D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

No, currently the best way to magic find for a legit player is not to look for public Baal games. Especially those ran by bots (pretty much all public hell Baal games).

For uniques in general, do something like Mephisto. For the rarest uniques do lvl 85 areas. For runes, charms, and socketables run lvl 85 areas or something like arcane sanc or countess.

Running in large parties gives more xp, not more gear. Look for items on your own or with a small group of friends to maximize loot. Big parties are for experience (and free for all items should you come into any).

I wouldn’t mind having /players x command in the remaster. This is like the shared stash and muling, this can happen through legit manipulation for players and is especially easy to do in single player.

How individual loot affects what?

If you have individual loot from Baal runs in 8 player games that’s going to change the game a lot. Like I said, the best place to run for everything is now 8 player Baal/Diablo runs for xp and loot. The game is now only about grinding instead of magic finding imo. A bad change.

Currently you’re better off seeking loot on your own or in small groups though you can come across loot both ways. If you want to push for 99 then you run public Baal games, you will still get loot especially if you’re not following a bot around or if you run baals with your friends. Most people want to be generous if they are your friend imo.

Tell me… How individual instance loot impacts that actually? Because I really fail to find a thread or connection between them.

Nobody ever said anything about increasing item find chance per player even further, we’re talking about randomly dividing it. Instanced loot is an individual system that does NOT guarantee any item drop from any monster. You can have zilch if you get to randomly have bad luck.
Again, this sort of thing can easily bypassed by allowing shared loot in a party and individual neutral players have instanced loot apart from everyone.

You’re asking the same questions I already answered. Scroll up if you want to see my reasoning. I am not on a PC at the moment and wont repeat myself. See my response about baal runs for example instead of accusing me of having not answering something ive answered multiple times with all of my reasons simply because you cant handle competing for loot in a game designed around the best loot being a massive challenge to obtain.

D2 lasted 21 years with an active community for a reason. No reason to make the game easier for those who cant handle it in 2021.

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Not everyone have good friends and public games can be filled with bots.

Yoinking an item away from someone doesn’t add any “gameplay”. It only proves some people have bad latency.

When I look at PoE I think they’re doign fine too “gameplay” wise. Look at google trends and compare games to see how they fare. If it ends up with forcing people to have friends, this doesn’t add up with what sort of scams you can face out there.

You mean this one here?

Nobody ever said that. Nobody ever talking about increasing loot drops, but randomly dividing them and no nobody ever said a word about having smart loot either.
In Diablo 2 you get rewarded just by having people in your party. Have a leech there? Remove him so he gets instanced loot instead of shared loot with rest of party. We’re asking to bypass that even but you purists talk about feelings and repeating that you answered that before every time when we asked how this would impact the game. What kind of straw arguments am I even reading.

95% of the time you dont get the item, its due to being too slow. Not ping. For the rare occurrence its ping, then theres always the next baal run. And this is with current BNET, It won’t even be as bad with the remaster. No one wants you joining Hell Baal runs constantly and always getting 100% of the items that drop, whether divided or not, it dropped and you have no competition picking it up now? This affects the loot system IMMENSELY. No thank you. I like competing for loot if Im just going to leech off Baal runs.

Randomly dividing drops is just as bad, so the Kill is based off my sorc’s mf but now the lvl 35 naked necro gets some of the drops just because of RNG? No. Compete for it. None of that RNG dividing loot garbage. No diluting the value of loot please. What isnt broken doesnt need fixing.

If this system is unfavorable to you, then the game clearly isnt for you. You have D3 and D4 coming as well. No need to give a turn a classic ARPG into a Modern ARPG because its too difficult. It really just sounds like this isn’t the game for you.

Why encourage group play some old D2 players like the offline solo option a lot got mad with d3 online only in the forum’s a lot of people are asking for D4 to have an offline mode
Not everyone wants to group up

Look at Path of Exile, game has both trading and individual loot.

Then take our idea as an opinion as well. Original game meant to kept that ideal for sure. Over hundreds of posts purists like you entered this thread and mocked people by repeating the keywords “feeling” and claiming “they answered that before”.

Then developers allow shared loot for parties and that poor necro gets separated if he’s not in. Same thing may apply if that necro get to best you at faster clicking too. you know?

This is your words. World is not fair then you’re complaining about RNG being not fair? How does that even work? You’re complaining about one run? There’s always a next one.

The best items in the game should never be earned by following around a bot or by leaching from your high level friend. This is getting awful.

Magic find it by yourself or with a small group of friends, or with a clan like has been done for 20 years. Leave D2 as it is, it already has the best system. Private loot if for other Diablos.

If you look at it that way they shouldn’t be able to be bought from ebay for a few cents either. But they do.

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this is one of the reason why i think PL might be the way to go. i mean if they can 100% get rid of cheats, hacks, bots, or duping then i wouldn’t mind the current system. but trying to beat pickit users to loot is mission impossible and is really friggin frustrating. i have my doubts that blizz will even do anything about it though.

A fool and his money are soon departed. I don’t derive enjoyment from purchasing items so I don’t. To those that want to drop $20 for an enigma, I think that’s fine.

However I don’t think magic finding should fundamentally change to where the most efficient thing to do is run Baal 24/7. Which let’s face it, 8 player chaos sanc or Throne, 1/8th of that loot is going to be substantial. And there will be a lot of players that follow around bots, high levels, high level friends, etc leaching loot and exp - and why the heck would they not, it’s super op!

I think loot finding is spot on as D2 is. Private loot is a downgrade for D2 and doesn’t belong in a D2 Remaster because D2 isn’t like that and never has been.

Shared loot for D4 the way to go as well

D4 can do what it wants. I hope D2 R crushes it and I can forget this new series of Diablo ever existed. I hope D2R does well and I get more D2 content and more D2 like media in the future.

I hope for D2 expansions at this point, D4 looks like D3 to me. I miss D2, D2 is/was perfect. Why did the sequel feature so many changes, like why did the perspective change to super zoomed in for instance? Why does D2R visually look better than D4?

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D4 pvp zones will be personal loot or free for all?
If you kill X player to take there shards, what happens if two people attacked that char.
The shards are halved and dropped as personal for party?
The shards are full amount and free for all for everyone or nonparty that attacked said target?

They will never, ever, ever get rid of all cheats, hacks and bots - and that’s not being critical of Blizzard especially - it’s just simple reality.

Instanced loot (aka personal loot) is a far more equitable system:

  1. D2, as DAMNED! good as it is, isn’t perfect.
  2. Hacks such as PickIt will be used if D2:R remains stuck on shared loot.
  3. Even without PickIt, shared loot rewards, at least in part, proximity to the server above everything else.
  4. Shared loot also rewards the leecher, who was standing back, not DPS’ing, but “click-triggered” on the ground next to the mob waiting for the loot to drop.

I just don’t see how those points can be argued against, and while some in favour of shared loot have argued their case politely and diligently, I haven’t yet seen an argument that actually addresses any of those points.


While original game itself is 20$ who do you think will give that sum of money for one item? We’re in 2021, 20 years later the game came out.

Player number increases the chance that you get something extra, at 8 players it’s 1-[(0.75)^8] = 0.90 rate. This can be scaled if developers decide it; I’m not saying it’s easy but it’s not impossible to shift some numbers.

Is there not already? Baal bot runs? Luckily developers promised on new tools in the shelves to be involved to catch those types.

No argument from me about that. I just fail to see the impact but if it’s not justified, certainly developers will preserve it as it is.

Why do anything as a group? Life would be pretty pointless if you are doing everything alone all the time. As I’ve said over and over, as it is now, playing alone is much more favourable in terms of obtaining loot. In fact, it is not even close (about 3x better than an 8 player party dividing loot equally, and that doesn’t even factor in unique/boss monsters which skew it even further).

If you want to play alone, that is perfectly fine. As I said earlier, the fact that unique monsters always drop an item means that solo play will always be effective if you choose to do so. As far as single player is concerned, leave the ability to use the /playersx command in the game to increase exp/drops for those players.

I actually expect the price to be considerably higher upon release. But it’s all speculation.

It’s not though. Is it equitable that someone followed around a Baal bot and got loot from content that they can’t do on their own? Are we forcing everyone to follow a bot around now so they don’t get left behind? Shared loot easily makes the game worse.

You’re ignoring the flip side of the coin, as I already explained in my previous post, shared loot will have a similar effect, except this time it’s the leecher, standing near the boss, hovering their mouse over the expected loot drop area, not damaging the boss in any way, just waiting for the loot to drop.

Yes, instance loot also allows leechers to get loot via the individual distribution of said loot, but shared loot allows them to get it just as much (if not in fact even more), just via a different way.

Yes, but currently legit players don’t usually follow them around. The bots have pickit so you don’t get any drops and you don’t really need to do anything. It’s super boring and mostly the only reward is xp and chatting. I personally choose to do my own runs for xp or loot or do the runs with my girlfriend.

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