D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

I know. That’s why I said since early on (earlier part of this thread) it could be minimal when number of drops are adjusted in personal loot.


This is what I’m talking about. When this occurs, it is more likely that deflation will occur, not inflation. When talking about inflation or deflation, it’s not the number of products/items that is of the standard, it’s the price. More product on the table, demand still being the same, the price will drop. Generally speaking that is. It’s easier when talking using real money (I in no form condone real money - item transaction), but currency in D2 can change so (be it SoJ or runes).

Which is why I asked them, even in worse case, what’s so bad about items being more affordable? The only answers I can think of are, the thrill of getting certain item (as in, more about their feel over general increase in, eh, prosperity of overall playerbase), or being unable to sell certain item more expensive with real money.

Again, this is when talking about “worse” case, not when item drops are adjusted (there won’t be a scenario where items become more expensive with personal loot).

Charm inventory and Stackable gems/runes will also be cool.

Zomfg if typical D3 child will experience D2 loot system or hostile in his game he will just deinstall.

Newbies who didnt play D2 before will quit D2:R very fast ;(

I cannot wait to see them D3 stars in D2 game or in TvT lolol

/e topic: ofc loot system will be untouched, its core of diablo


Private loot would destroy diablo2 trading system. see what happened in Diablo 3 after private loot was added, there is no longer a proper trading system. With private booty comes items will be tied to accounts.

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The proof that if it looks stupid but works, it ain’t stupid. Nice comparison.

McHuh? Why does private loot require soulbound loot? Your statement makes no sense at all, one has nothing (necessarily) to do with the other.

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i totaly agree! they really should make it an option when you create a game what kind of loot option you want, shared or personal.

the multiplayer will thrive of having personal loot as an options, loads of more people will play in group

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D3 got no pros.

(this topic can be closed)

watch what happening in d3 thats the way this Devs take. in my eyes did Personal loot destroyed d3 and the dropchances in d3 are a joke. you just need a maximum of 3 days to have reached the endgame. thats anightmare in my eyes for D2

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There is no multiplayer option in D2 anyway as long as the non consensual PVP isn’t removed either. So why bother about shared loot?

Funny people have been complaining about this before D3 was a thing.

The anti personal loot people are blatantly ignoring how it would work and trying to browbeat that it will be a D3 situation.

So once again, the way non shared loot would work is everything stays exactly the same in terms of drops and MF. All items are rolled on behind the scenes by the gsme and it determines who gets what of the loot that drops. To make things feel similar all loot will drop onnthe ground. Stff you won will be colored for you. Stuff that you didn’t will be greyed out. You still have to pick things up. Players can come away empty handed.

This does it effect the economy, does not create inflation, and most importantly, it makes things fair from the standpoint of lag, reflexes, and competing against users with loot bots.

I’ve said this a few times now and yet, the 8x loot and inflationnos repeated like they are lemmings.

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because shared loot is such a trash design and really a flawed point of d2, so talking about QoL this should be on top of their list, it scares away people who dont wanna smash the screen over fight on the drops. no popular games like this have that kind of system nowdays, figure why.

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Of course it is.
But what use is personal loot when you pick it up and then the guy next to you suddenly kills you?

David Brevik in terms of D2 gameplay - “Removing the stamina bar and instancing loot are a few things I would love to see.”

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So you want D3. Hard no.

And this is his OPINION. Everyone can and should disagree.

hilarous that david out of all people have said this, so many d2 purists scream that shared loot is the best thing ever and david was a god to keep it.

QoL right her, make it happen.

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You can’t really remove stamina bar as it comes into the gameplay even at very rare occassions. There are still stamina drain monsters in D2 and fast moving melee classes outrunning monsters for too long is a problem.
For removing stamina system to work well, monsters’ awareness must be amped up which would get you ganked if you were to move too fast to run into other groups of enemies in the open. I believe with modern resolution of D2R, they thought about that and applied the proper changes to artificial intelligence to seek player efficiently already.

That’s where my view split with the Brevik. I rather see the stamina scaled better and come into active combat at gameplay of certain builds or when versing against specific monsters, instead of completely removed.
Dodge or blocking may drain your stamina as well as casting some buffs or problematic spells that cause stutters when spammed (read the announcement about that 6-7 months ago). Aura enchanted monsters with Might or Blessed Aim can have a stamina drain ability embed into the main skill as well. That both buffs Paladins (Charge-Vigor-BH builds) yet makes stamina in combat important.

If not, then I rather prefer it to stay that way. Just carry a few potions of stamina to gulp down which doesn’t take much space and problem solves itself. If you stuff your entire inventory with charms only to the brim, it’s on your own.

This dont need to be changed, its a part of original d2 and part of competion when you play multiplayer. Personal loot will let leechers to get items whithout ever go in the battle lol