bottom line with this approach is all those scenarios won’t lead to a solution. With that said whats the point of creating more scenarios and pretend it’s a argument for or against ploot?

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While its a theory its not silly at all, ppl only need one bad streak of luck for their biased subjective view to kick in. They not gonna hold spreadsheets of total loot dropped and loot allocated to them, they gonna look at how they got nothing of value allocated past 2 days, then demand droprate buffs.

You manipulated a quote to serve your argument. And you are not the first of your side of the argument to try that stunt.
Shame on you. Dont play the victim here.

I think i have still shown you great patience. And i still do.

You might be surprised, but in FFA you also statistically get 12,5% of the loot.
So your entire argument applies to FFA as well.

We are not debating increased drop chances here. We are debating loot allocation.

Any gamer with half a brain should know about statistics before they try to make an argument based on probabilities.