Error 395002 Unable to play this morning

même maudit problème :frowning: j’espère que ca va être vite régler

Same here, tried all the fixing solutions and not working

Same issues here - error loading the hero 395002

Same issue here. I’ve tried all of the troubleshooting steps on my end.

In that case it is normal :smiley:

This blows I have the day off. Come on Blizzard

Same. Should have checked here before trying all the steps!

I have the same problem, i’m sure they will get their server back on as soon as they can.

Same here, I tried every single solution to this error to no avail.

Have the same problem, I was disconnected while sorting my stash. This is the second time this week I’ve had this issue, I was able to work around it previously, but not this time.

I’ve had a series of log in errors such as this and other server issues since I resumed playing D3 this week. If Blizz wants me to buy Diablo 4, this isn’t a good way to encourage that to happen.

Likewise, I would not waste my time, it appears to be a problem on Blizzy’s end.

same here, been trying for a while. I tried all known fixes, still unable to load my characters…hope they get it worked out…i need my diablo fix!

We’ve figured out only NA servers seem to be affected, I’ve been following Loading the hero (error 395002) - #19 by MaYheM-1925, it’s got a lot of comment traffic

Seems to be a program effecting the servers. My character was working fine until I logged out to take a break for a couple of hours, now I can’t log back in due to this error. From reading the forum’s I’m not the only one. Oh, I’m in Auckland, New Zealand.

I have the same issue with America servers.

fixed I believe… i can now log in at least

Same here. I tried all the steps below and it’s still not working.

Happy to hear I’m not the only one, unhappy that it’s happening…

If you receive errors when loading your hero, try the following steps to resolve the problem:

  • Log out of the game then log back in. This will refresh your hero screen and allow you to see all available heroes.

  • Run the repair tool to repair any damaged game files.

  • Switch to another game region and switch back to refresh your game’s cache.

  • [Delete the Tools folder] to automatically rebuild outdated or corrupt files.

If you have tried these steps and still require assistance, please visit our Technical Support Forums or [contact us]

I am able to log in now. issue is fixed… :wink:

Same, at least it was resolved quickly.

lol my thoughts exactly :slight_smile:

Hey there,

It does look like our engineers were working on resolving these errors earlier this morning. Glad to hear things are looking better!
