Do Not Restrict Trading

Trading will be too hard, at least limit the times it can be traded to like 5 or something.

Free market or close to it. Trading won’t work otherwise.

This will work.

As long as you can’t trade (current level) BiS, I’m OK with your idea.

I probably didnt fully read your post due to your accusation of people with “low IQ”.

I suggest you tone down the post so that you Don't be "that guy"

I am that guy …

Materials , Rare , Magic ( Tradable Always )
Set / Legendary ( Tradable Once )
Ancient Set / Ancient Legendary / Mythic - BOA

This means that the BIS Gear isnt Tradable and you must farm for but a Getting Started Setup would be. Whats your thoughts on that system. This means the game has Trading which is what you want but if you want BIS stuff go farm it yourself and play the game

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but why. if i want to play the game by trading, why can’t i. that’s my way of enjoying the game. I don’t understand.

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That is completely fair. But for those who are convinced that trading leads to a lesser gameplay experience, it makes sense to limit it. Even those who like trading might end up enjoying the core gameplay more, if they cant rely on trading. And if not… all games can’t be for everyone.

I totally get people wanted OPEN TRADE. My personal opinion is it opens the gates to 3rd Party Item selling sites. Some people might not care about that but for the people who do it kind of ruins the experience especially if they are left behind or cant do content simply because there not willing to shell out the Dollars for gear.
Also while Botting is probably not preventable if OPEN TRADE was available i feel there would be more instentive to Bot especially if you running the 3rd Party Site

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I understand that. However, you can’t have trading, and then not have trading.
It didn’t work for diablo 3, it will not work for diablo 4.

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What’s wrong with trading BiS gear with BiS gear? If I only play a barbarian but a BiS sorc item drops, I’ll never use it, so why can’t I trade it for a BiS barb item? What about only being able to trade BiS items for BiS items?


I agree Diablo 3 Trading was abit garbage. It sort of work but trade honestly might as well have not existed

it creates a sense of value.
if you can only trade once, then it destroy’s that.
sense of value makes finding that special item that more special.

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I can see your point of view there but again opening something to 3rd Party just means that take 2 weeks off Go to 3rd Party Site Full Deck out BIS gear for some Dollars GG. I think preventing BIS trade in a way pushes the player to play more either solo or with others to get those GG Drops rather then simply spam TradeChat for an Item

I think it it could possibly highen the value, it will lead to very wise trade decisions.

why does it matter tho? how dose what i enjoy about the game diminish you’re enjoyment?

Another point of view as as i said. Doesn’t having a value put on an item make that item feel more special? Not just, oh cool an item, i can kill a demon faster.

Not only that, but what’s the point of killing a demon faster if you can’t even trade what you are hoping to find?

Grinding becomes total moot and here we are, back to diablo 3.

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If it is made so we are only allowed to trade BiS for BiS and not trade BiS for anything else, could that not be tweaked in a way to eliminate 3rd party item sales.

I think there are valid arguements for both really. We can discuss this till the cows come home but at the end of the day its up to Blizzard. As i feel the community is overall split in how they want Trading to Work

diablo 2 has lasted so long on many things, one of them is the trading platform.

You cannot deny that. If trading isn’t how trading should be, just scrap trading all together. Seriously.

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I want trading, what I don’t want is an out of game economy where players buy and sell their gear on 3rd party websites, such as jsp. I don’t want to start a ladder season with players who have an advantage over me because they have an out of game currency they use to buy their gear.

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A lot of that D2 still working on trading comes to JSP. I got on D2 not too long ago with my brother to just have something nostalgic to play on our days off.

After getting my mf character leveled up enough and found good enough gear to mf I looked into PvP as I used to do it a LOT. Searching through games I found little to no trading games and the ones I rarely stumbled on were dead.

This led me to JSP as I have known about it from the past and found that’s where the trading happened. Well, to get the gear needed to compete with other pvp players with duped inventory full. I would have to spend years finding enough legit items through mf to “sell” on jsp to get anything…or buy with real money the forum gold.

It will always be split. To trade or not to trade, is indeed the question. You can’t simply split a game, like d2, in half to put legit players on one realm and non legit on another. This is why people do NOT want open trading for everything like d2 has. As we know they can’t split it, this can and would lead to more bots, more item saturation, online stores, and make it an unequal playing field for those who don’t want to buy with real money.

They have, I’m sure, a limit on funds per year or how ever it’s split up. To try and stop online stores and the bots that feed them, takes a lot of resources. Hints they never could control d2.