Don't be "that guy"

I see a lot of discussion and feedback going on, which is good. But I also see a lot of it coming through in an immature or unhelpful manner.

  1. “Blizzard, if you put/don’t put ________ in your game then I’m not buying it!!!”

They asked for feedback, not ultimatums. You can calmly and maturely explain why a feature should or should not be implemented using rationale, not by throwing a tantrum. You lose credibility when you act like a toddler.

  1. “Diablo 4 will fail because _________ is in/not in the game!”

Don’t be so melodramatic. This is right up there with the first point. Make your case for why something should be/not be in the game, but don’t make unnecessarily overly-dramatic and baseless accusations. Again, you lose credibility when you say things like this, and we all stop taking you seriously.

  1. “_________ sucks, but I don’t have any suggestions, but don’t do that it sucks”

Instead of saying that it simply sucks, say why it sucks, and better yet, provide a way to make it not suck - even if in your own opinion.

  1. “If you want/dont want __________ then go play __________!”

This is unhelpful and dismissive. Nobody said to give Blizzard your blind devotion and that we are just robots praising their every decision. You shouldn’t dismiss someone else’s valid or constructive feedback just because what they want already exists somewhere else. If you have something to say about a feature, then explain why or why not, using examples from other games if you want to back up your reasoning. But don’t just wave your hand dismissively to someone else who provided constructive feedback. This is essentially telling them to “go away” and that their feedback is not welcome.


Thank you. :+1::+1::+1::+1: I would hope that the Mod’s would bypass the childish comments and pass along the helpful ones. :sunglasses: Things will calm down in a few weeks when people stop venting, as if they know better. We all want the best Diablo possible. Telling the developers that they are “stupid” or that “this is not D2” or “if you do not do this I will not play it” is not helpful at all.

PS: It is sad to see so many “that guy” on the forum right now.


I do tend to agree with you - The way to get attention of the appropriate developers or moderators is not with vinegar but with well worded constructive feedback.
There are probably keywords not to use, I’m sure anyone can figure out what they are.
The Diablo community is a very passionate one - but framing that passion in a way to have maximum impact is an art in of itself!

But mind you like always I only offer this as a suggestion to be considered.

I’d agree with the ultimatum part, but people don’t need to offer a better solution in order to be able to criticize something and have that criticism be valuable feedback.

Simply knowing that people are unhappy about X feature and that it needs to change can in itself be helpful.


If you think that works then wait til you hear about them hearing the barbs war cry

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Really what world do you live in. If my wife asks me how did I like the meal she just made me and all do is give her criticism, the response will be make your own meals. If I say it has too much salt for me, or I like lumpy potatos instead of rice. The response will be, let me try that next time.

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I’ve been participating in the Barbs war cry so far. Vinegar does not change minds, so far as I’ve seen the Barbs war cry has been pretty respectable, unless I’m thinking about something different from what your saying.

You misunderstand me, I am saying the barb war cry has been well constructed, had a lot of analysis, and was very respectable. However if this nerf goes live then we were just trolled by the devs.


A game developer is also not your wife making a meal for 2 people.

They need to make a game that will be potentially played by millions of people. They’re not going to custom tailor the game to the wants of only a few people.

If you offer a solution there’s a very good chance that even if they do change the thing you complained about, they’re going to ignore the solution you posted because unlike your wife, they’re not making this game just for you.

Yes I’m sorry I did mis-understand big time! Ha!
Time will tell on what happens I suppose.

That’s what happens when I don’t hear voice inflection and body language I suppose.

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They have me, I’m a real fanboy just not the hardcore in your face kind.
I’ll be getting Diablo IV with no hesitation even if it has things I don’t agree with or like. I’ll be playing this on release no matter what state it’s in. Thank you.

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You totally missed the point, But that’s fine, take care.

You also completely missed my point, it seems =P

Some thread even claim d4 is dead before it comes out, with absolutely no reason. LMAO.

I guess may be they are hired army from opponents.


that guy will also troll your game with his ability spamming when diablo 4 is out.

Yes another good one, I’ll add it, thanks!

It’s just like pythons holy grail scene with the witch. If you only get someone saying “burn D4!, it’s a witch!” Yet they give no valid reasoning on why D4 is a witch besides turning them into a newt…they only show they have no intellect into the game so they can’t be taken seriously.

I suck at grammar but, doesn’t mean if I explained my reasoning behind my opinion other people couldn’t decipher what I was saying.

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Constructive criticism involves not only pointing out what doesn’t work, it also includes providing recommendations on how to improve.

I am trying to encourage critical thinking here. Plus, when you say something sucks, it just sort of comes off as aggressive or complaining. Whereas if you articulate your thoughts in a constructive way, your feedback will be much more valuable and respected.

When someone says “this sucks”, such derogatory language invokes an aggressive tone. Now, whichever side the reader is on, whether he agrees or disagrees, is now more likely to also use that type of language. This is how toxicity starts on forums like these, and how constructive threads can easily devolve into an endless bickering rabbit hole, where you end up arguing about who can “out-do” the other, ending up way off-topic in an effort to show your supposed superiority.

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You did miss his point, to be honest.

His point was that if you don’t like something, saying why you don’t like it is helpful to those what need to think about modifications.

His example was a simple one that everyone would understand. He was not suggesting the Devs tailor things to HIM (which is your point I think).

Reality is that if people wants Devs to consider their points, they have to be constructive and actually give details.

“I hate Diablo 3” does not help anyone. That just gets dismissed because there is nothing there to work with.

“I don’t like playing Diablo 3 because I find the art work and game atmosphere to be watered down compared to the dark and dismal atmosphere of the earlier games”.

Sure, that is the input of one person, but when hundreds more also give similar feedback it does make a point to Devs. They may or may not ACT on it, but they get the point.

You may even have noticed they emphasized the dark and gory nature of D4 over and over as a way to say “We heard you!”.

The Barbs have also been very constructive in their coordinated feedback and while they have not gotten everything they want, they have gotten direct feedback and changed. (hope they compromise on the nerf but that is another story).

Ultimatums, threats, rants, complaints with no meat in them, are just lost words.

Something else, don’t try telling them how to code things or how to design the minutia of a system. Just say what you dislike, why, and what you would prefer to have happen instead. Let them sort out HOW to make that happen if they decide to make the change.


The only feedback I hope they take seriously is this:

Why is Diablo 4 being made instead of another Diablo 3 expansion?

If a game concept exists in D3 you need to think long and hard if it really deserves a place in D4. I’m fine if a D3 successor is what you are aiming to make, but don’t advertise it as getting back to what truly made Diablo great (implying you recognize D3 isn’t what made Diablo great).

Does Diablo 3 itemization deserve to be in D4?
Restricted trading?
Dumbed down stats?
Mana system?

I’m super excited about the open world ARPG/MMO cross over type of game. But if it turns out to be Diablo 3 with an open world what was the point?