For crying out loud

@op They did ask for feedback from the community so they can see which of our ideas lines up with their ideas. I wouldn’t call it crying at all;

It’s more of a "aiming for perfection through the chaos of a work in progress, kind of like a hospital or like bees in hives in a hive!

I hope we get something terrifyingly disgustingly gory and gritty, even darker than dark for Diablo 4. I want it so twisted and messed up it actually feels demonic and grim. Feedback is the only way to help them see that we are okay with seeing that kind of content and that we want that kind of content. I know someone at blizzard also probably feels the same but feels like they cant embrace it as much as they want to; I say bring it!


Once again Not saying it is not the time to make ones voice heard but to be asking for basically them to remake D2 witha few minor tweaks is stupid. If someone wants to play D2 so badly then by all means go play D2 But do not drag every one down with their incessant whining about how D:IV should be more like D:2 or they will not by it .

noone is asking D4 to be a D2 remake
D2 remake alone is a different topic
we are just summarizing things, D2 did way better than D3 and thats important for the devs to recognize


And the devs asked for feedback, so people are giving feedback and expressing concerns. Maybe think before posting?


Because if You wait till its into beta and almost done nothing can be changed. Duh.

I don’t understand why defenders don’t realize this. I didn’t care for D3’s design, and I don’t want an HD d3. So I’m stating my issues with it now while its still early-- Everything in the demo looked just like D3’s design, except with an even more dumbed down itemization philosophy.

I will keep giving them my feedback of what I want (D2/POE style resistances, A much more robust skill talent tree with some D2 type skill locking in it, ACTUAL ITEMIZATION, Differing Defenses (Dodge style, Tank style, ES style, ect.), and I don’t give a single crap if its seen as “negative”.
Because if you’re overly polite we’re just going to have the devs steamroll through another D3 and we then have another “just wait for the Expansion!” type deal ala Reaper of souls. (except, while better, Reaper of souls still wasn’t up to the D2/POE standard)


While I agree with your point about the game being in early stages of development, and that perhaps some are being too immature, I don’t think we should wave a hand dismissively just because something existed in a previous game.

See my 4th point in my thread below

If you actually take the time to go through posts and combine what people are asking for it basically asking for D4 to be made essentally as D2 was .

Yes,They did but basically asking for D2 to be updated and a D4 name slapped on it is not feedback it is a pipe dream . I played the diable franchise from basically day one . It was far from the perfect game . For it’s day it was innovative and different but most people look at it through rose colored glasses .There was not any real skill choice ,Ya, It had stats but 99,9% of the people did the exact same things get your stats to item min req and drop the rest into vita .No choice there .Skill wise you allocated points to the skill or skills you wanted maxed them out then backtracked maxing synergy’s. No real skill choice there. It was all an illusion of choice not sure how people mistook that for choice it was do it this way or trash the char (before respec ) or respec (after tokens were introduced) .

At this point they have introduced very little to actually give feed back on or even be concerned about . As I said the game is a long way from being even close to complete and it will change a lot .Now offering fresh ideas is one thing but constant do this like D2 or do that like D2 is neither helpful or constructive just living a pipe dream .

The game is still so far from beta it is not funny .If you think it is close at all you are deluding yourself it has a long long way to go yet and will change dramatically before then probably several times.

Well the demo has been out for a while and the Dev team used the D3 style in making it because that is what they had to work with at the time ( Look it up if you do not trust my word several reports came out that they were showing it around last year long before Blizzcon. ) I think that they did not do much to the demo that had been showing beyond a little spit and polish so to speak. They just wanted to have something to demo and say "Look it is coming " As to itemization I am 100% sure it will change but they needed something for the demo and people to see . Not sure how long you have been playing D3 but it did have differing defenses at one point and people complained and it was modified to how it is now.

Resistances are an interesting matter ya something needs to be done or some new system but not like either PoE or D2 both are very flawed . PoE is way to easy to max and never worry about again and D2 was much the same way .Ya early on they can treat you rough but once maxed are pointless. PoE just turns into a RNG slot pull will you get hit by that one crit that shuts you off like Light switch or reflect a zillion points through your defense on that uber crit roll again killing you instantly . Neither are avoidable and all the defense or resistance in the world will save you .

I do understand peoples concerns and desires but to constantly be saying Like D2 is pointless and a joke . I spent 15+ years playing it and it alone . I do know how it works , it’s flaws and virtues .People ALWAYS overlook those flaws and want this or that but then still fail to realize that what they are asking for is fundamentally flawed .Yes still a part of the D2 experience but flawed none the less.

I agree but for a while now it has been a lot of the D2 had this and D4 must have it also sort of mentality . Rational and explained wants and desires are much different than the tantrums and idiocy .

Went round and round earlier with someone about cosmetics and Blizzard selling them .His argument against them came down basically after all was said and done to the fact he wanted to PK in HC and he might not know what the person was using if they had cosmetics on and he might get Pked instead so it would not be fair to him…

I’d be quite happy if they had a whole separate D4 forum e.g. so I could navigate here and not see any of the D4 stuff at all. It’s a Hype Train Wreck. Though hopefully it’ll die down until next Blizzcon or even more hopefully Blizzard will do something else to annoy us like release Cosmic Wings as a seasonal collectible. :smiling_imp:

Considering that the demo was there to serve as a mere proof of concept, I’ll agree that some of the forum people are getting way ahead of themselves.

But people are excited I guess, what can you really do about it :man_shrugging:

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My critic corners two points:

1.) Limitations for designer and programmer in creativity because of 2012 PS4 /Xbox one referance hardware.

2.) Build concept and showed way of berserker of barbarian. I hate it, that barbarian becomes who cares how gear look, transform into sayjajin. If I want to play a no gear to watch class, me goes druide and pick wolf or bear talents only

So what is wrong with my critic?

Right, but just the mere idea that something shouldn’t be a feature just because it was in an earlier work does not warrant being dismissed simply based on that premise alone.

What people should do, instead, is consider the pros and cons of said feature and actually decide if it works or not for D4, or explain why or why not it works.

Simply saying “go play D2 if you want ________” is not constructive or helpful.

If someone is being irrational, that’s on them. I get that, it can be difficult having a calm and rational debate on this forum a lot of times.


It is due to the fact that for the past several years, D3 has been regarded as a piece of crap and a wasted opportunity that borrowed repeatedly and constantly from D2…many years after the time when such borrowing would have been beneficial…

After also having showcased interesting features during VERY early development that strung people along, that were removed from the game and replaced with nothing…

Is it really the case that you are not smart enough to understand why people are talking about D2 with such praise, worried that interesting features are going to scraped off at the last minute?

Or are you just one more addlebrained fanboy who defends D3, and its mind blowing mediocrity with every breath you can muster?



Something i would like is adding a game video option to adjust other players special effects/video effects (that is what you see on your own screen). Helps those getting headaches, having eyesight issues. Also, may lower latency issues / lag spikes vs your computer connection.

The same has been said about Diablo 3 first release footage.

What you remember what we got?

Worse version and game than what was shown in the vid. Lol.


and in true d3 fanboyism quoting, ‘if you don’t like the direction of d4 (going back to d2), you can just stay and play d3’ :)?

There’s a reason a SUPER MAJORITY are asking for it not to be anything like d3, because a very very very, small minority are the ones enjoying it.

now st*u


Show me where I am defending D3 in this post. I do understand D2 very well infact If you had read any thing I wrote here you would understand that . It just sounds more like you are a D2 fan boy that can not get past the fact that it’s time has past and it may have been a epic game for it’s day that day is long gone. Yes, people still do play it if you call botting playing . You log in now and it is a ghost town of bots and a few scattered players . PvP in D2 is still active yes if you call logging in and letting your hacks and mods do all the work it has been that way for years .

One can hope that the Dev team has in fact learned from the past mistakes but we as a fan base can only suggest ideas but as I said crying ,demanding, whining and critisizing something not close to being done for all the stuff D2 had accomplishes nothing .Constructive ideas and civil conversations are the true path to helping make the next game better.

Personally I always stick to my word. I said I wouldn’t buy D3 with the RMAH in it and didn’t buy it until it was removed. I swore off Ubisoft games when I couldn’t play HOMM6 for 3 weeks due to Ubisoft’s crap Uplay servers and haven’t purchased a single Ubisoft title since.

I don’t pretend everyone is like me but I stick to my word. I can certainly see people being overly dramatic about things but personally when I say “If the game does X I won’t buy it” i mean whatever I’m talking about I find so either annoying, disagreeable, scammy, or very likely simply not to my taste that I know for a fact I wouldn’t enjoy the game if I bought it. So why would I buy it?

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Again show me where I asked for it to be any where close to D3 …I’m waiting …I thought as much .No there is a difference between a so called "Super majority " in the forums and people playing the game .It has been proven time and time again that most players never even visit the forums and the ones who sit and complain constantly in said forums are in fact not playing the game but playing the forum game .

I never once said I do not like the direction D4 is going I said in fact

I am in the lets wait and see an update or two to what they have done so far before we all lose our minds attitude sets in at this point .Nothing in finalized nothing is set in stone …

So ,Give them a chance if they were to roll out D3 version 2 I would right there with people upset and complaining but they have not and If I have to guess they will not .The only thing that has me kind of worried ATM if if they do not get a separate team to be working on the console version than the PC version. Way to much dumbing down to console to be implemented if they went that way .

Your whole post in is blinding defense of D3, even though you are probably too clueless to ever perceive it. Me showing it to you is like trying to show a baby chicken the whole entire ranch; It’s simply to big of an idea to be fully understood.

but let me give it a shot here…

You are requesting people dismiss, or have more faith in, the current state of D4 because its very early in development and everything can change. Then you accuse people of wanting to much D2 influence in the new game.

They already went through all this with D3 genius…

D3 showcased deeper features while it was in development, and the clueless devs either removed them and dumbed them down after they were shown to people.

Then piles of elements of D2 were then used by devs to actually improve D3 in the several years after it was released, because as a result of the devs’ arrogance it was drastically needed and is still needed to this day…

So when you to come along and blather on trying to convince people to not criticize a game in early dev, and use elements of D2 as the basis for improvement…

It sure does not make you look very smart.


Again it is not, No where at all do i even imply that I want D4 to be any thing close to D3 . It is a cry for people to stop living in the past and actually give the game a chance of its own before ripping it to shreds . You understanding any thing I said apears to be like giving a computer to a monkey and hoping they will learn code .

D2 is a dated game people continue to look at it through rose colored glasses . For its day it was top of the like number one .but if you actually take a critical look at it you can easily see the ONLY thing it has going for it is itemization . To want the implementation of flawed aspects is asking for trouble and an upset fan base. When it is not exactly like D2 and what they remember because memory plays tricks and does not always live up to what is remembered and reality .

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